- 名price level

The price leverage is an important instrument which can be employed by the government to regulate the economic movement and to stablize the price level .
PPB is fairness to each kind of user , and ISPs can also use price lever to optimize the network traffic and configure network resources properly .
Realizing Effective Control of Water Resources by Use of Price Leverage
Applying Price Leverage to Promote the Development of Environmental Conservation Industry
Experimental study on the leverage adjustment of cigarette price
As an important method of macro-economy control , pricing macro-control has strong theoretical basis .
Make Use of Price Lever Mechanism to Expedite the Work of Organ Transplantation in Our Country
It 's helpful to reasonably adjust the relationship of parking demand and supply using price lever .
The tariff policy has played an important price-leverage role in the development of the mobile telephone services .
Using price standard should be coordinated with relative conditions and the necessary security from administrative and legal methods .
Secondly , the current resources tax law should be revised so that price lever could promote the resources economy .
In the establishment of water-saving society , price leverage is a useful tool for balancing water supply and demand .
To change these disequilibrium conditions , we need to depend on quantity adjustments more in addition to use price leverage .
And last , only on those goods and services which are of special may the government employ the price leverage .
The new model reflects the customers ' response to the change of price and can induce the result of load adjustment .
This paper has explored the functional orientation of price lever in the adjustment of the economic structure in the Jialing River Valley .
The lever of price is one of the major means of the Indian government to conduct macro-economic regulation in Indian market economy .
Using health care reimbursement system . The lever of price and other measures to guide ordinary people choosing the suitable medical activities .
The issues about using pesticide product ( taxes and the ) role of the price lever to control pesticide pollution are also discussed .
Accounting system not only makes the ISP to gain the repayment , but the lever of price can adjust the usage of the resource .
This article explores resource assignment in area market using lever of price and quantitative analysis of the relationship between sales price and sales quantity .
Discuss the project of adjusting water resources configuration with the price lever in different departments as the reasonable water price is established in Guanzhong area .
Thesis put forward that the new fares system provides the supply and demand information between airlines and passengers by means of the price lever according to market mechanism .
We must establish and improve the indemnifying system of ecological benefit in the Western areas and make full use of the role of price leverage to promote the ecological balance .
As an important price leverage in open economy , the decision of the real exchange rate equilibrium has noticeable theoretical orientation significance to promote macroeconomic achieve the internal and external balance .
Facing serious water crisis , an important measure is to use price to reflect and adjust the supply and demand of water resources effectively in addition to macro-control under the condition of market economy .
This year , Sanya has regulated holiday-tourism market by price-lever to adjust supply and demand contradictions However , this act stems from partial benefit and has resulted in some unfavorable influence on the overall holiday-tourism economy .
The development of mobile communication in china has passed through the following three stages : exploiting , developing , and popularizing . And rates policy of mobile communication has great effect on adjusting price during the three developing stages .
Severe consequences as a result of long-term low water fee make people realized that raising water fee so as to save water by the leverage of price is an important measure to protect water resources and diminish crisis of water .
And then , it analyses the reason why the phenomenon appears and spreads in such perspectives as supply and demand orientation of the market , leverage mechanism of the price , social medical insurance system and psychological contract between doctors and patients .