
jià ɡé ɡànɡ ɡǎn
  • price level
  1. 价格杠杆是国家调控经济运行,稳定价格水平的重要手段。

    The price leverage is an important instrument which can be employed by the government to regulate the economic movement and to stablize the price level .

  2. 采用PPB计费,不仅能使不同用户享有公平性,服务提供商也可利用价格杠杆优化网络流量,合理配置网络资源。

    PPB is fairness to each kind of user , and ISPs can also use price lever to optimize the network traffic and configure network resources properly .

  3. 运用价格杠杆,实现水资源有效控制

    Realizing Effective Control of Water Resources by Use of Price Leverage

  4. 运用价格杠杆,促进环境保护产业的发展

    Applying Price Leverage to Promote the Development of Environmental Conservation Industry

  5. 卷烟价格杠杆调节的实证研究

    Experimental study on the leverage adjustment of cigarette price

  6. 价格杠杆作为国家宏观经济调控的重要手段,有其坚实的理论基础。

    As an important method of macro-economy control , pricing macro-control has strong theoretical basis .

  7. 运用价格杠杆机制推动我国器官移植工作

    Make Use of Price Lever Mechanism to Expedite the Work of Organ Transplantation in Our Country

  8. 另外,合理地利用价格杠杆调节停车供需关系,具有明显的调节空间。

    It 's helpful to reasonably adjust the relationship of parking demand and supply using price lever .

  9. 中国电信移动电话业务发展迅速是令人瞩目的,资费政策发挥了重要的价格杠杆调节作用。

    The tariff policy has played an important price-leverage role in the development of the mobile telephone services .

  10. 价格杠杆的运用还需相关条件的配合,既需要其他经济政策、手段及杠杆的配套使用,也需要行政和法律手段提供必要的保障。

    Using price standard should be coordinated with relative conditions and the necessary security from administrative and legal methods .

  11. 其次,深化资源税费改革,运用价格杠杆促进资源节约;

    Secondly , the current resources tax law should be revised so that price lever could promote the resources economy .

  12. 建设节水型社会要运用价格杠杆平衡水资源的供需,并通过水价调整促进水资源供给链改革。

    In the establishment of water-saving society , price leverage is a useful tool for balancing water supply and demand .

  13. 为了改变这种非均衡的性质,除了运用价格杠杆来调节市场外,更多的是要借助于数量调整。

    To change these disequilibrium conditions , we need to depend on quantity adjustments more in addition to use price leverage .

  14. 只有那些具备特殊性质的商品和劳务才是政府运用价格杠杆的对象。

    And last , only on those goods and services which are of special may the government employ the price leverage .

  15. 新模型体现了用户响应,通过价格杠杆作用调节了用户需求,达到了峰谷调节的效果。

    The new model reflects the customers ' response to the change of price and can induce the result of load adjustment .

  16. 该文剖析了价格杠杆在嘉陵江流域经济结构的调整与升级中的作用取向。

    This paper has explored the functional orientation of price lever in the adjustment of the economic structure in the Jialing River Valley .

  17. 在印度市场经济中,价格杠杆是政府进行宏观调控的重要工具之一。

    The lever of price is one of the major means of the Indian government to conduct macro-economic regulation in Indian market economy .

  18. 其次,通过利用医疗报销体制、价格杠杆等措施导向老百姓的就医行为。

    Using health care reimbursement system . The lever of price and other measures to guide ordinary people choosing the suitable medical activities .

  19. 此外,还就征收农药产品税以及发挥价格杠杆作用控制农药污染问题作了探讨。

    The issues about using pesticide product ( taxes and the ) role of the price lever to control pesticide pollution are also discussed .

  20. 网络计费系统不仅可以使运营商的运作得到合理回报,而且利用价格杠杆还可以有效地调节、控制用户对网络资源的使用。

    Accounting system not only makes the ISP to gain the repayment , but the lever of price can adjust the usage of the resource .

  21. 通过定量分析销价与销量的关系,利用价格杠杆,探索区域市场的资源配置。

    This article explores resource assignment in area market using lever of price and quantitative analysis of the relationship between sales price and sales quantity .

  22. 探讨关中地区达到合理水价(成本核算水价加水资源自身价值量)时,不同用水部门价格杠杆调整水资源配置方案。

    Discuss the project of adjusting water resources configuration with the price lever in different departments as the reasonable water price is established in Guanzhong area .

  23. 指出新型的民航运价以市场为基准,以价格杠杆为主要调节手法,提供航空公司和市场乘客之间的供求信息。

    Thesis put forward that the new fares system provides the supply and demand information between airlines and passengers by means of the price lever according to market mechanism .

  24. 必须建立和健全西部地区生态效益补偿机制,充分利用价格杠杆的作用促进西部地区的生态平衡。

    We must establish and improve the indemnifying system of ecological benefit in the Western areas and make full use of the role of price leverage to promote the ecological balance .

  25. 作为开放经济中的重要价格杠杆,均衡实际汇率水平的决定对于促进宏观经济实现内外均衡具有重大的理论导向意义。

    As an important price leverage in open economy , the decision of the real exchange rate equilibrium has noticeable theoretical orientation significance to promote macroeconomic achieve the internal and external balance .

  26. 在严峻的水危机形势下,利用价格杠杆反映水资源的供需信息,已成为市场经济条件下除政府调控以外的有效调节水资源供求关系的重要手段。

    Facing serious water crisis , an important measure is to use price to reflect and adjust the supply and demand of water resources effectively in addition to macro-control under the condition of market economy .

  27. 三亚今年运用价格杠杆调控假日旅游市场供需矛盾,尝试经营假日旅游市场,但它是从局部利益出发的,对海南整体假日旅游经济有不良影响。

    This year , Sanya has regulated holiday-tourism market by price-lever to adjust supply and demand contradictions However , this act stems from partial benefit and has resulted in some unfavorable influence on the overall holiday-tourism economy .

  28. 中国移动电话业务的发展经历了开拓、发展、普及三个阶段,在这三个阶段中,资费政策直接影响着业务的发展,发挥了十分重要的价格杠杆调节作用。

    The development of mobile communication in china has passed through the following three stages : exploiting , developing , and popularizing . And rates policy of mobile communication has great effect on adjusting price during the three developing stages .

  29. 长期以来低廉的水价所引发的一系列恶果使人们充分认识到:提高水价,利用价格杠杆促进节约用水,是保护水资源、缓解水资源危机的一项重要措施。

    Severe consequences as a result of long-term low water fee make people realized that raising water fee so as to save water by the leverage of price is an important measure to protect water resources and diminish crisis of water .

  30. 然后分别从市场供需导向、价格杠杆机制、社会医保制度和医患之间心理契约等几个方面挖掘出该现象出现并繁殖的原因。

    And then , it analyses the reason why the phenomenon appears and spreads in such perspectives as supply and demand orientation of the market , leverage mechanism of the price , social medical insurance system and psychological contract between doctors and patients .