
  1. 李书福如今对谈判气氛的形容是“艰难但非常友好”。

    Mr Li now describes the mood of the talks as " difficult but very friendly " .

  2. 中方反对任何一方采取对抗施压等破坏谈判气氛的做法。

    China is opposed to any attempt by any party to resort to confrontation or impose pressure that poisons the negotiation atmosphere .

  3. 谈判的气氛是甲息性的。

    The mood of the negotiations was placatory .

  4. 扩建犹太定居点和巴勒斯坦每天向加沙地带发动火箭袭击破坏了谈判的气氛,从而使和平协议能否在今年年底之前达成存有疑问。

    Settlement expansion and daily Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza have soured the atmosphere , putting the goal of a peace agreement by the end of the year in doubt .

  5. 认为他已过于虚弱,无法完全掌权的说法与朝核谈判的气氛转变倒是相符,不过话说回来,平壤方面的外交政策一贯都反复无常。

    The suggestion he is too frail to be fully in charge tallies with a change of tone in nuclear disarmament talks , but then Pyongyang 's diplomacy has been consistently erratic .

  6. 伊朗外长穆塔基表示,围绕伊朗有争议的核项目举行的谈判出现新的气氛。

    Iran 's foreign minister says there is a new atmosphere in talks centered on his country 's controversial nuclear program .

  7. 另外,在谈判中保持良好的谈判气氛和高度忍耐力对于取得好的谈判结果也非常重要。

    In addition , keeping good negotiation climate and high level of patience also were very important to the obtainment of good negotiation outcomes .