
shānɡ yè yǔ yán
  • Business language;commercial language
  1. 会计作为国际商业语言和反映财务状况的晴雨表,面临着诸多挑战。

    Accounting , as the weatherglass to reflect commercial language and financial situation , has faced a lot of challenges .

  2. 随着经济全球化浪潮的掀起,作为商业语言的会计同样面临着国际化的抉择。

    With the rising of integration of global economy , accounting as the commercial language is confronted with the internationalization .

  3. EAN/UCC系统作为全球性的商业语言(TheGlobalLanguageofBusiness),已经成为数据采集、数据交换领域事实上的国际标准。

    EAN / UCC system is taking the role of The Global language of Business . In fact . it already became international standards in the data acquisition , electronic data Interchange domain .

  4. 我国加入WTO以后会计作为国际通用的商业语言,在促进国际贸易、国际资本流动和国际经济交流等方面的作用将更加突出,加快会计国际化的步伐显得日益紧迫;

    After entering the WTO , Accounting , as a common business language , is playing increasingly important role in international trade . capital exchange and international economic communication .

  5. 适逢中国加入WTO,作为特殊商业语言的会计报告需要增强其通用性。

    As china joined the WTO , business accounting reports , which are regarded as especial business language are the bridge and the key to the world economics connection .

  6. 场景3:商业语言,关于如何通过DSL使对规范对于客户来说可读性与可校验性更强(42:53)

    Act3 : Business Language , on how to use a DSL to make specifications readable and verifyable for the client ( 42:53 )

  7. 为企业和剧院协作的课程辅导老师斯图亚特•德尔夫斯(StuartDelves)表示:人们对于商业语言感到厌倦。

    Stuart Delves , a course tutor who writes for business and the theatre , says : People get jaded about language in corporations .

  8. 然而,与Bryce先生不同,我认为程序员必须学会使用商业语言,学会与客户进行直接交流并了解他们的需要。

    I believe that programmers must learn speaking business language , communicate directly with customers and understand their needs .

  9. Genericode是在高级结构化信息标准组织(OASIS)的规范通用商业语言(UBL)技术协会(见参考资料)中开始使用的。

    Genericode started within the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ( OASIS ) specification Universal Business Language ( UBL ) technical committee ( see Resources ) .

  10. 必须懂得商业语言并且具备相关行业和领域的技能。

    Must understand the business language and have industry and domain skills .

  11. 天才员工一词已渗透到商业语言之中。

    The phrase talented employee permeated the language of business .

  12. 据说会计是“商业语言”。

    It has been said that Accounting is the language of business .

  13. 市场经济是法治经济,而会计又是一种通用的商业语言,因此,市场经济条件下会计法律关系作为会计法理论的基本范畴之一,有着重要的研究意义。

    Market economy is a law-ruled economy and accounting is a universal business language .

  14. 她需要外部视角以及学习商业语言的机会。

    She needed outside perspective and the chance to learn the language of business .

  15. 深刻的研究,通过本课程的学习,学生将学习掌握一些基本知识的商业语言。

    Through studying this course , students will master some basic knowledge of business language .

  16. 迪拜的官方语言为阿拉伯语,但英语是最主要的商业语言。

    Dubai 's official language is Arabic , but English is the main language of business .

  17. 作为一种商业语言,会计英语在现代商业中发挥着特别重要的作用。

    As the language of business , accounting plays an important role in the world of modern business .

  18. 会计被公认为国际通用的商业语言,是沟通国内市场与国际大市场的重要媒介。

    Accounting is regarded as an internationally accepted commercial language , is an important media communicating home market and international market .

  19. 引入外国商业语言并强加到新员工身上,并不能建立“健康的全球性商业气氛”。

    Importing and then imposing alien business language on new staff does not build " a healthy business climate globally " .

  20. 会计作为一种通用的商业语言,其信息披露的程度、好坏直接影响市场经济秩序。

    Accounting is a universal business language , the extent of its disclosure , a direct impact on the market economic order .

  21. 数百万人学习英语的原因非常简单:英语是国际商业语言,因此也是走向繁荣的关键。

    The reason millions are learning it is simple : it is the language of international business and therefore the key to prosperity .

  22. 好消息是,你已经拥有了在中国工作的语言资本:英语仍然是全球商业语言。

    The good news is that you already have the linguistic wherewithal to work in China : English remains the language of global business .

  23. 在市场经济条件下,会计准则作为国际通用的商业语言,国际化趋势越来越明显。

    Under the condition of market economy , accounting criteria , as a general international business language , is getting more and more internationalized .

  24. 语言是大众传播工具,财务会计作为通用商业语言的经济信息传播功能也是不言而喻的。

    Since language is a mass communication tool , financial accounting , being a universe business language , has a self-evident function of transmitting economic information .

  25. 作为一种企业与外界交流的商业语言,财务报表在经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As a kind of commercialese with which enterprises interact the outside world , the financial statements are playing an increasingly important role in economic life .

  26. 会计已是被全球公认的商业语言,是国内各企业之间、国内企业与国外企业之间进行经济交流与合作的重要工具。

    Accounting has been universally acknowledged as " business language ", serving as important tools of economic exchanges and cooperation between domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises .

  27. 英语作为一种商业语言而日益为人们所接受,用英语来拟订合同也已经成为对外贸易活动的一种惯常做法。

    Since English is universally accepted as a commercial language , it is a usual practice in our foreign trade to contract in the English language .

  28. 会计信息作为一种社会通用的商业语言,承担着向外界传递经济活动信息的重要职责。

    Accounting information is a kind of common commercial language in the current society which undertakes the important responsibility of transferring the message to the outside world .

  29. 随着经济全球化的发展,会计作为一种通用的商业语言,其理论方法和实务在不断创新。

    With the great impact of globalization of economy , accountancy has become a general commercial language , whose theoretical method and innovational practice are continuously going on .

  30. 每年,我都认为情况已糟糕到了无以复加的地步,商业语言的钟摆必定会朝着简单明了的方向回归。

    Every year , I decide that things have got as bad as they can get and the pendulum must be about to swing back to clarity and simplicity .