
  • 网络trade secret right
  1. 浅析侵害商业秘密权的损害赔偿

    The Simply Analysis of Indemnity for Infringement of Trade Secret Right

  2. 商业秘密权的知识产权属性&兼论知识产权的性质

    Trade Secret Right : A Kind of Intellectual Property Right

  3. 第二章,域外反垄断法对商业秘密权滥用的规制。

    Chapter ⅱ, extra-territorial antitrust regulation on misuse of trade secrets .

  4. 接着探讨了商业秘密权的取得以及利用方式。

    Then explore how to gain and use the trade secrets .

  5. 第三节是商业秘密权滥用的基本问题分析。

    Section ⅲ, The basic problem of trade secrets abusement .

  6. 浅析商业秘密权的定义和法律属性

    Preliminary Analysis on the Definition of Business Secret Rights and Their Legal Attributes

  7. 第二节是商业秘密权的实施与反垄断法之间的关系。

    Section ⅱ, The relationship between the implementation of trade secrets and antitrust laws .

  8. 商业秘密权权利限制问题涉及的范围很广。

    Restriction upon trade-secret right covers widely .

  9. 股东知情权与公司商业秘密权的冲突与协调

    Conflict and Coordination of Shareholder 's Rights to Know and Company 's Right of Business Confidence

  10. 在当代社会,保护商业秘密权和保护劳动者利益都很重要。

    In modern society , protecting commercial secret right and interest of laborer are both important .

  11. 论商业秘密权

    On the right of commercial secrets

  12. 由于其客体的秘密特性,商业秘密权还具有诸多自身的特点。

    Due to the secret feature of the objects , commercial secret has its own characters .

  13. 商业秘密权具有知识产权属性。

    Commercial secret right has attributes of knowledge right , it 's a kind of rising knowledge right .

  14. 对商业秘密权权利限制的研究,不仅对商业秘密法律制度的完善具有重要的理论意义,而且对促进我国商业秘密保护立法及相关法律的完善也有着重要的现实意义。

    The research upon the trade-secret restriction sheds light on the improvement of trade-secret regulations both theoretically and practically .

  15. 企业商业秘密权与劳动者职业选择权的冲突与协调

    On the Resolvents to the Conflict between the Right of Enterprises Business Secret and the Right of Laborers to Choose Occupation

  16. 约定竞业禁止是以限制劳动者劳动权的手段来保护用人单位的商业秘密权的制度。

    Contractual prohibition of business strife is to protect the right of business secrecy by means of limiting labourer 's working right .

  17. 正确处理商业秘密权损害赔偿是知识产权领域工作中经常遇到的问题。

    It is the problem that how to handle the indemnity for infringement of trade secret right in intellectual property realm correctly .

  18. 世界各国消费者权益保护中生产者的商业秘密权与消费者的消费知情权就存在义务冲突问题。

    In the law of international consumers rights , the producers ' rights of business confidential conflict with the consumers ' rights of being in the know .

  19. 关于发明创造保护的权利模式,应根据发明创造自身的情况及专利权、商业秘密权的法律特征加以确定。

    About the right mode of invention , we should confirm it according to its own situation and the legal characteristics of patent right and trade secret right .

  20. 当前,我国采取的是以著作权保护为主,专利权、商业秘密权保护为辅的计算机软件知识产权保护的综合立法模式。

    At present , China mainly adopted is copyright , patent , trade secret protection of intellectual property protection of computer software , supplemented by a comprehensive legislative model .

  21. 商业秘密权的法律保护不仅有利于促进科技创新成果的研究开发,推动社会进步和经济发展,而且也有利于维护健康有序的市场竞争秩序。

    Protection of trade secret right by law is beneficial not only to the development of innovation results , but also to the competition environments of the market-oriented economy .

  22. 自主择业权和商业秘密权的地位是平等的,应当用明晰、准确的法律规定彼此的合理界限,以使良性互动,协调发展。

    The right of freely choosing jobs and the right of business secrets are equal in status and shall be defined properly by using clear and correct legal prescriptions .

  23. 但由于经济飞速发展,商业秘密权凭借自身的实用性和价值性,逐渐成为企业竞争中至关重要的资源优势。

    But with the rapid economic development , due to its practical value and economic value , trade secrets have become a vital resource advantages in the enterprise competition .

  24. 商业秘密权作为知识产权的第四空间,具有知识产权的一般属性,包括人身权和财产权两大内容。

    The right of commercial secrets as " the forth space " of intellectual property right has a common feature of intellectual property including personal right and property right .

  25. 而从上市公司与投资者之间的关系来看,二者所享有的法律权利,即商业秘密权与股东信息权之间存在着冲突。

    From listed companies and investors look at the relationship between the two enjoy the legal rights commercial secrecy and shareholders the right to information there is a conflict between .

  26. 在这部分,从属性、概念、主客体、内容、构成要件以及权利限制等多方面对商业秘密权进行分析,从而确立商业秘密立法保护的范围。

    In this part , the author analyses the characteristics , concept , subject and object , content , constitute factor of trade secrets , establishes the scope of trade secrets legal protection .

  27. 因此,研究商业秘密权权利限制问题,对于维护第三人的合法权利、保障劳动者的正当权益及维护社会公共利益,都具有重要的价值。

    So it is of great value to discuss restriction on trade-secret , which is beneficial for protecting the legal right of the third person , of the labors together with social public benefits .

  28. 在雇佣关系中,商业秘密权的保护与择业自由权的保护存在着冲突,是保护商业秘密的难点。

    In the relationship of employment , there is conflict between the protection of business secret and the right of choosing career freely . So it is the difficult point of protecting business secret .

  29. 在比较国内刑法理论界一些学者关于本罪犯罪客体观点的基础上,阐述了该罪客体为商业秘密权及商业秘密权的具体内容。

    The author also describes the crime object of the right of business secret in details on the basis of the comparison between Chinese and foreign viewpoints on the crime object of this crime .

  30. 从周延的保护商业秘密权的本质出发,运用法经济学有关产权界定和法理中有关民事权利分类的理论来分析,可以发现,将商业秘密权界定为一种新兴的知识产权是恰当的。

    In order to protect business ( secrets ), according to the theory of economics and law , it is proper to define the business secret rights as a kind of intellectual property rights .