
shānɡ yè qū
  • downtown;town;business quarter/district;commercial district/area
  1. 我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗?

    Can you give me a lift into town ?

  2. 他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。

    He left a job in the City to take up farming

  3. 一名来自伦敦商业区的商人骗取了投资者们数百万英镑。

    A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds

  4. 该中心是步行商业区,正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。

    The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle .

  5. 克拉伦斯街是中央商业区北段部分的主干路之一。

    Clarence Street was one of the northbound arteries of the central business district .

  6. 伦敦商业区典型的奢侈挥霍的年轻商业银行家

    a typical City merchant banking yahoo .

  7. 我开车在商业区转了转。

    I drove around the business district .

  8. 当伦敦商业区的大公司削减他们的娱乐活动开支,我们就知道世道真的变得艰难了。

    When big City firms cut down on their entertainments , we shall know that times really are hard

  9. 北京最热闹的商业区是王府井大街一带。

    The busiest shopping district in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street .

  10. 到商业区不过一英里。

    It 's no more than one mile to the shops .

  11. 这买卖是由伦敦商业区的小营业所管理的。

    The business is conducted from small offices in the city .

  12. 这个商业区布局紧凑。

    The shopping area has a compact layout .

  13. 人们对城镇化蓝图的构筑范围不断扩大,从新的商业区发展到经济开发区,再发展到地图上从未有过的新城市。

    The scope of urban ambition today ranges from new business districts to special economic zones to entirely new cities never before on the map .

  14. 在牙买加、英格兰东北部以及加拿大和美国部分地区,主要的商业区则用FrontStreet表示。

    In Jamaica , North East England and some sections of Canada and the United States , the main commercial district is Front Street .

  15. 这个小镇已划作商业区

    This small town has been zoned as a shopping area .

  16. 土壤Cu含量为商业区工业区居民区公共绿地农业区。

    The Cu content of the soil sizes as : Business district Industrial areas Residential areas Public green Agricultural areas .

  17. 老格林威治(人口6600人)的中心地带,是位于主干道桑德海滩大道(SoundBeachAvenue)的一片商业区。

    The heart of Old Greenwich ( population 6,600 ) is its business district on Sound Beach Avenue , the main thoroughfare .

  18. 美国郊区有购物中心,称作mall(步行商业区),而居民通常需要有一部车去购物。

    Suburban American has shopping centers called malls and residents usually need a care to get around .

  19. 这款3D身材扫描仪之前仅在高端商店使用,现在已普及至繁华商业区,顾客使用这款扫描仪就可以买到合身、漂亮的牛仔裤了。

    Previously available only in high-end shops , a 3D body scanner is being trialled on the high street – and promises to point shoppers to denim that fits and flatters .

  20. 女:我非常喜欢Soho商业区,那里真的是个购物的好去处。

    W : I really like Soho because there 's lots of great shopping to do .

  21. 广州城市游憩商业区(RBD)的形成与发展

    The formation and development of recreational business district in Guangzhou City

  22. 五月份,EDITION酒店正式亮相伊斯坦布尔商业区,W酒店也是在这个东西方交汇的城市开始了其欧洲攻势。

    In May , an edition hotel officially debuted in its first corporate location in a business district of Istanbul , the East-meets-West city where w launched its European push .

  23. 古都西安城市游憩商业区(RBD)形成机制

    The Formative Mechanism of Urban Recreational Business District in Ancient Capital Xi ' an City

  24. 城市游憩商业区(RBD)对城市发展的影响

    The Influence of RBD on Urban Development

  25. 土壤Mn含量以居民区最高,然后依次为工业区、公共绿地、商业区、农业区,各功能区之间差异不大。

    The differences between the various functional areas of Cr content are not significant . The Mn content of the soil sizes as : Residential areas Industrial areas Public green Business district Agricultural area .

  26. 基于系统控制论的城市游憩商业区(TBD)研究&以福州市为例

    The Research of Tourism Business District Based on System Control Theroy & Taking Fuzhou as an example

  27. Hins把她烘烤的面包出售给附近科帕卡巴纳餐厅和商业区企业。

    Hins sells her baked goods to businesses and restaurants in neighboring Copacabana .

  28. NO3-N、NO2-N的平均EMC值顺序为:交通区>工业区>商业区>居民区;

    The order of mean EMCs of N0_3-N NO_2-N is : traffic area > industrial area > commercial area > residential area .

  29. 本研究的目的是对城市中心商业区(CBD)内的公交线路实施合理管理,减少CBD内过于集中的公交线路和停车站点对道路交通和商店街景观的影响,削减CBD内的交通公害。

    This study aims to proper manage bus lines and bus stops in CBD , to reduce the negative impacts of dense bus lines on road traffic and landscape in CBD , and to improve tail gas emission , traffic noise and vibration .

  30. 另外商业区初雨径流中COD、SS、TN、NH4+-N浓度均高于其他功能区,工业区初雨径流中TP浓度高于商业区和居民区。

    Min runoff were below grade ⅴ of surface water environment standard . In initial runoff of commercial district , the concentrations of COD , SS , TN and NH + 4-N are higher than those of other districts as well as the concentration of TP in industrial district .