
shānɡ yè xìn yù
  • Business reputation;commercial standing;commercial goodwill
  1. 多年来光大电子机房设备厂以其硬朗产品质量,良好的商业信誉,严格的企业管理,迅速发展着。

    For many years brilliant electronic engine room plant by its hale and hearty product quality , good commercial standing , strict business management , rapidly expand .

  2. 华昌机械全体员工以一流的产品、完善的售后服务、诚信不欺的商业信誉竭诚为新老客户服务!

    Huachang machinery all the staffs will offer the best service solid tyres may be traced back whereby honesty commercial standing faithfully serves vast old and new customers !

  3. 我方相信该供应商的商业信誉。

    We are convinced of the commercial integrity of the supplier .

  4. 数年来公司在行业中建立了良好的企业形象和商业信誉。

    Excellent image and business trust have been established upon years'operation .

  5. (三)丧失商业信誉;

    ( iii ) It has lost its business creditworthiness ;

  6. 有着丰富的经验及良好的商业信誉。

    Has a wealth of experience and good business reputation .

  7. 损害商业信誉、商品声誉罪的司法认定

    Judicial Cognizance of Crimes Damaging Commercial Reputation , Commodities Reputation

  8. 论损害商业信誉、商品声誉罪

    On the Crime of Damaging Business Credit or Commodity Reputation

  9. 这个公司的商业信誉毋庸置疑。

    The business honor of the company is beyond suspicion .

  10. >>良好的商业信誉和独立承担懂事责任的能力。

    Good business prestige and undertake the ability of reasonable responsibility independently .

  11. 史:很多商界人士对贵公司的商业信誉评价极高。

    Many business people speak highly of your commercial integrity .

  12. 难怪大家都说,贵国的商业信誉是有口皆碑的。

    No wonder everyone speaks highly of your commercial integrity .

  13. 考虑商业信誉影响的海运集装箱超订模型

    Overbooking model for ocean shipping containers with credit standing consideration

  14. 该外国企业必须具有良好的商业信誉;

    The enterprise must enjoy a good commercial reputation ;

  15. 他们的公司商业信誉良好。

    Their company enjoys good fame on business .

  16. 我们花五万美金买这个店,外加八千美金付它的商业信誉。

    We pay $ 50000 for the store , plus $ 8000 for goodwill .

  17. 由于我们良好的商业信誉,客户都与我司保持了相当稳定的业务关系。

    The clients have established a pretty steady relationship with us for our good credit .

  18. 我们保证信守合同和维持商业信誉。

    I can assure you that we always honor the contacts and maintain commercial integrity .

  19. 你还可以联系商业信誉局和商会。

    You can also check with your Better Business Bureau or your Chambers of Commerce .

  20. 我们希望贵方珍惜自己的商业信誉,履行合同。

    We hope you will take your commercial reputation into account and execute the contract .

  21. 知名的全球性金融机构都制定有严格的内部规章制度以保护商业信誉。

    Reputable global financial institutions typically have strict internal policies to safeguard their business reputation .

  22. 公司凭借精湛的工艺和良好的商业信誉,博得客户称誉。

    With good commercial reputations and exquisite workmanship , we have earned goodwill from our customers .

  23. 在长期的经营中以良好的商业信誉赢得了众多客户的信赖。

    In the long operations with a good business reputation has won the trust of many customers .

  24. 您的公司投入大量的投入来创建您的品牌和商业信誉以求得客户和商业伙伴的信任。

    Companies invest heavily in creating a brand and a business reputation that consumers and partners trust .

  25. 具有广泛的销售渠道和良好的商业信誉。

    Weishi company has established widespread marketing channel and the good commercial credit by truehea1f40rted sales service .

  26. 同时还会给承运人带来较多麻烦,影响其服务质量,进而损害其公众形象、商业信誉和经济效益。

    For carriers , it influences the transportation service terribly and directly damages their business reputation and economic benefits .

  27. 贵方4月1日来函中查询的公司商业信誉良好。

    The company you inquired about in your letter of April 1 is considered to have an excellent business reputation .

  28. 我们不断挑战自我,凭着过硬的产品质量、完善的售后服务、良好的商业信誉,将一如既往地为客户提供满意、无忧的产品。

    We will challenge ourselves with excellent product quality , perfect after-sales service , and good commercial reputation to meet customers'satisfaction .

  29. 确保良好性能对于维持供应商可靠、迅速、安全和高效的商业信誉非常重要。

    Ensuring good performance is important in maintaining the provider 's good business reputation as reliable , fast , secured and efficient .

  30. 一方面,传统的零售商有一大批依靠他们的品牌,商业信誉等因素网罗的忠诚客户。

    On the one hand , traditional retailers have large groups of loyal customers relying on their brands , prestige and so on .