
  • 网络business method;commercial method;methods of doing business
  1. 1988年美国联邦法院的StatestreetBank一案,打开了商业方法专利保护的大门,从司法实践上肯定了商业方法专利。

    However , the judgement of State Street Bank case in 1998 in USA Federal Court confirmed business method patent in practice .

  2. 在我国加入WTO以后,接受商业方法专利是中国金融领域对外开放与合作的发展趋势的必然结果。

    After China 's entry into WTO , its acceptance of business method patent is just a natural result as the financial field 's opening to and cooperation with the world .

  3. 自美国StatestreetBank案后,日本、欧盟也迅速调整了专利政策,承认了商业方法软件的专利性。

    Since the State Street Bank decision , Japan and European Union have also adjusted their patent policy and acknowledged the software related business methods patent .

  4. 随着Internet的发展,电子商务成为人们关注的焦点,而与网络有关的商业方法专利,也成为热门话题。

    With the development of Internet , electronic business has become the focus of public attention , and the Internat-related business method patent has changed into a hot issue too .

  5. 1998年美国联邦巡回上诉法院州街银行(StatestreetBank)案的判决率先肯定了商业方法专利适格性,并确立了商业方法专利审查方法。

    The court decision of State Street Bank made by United States Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in 1998 first confirmed the patentability of business method patent , and established a business method patent examination rule .

  6. MeredithMartinAddy:“最高法院坚持称,没有绝对的规定,拒绝为商业方法专利提供专利保护。”

    MEREDITH MARTIN ADDY : " The Supreme Court held that there is no categorical rule denying patent protection for business method patents . "

  7. 从判例和立法两个角度对商业方法专利在USPTO、EPO和JPO的演变发展历程进行了详尽和全面的研究。

    The paper makes a detailed and comprehensive study on evolution course of the business method patents in the USPTO , EPO and JPO from the perspective of cases and legislative .

  8. 直到商业方法软件发明专利在美国专利与商标局(USPTO)被大量授予,国内外理论界才开始对美国的软件发明专利的审查标准提出批评。

    Until the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) endorse a great deal of business method related software patents , criticisms for the nonobviousness examination standard of software patent of America was put forward by the domestic and international theoretical circle .

  9. 网络商业方法专利保护在我国之思考

    Consideration of Patent Protection of Internet-related Business Method in Our Country

  10. 目前,美、日、欧等地区的专利主管机关对商业方法专利的保护都持肯定态度,而在我国,对于商业方法专利保护的研究还不多。

    China has not acknowledged the business method patent yet .

  11. 他把这些建议写成了一些关于商业方法和管理类的书。

    He developed this advice into books on business methods and management .

  12. 浅论商业方法软件专利的保护

    A Preliminary Discussion of Patent Protection for Business Method Software

  13. 这本书偏重美国商业方法。

    The book is heavily slanted towards American business methods .

  14. 传统上,商业方法是不受专利法保护的。

    Traditionally , business methods is not subject to patent law protection .

  15. 不过,商业方法的专利性问题仍然存在争议。

    However , thepatentability of the commercial method still has a dispute .

  16. 商业方法专利是国际立法发展的一个新趋势。

    Business method patent is a new trend of the international legislation .

  17. 网上银行类商业方法是否是专利客体?

    Are E - bank Related Business Methods Patent Object ?

  18. 电子商务商业方法专利的创造性判断标准分析

    Analysis on the Criterion for the Judgment of Non-obviousness of E-business Method Patent

  19. 商业方法专利侵权判定原则研究

    Legal Research of Business Method Patent Infringement Determinant Principle

  20. 我们会特别加强有关于资讯技术与商业方法的议题。

    Current issues relating to information technologies and business methods will be highlighted .

  21. 首先,讨论了商业方法专利的几个基本问题;

    First , this paper generalize several basic problems about Business Method patent .

  22. 美国商业方法软件专利保护的脉络和动向

    The Clue and Tendency of American Business Method Patent

  23. 电子商务商业方法专利;创造性判断标准;启示。

    E-business method patent ; criterion for the judgment of non-obviousness ; enlightenment .

  24. 我国电子商务商业方法专利发展态势分析

    Development State about Electronic Business Commerce Method Patent Application

  25. 首先介绍了电子商务的概念,接着对商业方法进行概述。

    First the definition of E-commerce , then the introduction of business method .

  26. 论商业方法可专利性的利益平衡

    The Benefit Balance in the Patentability of Business Method

  27. 银行业金融商业方法专利研究

    Research of Business Method Patent in the Banking

  28. 商业方法专利战略研究

    A Study on Patent Strategy of Business Method

  29. 首先对商业方法及商业方法专利的定义作重点阐述。

    First it focused on the definition of business method and business method patent .

  30. 电子商务商业方法专利战略

    Patent Strategies for Business Methods of Electronic Business