
shānɡ yè wǎnɡ zhàn
  • commercial website
  1. 法律条文与商业网站广告的功能语法对比分析

    Functional-grammatical Comparative Analysis between the Legal Document and the Commercial Website Advertisement

  2. IT资源监控系统满足了该大型商业网站的实际需要。

    The IT resources monitoring system has satisfied actual need of the large-scale commercial website .

  3. UML工具在商业网站开发中的应用

    Using UML Tools for the Development of Business Web Site

  4. 当今,如果一个商业网站没有userratings(用户评级),这将切实地损害其销售额。

    In today 's world , having a commerce site that doesn 't have user ratings could actually prove to be a detriment to sales .

  5. 基于PageRank算法的商业网站推广策略研究

    Research on Optimization Strategy of Commercial Websites Based on PageRank Algorithm

  6. 美国当时通过世界贸易组织(WTO)提交给中国一些正式问题,涉及什么样的法规决定了商业网站在中国的可用性,而这一论断是其中之一。

    The statement was among the formal questions submitted through the World Trade Organization to China about what laws and regulations dictated the availability of commercial websites in the country .

  7. Web网站积累的大量数据蕴涵丰富的信息,利用数据挖掘技术来发现规律,提供个性化服务,将提高商业网站的竞争力,有很大实用意义。

    A lot of datas of web have been stroed abundance information . It is very useful for improving commerce net competition power to find rules and afford individuation service by using technology of data mining .

  8. 这就使cgi对于紧急的修补和在商业网站上用得不多的实用程序来说,成为一种实用的工具。

    That makes CGI a practical tool for emergency repairs and utilities that won 't be heavily used on commercial web sites .

  9. 随着网络经济与文化的发展,在大多数商业网站、专业网站、政府及教育行业网站的主页中,几乎都设有FAQ(Frequentlyaskedquestions)栏目,而且形式多种多样。

    Along with the network economy and cultural development , there are almost FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) columns of various forms in the main page of business website , professional website , government website and education website .

  10. 当危机发生时,代表电影业的美国电影协会仿佛进入了证人保护计划,12月11日,它的一位发言人对商业网站截稿日(Deadline)说,目前我们无可奉告,我们没被卷入。

    The Motion Picture Association of America , which represents the film industry , went into witness protection when the crisis erupted , with a spokeswoman telling Deadline , a trade website , on Dec. 11 , We have no comment at this time . We are not involved .

  11. xing董事长兼首席执行官拉尔斯海因里希(larshinrichs)表示:“我们认为金融危机对商业网站非常有益,因为你花在职业上的时间要多过奢侈品。”

    Lars Hinrichs , chairman and chief executive of Xing , said : " we see the crisis as very beneficial for business networks because you are spending more time on your career than on luxuries . "

  12. 这让商业网站成为在线社交网站中的异类。

    That makes business networking a rarity among online networking sites .

  13. 在没有严格的政策控制下,商业网站可以提供稳定的回报。

    Commercial sites can provide steady returns without strict policy controls .

  14. 高校图书馆与商业网站信息服务合作探讨

    Information Service Co-operation between University Library and Business Web Station

  15. 商业网站面向我国公众的个性化信息服务方式

    Analysis of Individual Information Service of Commerce Net Facing Public

  16. 这是最好的、访问率最高的商业网站之一。

    This is one of the best and most visited commercial web sites .

  17. 政府网站和商业网站在艾滋病相关信息传播方面的比较

    A comparative study on AIDS news communication between government website and commerce website

  18. 企业网络识别系统与商业网站设计

    Internet Corporate Identity System and Commercial Web Sites Design

  19. 论商业网站中网络链接的规范管理

    On Regulatory Management of Network Linking in Commercial Websites

  20. 基于.NET的商业网站的设计

    The Design of Bussiness Network Based on . Net

  21. 商业网站的设计策略

    The Design Strategy and Scheme of Commercial Net-Station

  22. 商业网站,通过市场的办法编制土地。

    For business sites , through the market approach for the preparation of land .

  23. 传统型商贸公司自建商业网站的对策分析论传统物流与现代物流

    Countermeasure analysis of traditional business & trading company Web On Traditional M.F and Modern M.F

  24. 1994年,当商业网站域名最初开始出售时,只价值200美元。

    When dotcom domains first started to be sold in 1994 they cost $ 200 .

  25. 加强与商业网站的交流与合作,充分发挥国内新闻网站在高校思想政治工作中的重要作用;

    Strengthening cooperation with commercial stations ; fully using domestic news net stations in CIW ;

  26. 2000年后商业网站的热潮带动了校园网的发展。

    The upsurge of the business website after 2000 has driven the development of campus network .

  27. 当然,组织的商业网站崩溃是个大问题。

    Certainly , the crash of your organization 's commerce Web site is a big deal .

  28. 目前,国内知名商业网站均是中新网的客户;

    So far , all the well-known commercial websites in China are the clients of Chinanews .

  29. 在我国,商业网站新闻频道从诞生至今已经走过了九年的发展历程。

    In China , news channel of commercial website has experienced nine-year development from being born .

  30. 尽管如此,商业网站却获得了远远超过新闻网站的点击率和资金回报。

    Nevertheless , commercial websites has received far more CTR and financial returns than news websites .