
  • 网络Business Strategy;Commercial Strategy
  1. 随着越来越多的消费者涌向社交媒体,加之许多企业都把Facebook和Twitter纳入了自己的商业战略体系,如今社交媒体控制中心正在成为大企业的标准配置。

    With consumers flooding social media , and companies integrating Facebook and twitter into business strategy , command centers are becoming standard equipment .

  2. 为了完成“商业战略基础”(FoundationsofBusinessStrategy)这门课的最后一个项目,我通过名为Coursolve的平台找到了一个“数字实习”(digitalinternship)机会。Coursolve帮助学生和企业建立起联系,来完成一些短期项目。

    To complete the final project for Foundations of Business Strategy , I found a " digital internship " through a platform called Coursolve , which brings together learners and businesses for short projects .

  3. 在他去旧金山之前,《财富》(Fortune)对程守宗进行了专访,听他畅谈自己的商业战略——以及名媛金•卡戴珊。

    Ahead of his announcements in San Francisco , Fortune caught up with Chen to hear more about his strategy - and Kim Kardashian .

  4. 客户知识管理(CustomerKnowledgeManagement,CKM)提供了一个收集、分析和获取客户知识的平台,也提供了一种全新的商业战略和方法。

    Customer knowledge management system provide a flat for a company to get and analyze customers ' knowledge with different means , and also present them a bran-new commerce stratagem and method .

  5. 这是一门综合性的课程,包括有关商业战略、财务的问题以及对组织和人的研究,这在MBA项目的其他部分也会有所涉及。

    This is an integrative course including issues of business strategy , finance and the study of organizations and people also covered in other parts of the MBA .

  6. 游戏化自2011年成为主流用语以来,迅速成了一个被大肆炒作的噱头。但到了2014年,根据最近的数据来看,游戏化作为一种商业战略可以说基本上已经GameOver了。

    The gamification of digital engagement fiercely rode the hype cycle since the term burst into mainstream usage in 2011 , but according to recent figures , gamification as a business strategy in 2014 is essentially , well , game over .

  7. 该公司是更年轻、更敏捷,是21世纪版的麦肯锡(Mckinsey),它向苹果(Apple)、强生(Johnson&Johnson)等世界顶级企业提供趋势观察以及商业战略等服务。

    Psfk is a younger , nimbler , 21st-century re-boot of the mckinseys of the world , offering trend insight and business strategies to top corporations from apple to Johnson & Johnson .

  8. TERN仍拥有足够的现金储备来支持商业战略的新转变(以后端解决方案为核心业务)但其历史记录似乎没有做好相应的准备。

    TERN still has enough of a cash stash to engineer this new change in business strategy ( focusing on back end solutions ), but its track record remains unproven .

  9. 政治风险和商业战略咨询公司PacificRimAdvisors的首席执行长安德森(GregAnderson)说,很多人对中国车企无法同外国汽车制造商竞争的事实存有不满。

    ' There is a lot of resentment of the fact that the Chinese cannot compete with foreign auto makers , ' said Greg Anderson , chief executive of political risk and business strategy consultancy Pacific Rim Advisors , and author of a recent book on China 's auto industry .

  10. 商业战略咨询公司MDRC进行的调查显示,它们希望赢得这些新一代高收入客户,其人数正以每年7%至10%速度增长。

    They want to reach a new generation of high - earning clients who are growing in number by 7-10 per cent a year , according to research by business strategy consultants MDRC .

  11. 但是这些做法作为一种商业战略还是有很多局限的。

    Evergreening does have limits as a business strategy , however .

  12. 确保组合持续的与商业战略一致。

    Ensuring that the portfolio continues to align with business strategy .

  13. 商业战略其实也是一种潮流,但人们似乎很少留意到这一点。

    People never seem to notice , but strategies have fashions .

  14. 人类才能推动商业战略发展。

    and it will be humans that are developing our business strategy .

  15. 我们对于,他们的商业战略应该是什么存在不同的观点。

    We had distinct ideas about what their business strategy should be .

  16. 一个企业的商业战略描述了几个商业领域和这些领域的相关目标。

    An enterprise business strategy addresses several business areas and their associated goals .

  17. 麦克劳提出,熊彼特是现代商业战略的奠基人。

    Schumpeter is , McCraw suggests , the founder of modern business strategy .

  18. 定义和维护一个企业的商业战略。

    Defining and maintaining an enterprise business strategy .

  19. 他关于商业战略的研究奠定了全球所有商学院课程的基础。

    His work on strategy forms the foundation-stone of business-school courses the world over .

  20. 他的这个商业战略很偏激。别这么!

    His business strategy is extreme . Don 't be so gung-ho about it !

  21. 企业商业战略:出发点

    Enterprise business strategy : The starting point

  22. 其结果是:全球范围内的商业战略和官方政策都被颠覆。

    The result : an upending of business strategies and government policies around the world .

  23. 检察商业战略之间的联系

    Checking for links to the business strategy

  24. 除了营销推广之外,这种策略能否为商业战略和估值也提供宝贵经验?

    Could this be a lesson in business strategy and valuation in addition to marketing ?

  25. 每个人都有真正的商业战略,也是企业家自力更生的战略。

    Every one had a true business strategy and also a strategy of bootstrap entrepreneurship .

  26. .“凯蒂·艾伦是英国电影协会分销及商业战略部门的高级经理。

    Katie Ellen is Senior Manager for Distribution and Commercial Strategy with the British Film Institute .

  27. 你每天都会看到这一点,而自从商业战略问世以来,它就一直存在。

    You see this literally everyday and it has been going on since business strategy was created .

  28. 万事达信用卡公司开发了哪些决定支持系统?这些系统与它的商业战略如何相联系?

    What kind of decision-support systems did MasterCard develop ? How are they related to its business strategy ?

  29. 一些机制中的一个,建立的目的是为了在企业商业战略中实现重要要素。

    One of a number of mechanisms , constructed to actualize significant elements in the Enterprise Business Strategy .

  30. 对于企业范围的工作,这些实践可以使一个组织符合其商业战略和保持竞争力。

    For enterprise-scale work efforts , these practices can enable an organization to pursue its business strategy and remain competitive .