
  1. 马尼拉购物商区&雅台游湖骑马,菲律宾!

    Manila shopping area & tagaytay " to horse !" , philippines !

  2. 虽然慕尼黑的消费比其它的德国城市还要高,但它仍以其蓬勃发展的商区和许多高科技公司为傲。

    Although more expensive than other German cities , boasts a thriving business district and many high-tech companies .

  3. 位于成都市中心骡马商业金融圈,为骡马市商区最高建筑物,步行5分钟即可到达天府广场及主要商业中心。

    Located at Luoma commercial and financial circuit , it is5-min-walk to Tianfu Square and the main commercial center .

  4. 随着上海经济发展的不断变化,逐渐有新的商区出现,银楼店铺也会跟随着新的商业街区扩大经营区域的范围。

    As the development of Shanghai economy , there are more and more new commercial districts , the jewelry shops will extant its business scale with the development of the commercial districts .

  5. 不出所料,73%的女性说,她们如果同好朋友一起购物,她们会逛得更久&商区之行可以比平时多花两个半小时。

    Unsurprisingly , 73 per cent of women say they always shop for longer if they are with their mates - a trip into town can take two and a half hours longer than usual .

  6. 商三区沙二下储层敏感性研究

    Reservoir Sensitivity in the Lower Members of Es_2 in Shang 3 Region

  7. 商河油田商二区注入水与储层配伍性研究

    Compatibility of Water Injection with Reservoir of Block Shang 2 in Shanghe Oilfield

  8. 在双对数坐标下,商三区和胜二区岩石孔喉半径与渗透率存在线性关系;

    There is a liner relation between radius of the pore throat and permeability of the rock in log log coordinate .

  9. 针对商河油田商二区注水井储层注入能力下降问题,通过室内静态评价实验以及岩心流动实验,研究了该油田注入水与储层的配伍性。

    In consideration of the problems of water injectability decrease in Block Shang 2 of Shanghe Oilfield , the compatibility of injected water with reservoir in the oilfield is studied through laboratory static evaluating test and core flowing test .

  10. 对商河油田商三区沙二下储层敏感性分析表明,速敏指数为02左右,属弱敏感;平均水敏和盐敏指数为01~02,储层对矿化度的敏感性较弱;

    Analysis of reservoir sensitivity in the lower members of Shang 3 Region in Shanghe Oilfield shows that velocity sensitive index about 0.2 is weak sensitivity , average water and salt sensitive index is 0.1 ~ 0.2 , which shows that the reservoir is weakly sensitive to salinity .

  11. 本着双方共羸,共同发展的宗旨,JH人兢兢业业,力求让每位投资商在本地区都能成为金牌投资商。

    Spirit of mutual benefit , The purpose of common development , JH person cautious and conscientious , So as to provide each investor in the region can become a gold investor .

  12. 惠民凹陷商741井区火成岩储集层研究

    Igneous rock reservoirs of the Well Shang 741 area in Huimin Sag

  13. 商741井区火成岩地震裂缝预测

    Seismic prediction of fracture in igneous rock in Shang - 741 well zone

  14. 近些年来,许多地产商将居住区景观作为一个重要卖点,希望通过良好的居住区环境吸引买主。

    Recently , many land agents see landscape in dwelling districts as an important selling point in the hope of attracting buyers through elegant living environment .

  15. 《南京条约》签订后,英、法、美相继在上海划定商民居住区,始成租界。

    After Nanjing Treaty was signed , Britain , Fance and The U.S.A demarcated respective residential district for businessmen one after the other , which became the concession .

  16. 在经济利益的驱使下,旅游投资商对风景区无节制的商业开发和缺乏保护意识的规划建设,导致许多风景资源遭到了不同程度的破坏。

    Driven by economic interests , tourism investors have done uncontrolled commercial development and a lack of awareness of conservation planning and construction , many scenic resources have been varying degrees of damage .

  17. 通过建立移动运营商各业务区投资效益评价指标体系,构建出基于投资分配的移动网运营效益评价模型,对移动运营商在各业务区的投资分配方法进行了完善和改进。

    Through configuring the index system of investment performance of network operators , a mobile network operation benefit evaluation model based on Investment allocation is established to perfect and improve the current allocation method .

  18. 并提出了这样几条思路:(1)以苏州商技术开发区为例,研究外商直接投资的动因以及外商直接投资主要考虑的因素;

    The paper provided the following ideas : ( 1 ) Based on the facts of Suzhou High & New Technology Industry Development Zone , it studied the intention of the foreign direct investment , and the factors for its decision making ;

  19. “地产商拒绝清理贫民区”

    " Landlords refuse to clear slums . "

  20. 日本烟草专营商设立了吸烟区,很安全,是巡逻队无权进入的私人领地。

    Smoking refuge areas set up by Japan 's tobacco monopoly , safe on private property where the patrols can not go .

  21. 我们也愿意继续推动区域合作进程,积极与有关国家和地区商建自由贸易区。

    We are also ready to push forward regional cooperation process and explore the possibility of establishing free trade areas with relevant countries and regions .

  22. 最新数据表明,对中国生产商而言,欧元区正成为一个日益重要的市场随着美国经济的减速,这一趋势可能更加明显。

    The latest data revealed the growing importance of the eurozone as a market for Chinese producers a trend that could accelerate as the US economy slows .

  23. 中国第一个同东盟商签自由贸易区协定,并共同建成了发展中国家之间最大的自贸区。

    We were also the first country to launch the FTA negotiation with ASEAN , and together , we have put in place the largest FTA among developing countries .

  24. “启用可信发行商锁定”组策略设置启用,而您在可信发行商证书存储区中没有适当的证书。

    The enable trusted publisher lockdown group policy setting is turned on , and you do not have the appropriate certificate in your trusted publishers certificate store .