
shānɡ yè huán jìnɡ
  • business environment
  1. 在当今变幻莫测的商业环境下,员工被提出各种不同的要求。因此,教育体系有必要随之改变。

    In this changing business environment , different demands are being placed on employees . As a consequence , the education system needs to change .

  2. 要在Internet上建立一个动态的、灵活的和自动的商业环境。

    To build a dynamic , flexible and automated business environment in the Internet .

  3. Twitter在商业环境中也很有用。

    Twitter can be useful in a business setting .

  4. 首先,Internet和电子商务的科技飞跃赋予传统企业新的生存环境,企业进行e化转型是商业环境发展的必然要求。

    Firstly , Internet and e-commerce development has endowed traditional enterprises an entirely-new surviving circumstance , " electronizing change-or-die " has been put into their strategical agenda .

  5. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  6. 日本独特的商业环境造就了人们对CD的痴迷,不过文化因素可能也在起作用,比如日本消费者对于收藏品很热衷。

    Peculiarities of Japan 's business climate have shaped its attachment to the CD , but cultural factors may also be at play , like Japanese consumers " love for collectible goods .

  7. 进入21世纪尤其是我国加入WTO以来,国内的企业正逐渐融入到一个没有边界的经济体系和全球化、网络化的商业环境中,国内、国际间的企业竞争愈演愈烈。

    After entering 21st century especially joining in WTO , Chinese enterprises are gradually melting into a brimless economic system and globalizing business environment . Domestic and international enterprises compete with each other sharper and sharper .

  8. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanningERP)是随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,IT技术的飞速发展,Internet技术和电子商务的广泛应用,企业所处的商业环境已经发生了根本性变化。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP for short ) indicates that the commercial conditions which the enterprises face have subjected to essential changes with the economic globalization , rapid development of IT technology , widely application of Internet and E-commerce .

  9. 近几周来,由于商业环境比预期艰难得多,汇丰(hsbc)、巴克莱(barclays)和高盛(goldmansachs)等多家银行均裁减了数千名员工。

    In recent weeks banks including HSBC , Barclays and Goldman Sachs have slashed thousands of jobs in response to a much more difficult business environment than expected .

  10. 高盛信心指数(GoldmanSachsConfidenceIndex)这项截至8月份第一周的国际性调查,是根据首席执行官们对商业环境的评估编撰而成,被视为描述企业信心的重要指标。

    The Goldman Sachs Confidence Index , an international survey conducted until the first week of August , is based on chief executives ' assessments of business conditions and regarded as a leading indicator of corporate sentiment .

  11. 借助MVC软件架构、工作流、XML及中间件技术封装企业现有系统,设计了在J2EE平台上基于WebServices的开放式企业应用集成框架,使企业能快速适应变化的商业环境。

    Through using the new technologies such as MVC software framework , workflow , XML and middleware to encapsulate the current enterprise application systems , an open enterprise application integrated framework based on the web services is designed on the platform of J2EE .

  12. 面对21世纪动态和复杂的商业环境中的竞争,企业通过有效地利用核心人才的作用充分发挥其独特的核心能力,寻求建立一个难以模仿的可持续的竞争优势(SCA)。

    When faced with a dynamic and complex business environment , the company makes full use of the core talent to get the unique core competency and try to establish a sustainable competitive advantage ( SCA ) .

  13. 中国团购网站高管表示,中国较为混乱的商业环境、普遍存在的欺诈以及不同于美国的消费习惯,都可能对groupon构成挑战。

    Chinese group-buying executives said an often chaotic business environment , with widespread fraud and different consumer habits from those in the US , could be challenging for Groupon .

  14. 不管处在什么样的商业环境中,

    No matter what kind of business situation I 'm in ,

  15. 我们试着营造一个更好的商业环境。

    We 're trying to create a better business environment .

  16. 如此成功的主要原因在于更为自由的商业环境。

    The main reason for this success is a freer business climate .

  17. 过去十年,商业环境经历了一次转型。

    Commerce has undergone a transformation in the past decade .

  18. 政府应当改善物流、基础设施、商业环境和教育;

    Governments should improve logistics , infrastructure , the business climate and education ;

  19. 我想知道,这些方法真正影响到商业环境了吗?

    I wondered , had these methods really made inroads into business environments ?

  20. 他使自己很快适应了这个国家的商业环境。

    He adjusted himself very quickly to the business environment of the country .

  21. 现代城市商业环境的诱导效应

    The inductive effect of comercial environment in modern urban

  22. 这个排行榜是不断变化的全球商业环境的年度快照。

    The list presents an annual snapshot of the ever-changing global business landscape .

  23. 在知识经济时代,企业所处的商业环境发生了根本性变化。

    In information economy era , the business environment of enterprise changed basely .

  24. 因此,商业环境是什么,这周围的商业组织。

    Therefore , the business environment is anything , which surrounds the business organization .

  25. 强调在不同商业环境内,书写报告与便条的技巧。

    The skills are emphasized on report and memo writing in various business applications .

  26. 浅议商业环境中的男性公共空间

    Study on Male Public Space in Commercial Environment

  27. 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户操作系统。

    A generalized database management and multi-user operating system designed for the business environment .

  28. 在外部商业环境中的变更

    A change in the external business environment

  29. 在当今要求日益苛刻的商业环境当中,自信是成功的关键。

    In today 's demanding business environment , confidence is a key attribute for success .

  30. 人性化的城市商业环境设计

    The Humanized Design of Urban Commercial Enviroment