
  1. 我们推进商事制度改革后,每天就有上万家企业登记,比上年增加了50%。

    With the reform of the business system , a daily average of up to 10,000 new businesses are now registered , an increase of 50 percent over the previous year . This shows that our people represent the largest source of vitality for economic activity .

  2. 我想起去年在我们推进简政放权、商事制度改革的时候,我去一个地方的企业登记场所,遇到一位已经退休的妇女。

    Last year , when the government pursued the reform of the business systems to streamline its administration , I recall that I paid a visit to one of the local venues for business registration , and I came across a woman who was already retired .

  3. 通过研究国际商事仲裁政策的概念、发展和具体表现,可以为我国国际商事仲裁制度改革提供借鉴。

    The study on this policy will benefit the reformation of international commercial arbitration in China .