
  • 网络business services;commercial service;Service;business
  1. 微软赌的就是Azure这样的商业服务会成为公司未来的重要产品。

    The company is betting that business services like Azure are a big part of its future .

  2. 随着Internet应用的日益普及,尤其是在Internet上提供大量的商业服务和大规模信息处理,人们对计算机系统的处理能力和可用性都提出了更高的要求。

    With the increasing popularity of Internet applications , especially a large number of business services and large-scale information processing are being provided on the Internet , both the computer system processing power and availability have been put forward higher requirements .

  3. 她是公共和商业服务联盟的退休成员,在气候团结组织的支持下,她成立了1100个行动小组中的一个小组,它是一个针对工会成员的为期两年的环境保护运动。

    A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union , she is setting up one of 1 100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity , a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists .

  4. 例如,假象在一个过去的商业服务公司的项目中,第三方合作伙伴使用一个Web服务请求您的系统的信息。

    For example , suppose that on a past project at a financial services company , your system requested information from a third party by using a Web service .

  5. 然而,由于目前大多数企业的业务应用和基于Web的商业服务在商业运行的各个环节所采用的业务处理方式各不相同。

    However , owing to that at the present time , the business application and business services based on Web of most enterprises uses different operation mode in different phases .

  6. 商业服务层中,服务器端执行的ASP服务程序是通过ADO来实现对数据库的访问。

    In the Business Service , ASP service program running in server access database by using ADO .

  7. 目前IBM等提供商提供了很好的商业服务开发工具(SDK),这些工具拥有上述建模和代码生成的功能。

    There are some excellent commercial Service Development Toolkits ( SDKs ) currently available from IBM and other vendors that provide such modeling and code generation capabilities .

  8. 这种开发策略借鉴互联网/内联网、数据库技术和思路,充分利用现有软件和商业服务实现系统功能,对各种技术、服务加以组合形成具备基本信息管理功能的MIS系统。

    Referenced by techniques and ideals of Internet / intranet , this strategy take full advantage of available software and commercial services , and combines those techniques and services to form a foundational MIS .

  9. 作为走在全球3G手机商业服务前端的日本从2.5Gi-mode模式开始,到今天的FOMA3G模式,搭建了无处不在随时连通的移动互联网个人终端平台。

    As the world leader of 3G technology , Japanese mobile phone service has developed from 2.5G i-mode to FOMA 3G , building up wireless personal communication without any time limits and venue constrains .

  10. 证券电子商务(SecuritiesElectronicCommerce,SEC)是以因特网为平台向资本市场提供的一种全新商业服务模式。

    Securities Electronic Commerce ( SEC ) has emerged as a new business model for the capital market operating in the Internet era . Electronic commerce ( EC ) has brought about profound changes on the global securities industry .

  11. 新加坡航空公司将在今年秋天首先把巨型的A380用于商业服务,这比原计划推迟了两年。

    And the giant A380 will begin commercial service with Singapore Airlines in the autumn , although being two years late .

  12. 在首次飞行试验6年之后,ARJ21仍未进入商业服务市场。

    Six years after its maiden test flight , the ARJ21 has yet to enter commercial service .

  13. 本研究从我国铁路客站商业服务业实际情况出发,依据SERVQUAL评价模型和顾客忠诚相关文献,设计了服务质量初始量表和顾客忠诚测量量表。

    Based on the SERVQUAL evaluation model and customer loyalty related literature , this paper invents the initial scale of service and the measurement scale of customer loyalty .

  14. 商业服务数据库(BSDB)。

    Business Services Database ( BSDB ) .

  15. 军队饮食保障和商业服务纯社会化模式构想

    The real socialization model of troops food support and commercial service

  16. 查找与业务实体关联的商业服务。

    Find the business services associated with the business entity .

  17. 商业服务系统微机自动计费器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of microcomputer automatic FEE-CALCULATOR in the commercial service system

  18. 它提供了异构系统进行信息交换的机制及商业服务发布和发现机制。

    It provides the mechanism of information exchanging and business services finding .

  19. 商住楼与商业服务网点防火问题探讨

    Discussion on the fire problems of the business occupancy and commercial service center

  20. 文章对一个中小型商业服务楼的设计创作过程进行了总结。

    These are some words about the design of a mid size commercial complex .

  21. 这是因为没有资金支持网络建设也没有商业服务推出。

    This because there was no financing for network deployment and services commercial launching .

  22. 艺术为商业服务;公仆服务于人民。

    Art serves commerce ; their interests are served ; the Lake serves recreation .

  23. 高尔夫网站是以提供商业服务和信息传播为主的交易型网站。

    Golf site is to provide commercial services and information dissemination-based transactional web site .

  24. 城市零售商业服务业区位类型划分的探讨&昆明市零售商业服务业区位类型的分析

    Explore the location types of urban commerce trades

  25. 其中it公司数量最多,其次是金融和商业服务类公司。

    IT companies formed the biggest segment , followed by financial and business services .

  26. 其他快速增长的行业包括商业服务、金融活动、教育和医疗服务。

    Other fast-growing sectors include business services , financial activities and education and health services .

  27. 商业服务中的付款也属于事项处理。

    The receiving of payment for merchandise of service is also included in a transaction .

  28. 而商业服务(银行、保险、咨询)也聚集在这个蜜罐周围。

    And business services ( banking , insurance , consultancy ) cluster round the honeypot .

  29. 进而造成了商业服务空间结构的无序和整体校园环境的混乱。

    Hence the commercial spatial structure disorder and the chaos of the whole campus environment .

  30. 仲裁服务具有公共服务的性质,不应将仲裁服务归入私人商业服务。

    Arbitration has the nature of public service and does not belong to private commercial service .