
  • 网络tax service
  1. 主要业务数据保存在包括DB2、Oracle、SqlServer等多种数据库中,信息缺乏统一的数据标准,给全局数据处理和分析带来困难,难以满足全方位税收服务的要求。

    The main business data stored in several types of database , including DB2 , Oracle and MS SQL Server . The information is lack of uniform data standard , and data processing and analysis is difficult , it is also difficult to meet the tax service requirements .

  2. 最后要加快推进税收服务社会化。

    Finally , to accelerate the promotion of social tax service .

  3. 紧密联系实际,针对微博、QQ群、移动税务等新的电子政务模式进行了具体分析和可行性研究,提出了具体的改进措施和税收服务优化的建议。

    According to the practical situation , the feasibility of new form of tax service , such as micro-blogging , QQ group , mobile taxation , is studied and specific strategies for improving and optimizing the tax service are proposed .

  4. 其次,要加强税收服务绩效考评体系建设。

    Secondly , we must strengthen tax service performance appraisal system .

  5. 再次,应该推进税收服务信息化建设。

    Again , it should be to promote tax services , information technology .

  6. 论税收服务及其法律救济

    Ponder over tax service and legal relief

  7. 规范税收服务外企

    Standardized Taxation Service Accorded to Foreign-Invested Enterprises

  8. 纳税人享有税收服务的权利有实体性权利和程序性权利。

    The right that taxpayer enjoys the service of tax revenue has entity right and program right .

  9. 税收服务是近年来世界各国现代税收征管发展的大趋势。

    Tax service is a new trend in the development of modern taxation administrative system in many countries .

  10. 这些要求包括提高管理效率、提高税收服务质量、提升税务人员的素质等。

    The requirement includes improving the efficiency , raising qualities of services , enhancing the quality of tax officers .

  11. 建立良好的税收服务体系。要不断创新和完善服务机制,创造良好的税收诚信的氛围和环境。

    Establish a good taxation services system , and create a good taxation credit in current atmosphere and the environment .

  12. 近年来,各类市场主体对税收服务的需求不断提升,呈现出多元化、高质量的特点。

    In recent years , various types of market players are having rising demands for tax services , which shows diverse and high-quality features .

  13. 本文以优化税收服务为目标,综合运用了比较分析、个案研究分析等方法,坚持理论与实际相结合,研究电子政务环境下税收服务的优化问题。

    The methods including comparative analysis , case analysis , combination of theory and practice are introduced to investigating the problem of tax service optimization .

  14. 在当前政府改革的趋势下,税收服务是税务机关转变工作职能的内在要求和实现方式。

    Under the tendency of current government reformation , ratepaying service is the inside requirement and implement way of revenue department changes their work function .

  15. 在比较分析电子政务环境下的税务服务和传统税收服务的基础上,总结出电子税务所具有的优势。

    By drawing a comparison between the traditional tax service and e-tax service in the context of e-government , this chapter indicates the advantages of e-tax service .

  16. 因此,提高纳税服务的质量和水平,优化纳税服务结构,是现代社会发展对税收服务的必然要求,也是一个艰巨而长期的任务。

    Therefore , improving the quality and level of tax services , optimizing the structure of tax services is a necessary requirement for the society tax services development of modern .

  17. 纳税服务是近些年来各个国家税务机关和学术界研究的热点问题,是各国进行税制改革和完善税收服务管理的新方向。

    Tax services is the tax authorities and academia hot issue in various countries in recent years , is a new direction of countries for a tax reform and improve the tax service .

  18. 税收服务考评体系建设的内容应该包括建立科学的考核指标体系、建立可操性的分类考核体系与建立绩效考评支持系统三个方面的内容。

    The tax service evaluation system should include the establishment of a scientific evaluation index system , the establishment can speak of the classification and evaluation system to support the establishment of performance appraisal systems in three aspects .

  19. 税收服务行为作为税务机关的一项法定职责,在税务机关不能履行或者不能恰当地履行服务的义务时,纳税人有权寻求法律救济。

    The service behavior of tax revenue is a legal duty of tax authority , in tax authority can not perform or can not perform the duty of service appropriately , taxpayer has right to seek legal relief .

  20. 但总的来说,江西国税的税收服务在全国还处于较低的水平和层次,与当前的经济发展需要和国外先进纳税服务体系相比还有一定差距。

    But generally speaking , tax service in Jiangxi province is in a relatively low level in China . As to meeting the economic development need and comparing to modern tax service in developed countries , it lags fairly behind .

  21. 税收服务是由税务机关向税务行政相对人提供的一种法定服务,其行为的性质是税务机关对于相对人所实施的一种具体的行政行为。

    The tax service is by a kind of legal service that tax authority offers to tax administrative relative person , the nature of its behavior is a kind of specific administrative behavior that tax authority implements for relative person .

  22. 由于我国还缺乏对纳税服务理论的细致研究和对税收服务统一的管理标准,我国的纳税服务水平在深度和广度上都和欧美发达国家存在着一定差距。

    Since China is still a lack of detailed theoretical study of the tax services and tax services , uniform management standards , our tax services there is a certain gap between American and European countries in both depth and breadth .

  23. 税收服务的信息化建设包括推进电子税务网络一体化进程、完善税收服务信息化手段以及加大税收信息系统的投入和维护力度三个方面的措施。

    Tax services include advance electronic information , then the tax to build the network integration process , improve the tax service means of information and information systems to increase taxes to maintain the intensity of the input and measures three aspects .

  24. 健全纳税服务制度,即建立全国统一的服务规范,建立纳税人援助制度,建立纳税人教育培训制度,以建立安全高效的税收服务技术。

    Improve the tax service system , that is , to establish a national uniform service standards , the establishment of taxpayer assistance system , the establishment of taxpayer education and training system in order to establish a secure and efficient tax services technology .

  25. 本文以7&S系统思维模型为分析框架,对我国税收服务模式变革问题进行探讨,全面考察了税收服务模式变革的理念、战略、结构、体制、风格、人员、技术问题。

    This paper talks about tax service model reform of our country under the logical analysis framework of 7-S Model of Systematic Thinking , and inspects idea , strategy , structure , systems , style , staff , and skills of tax service model reform .

  26. 所有价格以欧元显示,并且已含税收及服务费。

    All prices shown are in EUR and includes tax and service fees .

  27. 请告诉我们全部费用,包括税收和服务费。

    Please let us know the full cost , including Tax and service charges .

  28. 通过转变理念和创新手段全面提升国际税收纳税服务水平

    Raise the Level of International Taxation Service through Transferring the Concepts and Innovating the Methods

  29. 政府正考虑增加一种新的税收来服务于社会。

    The Government is proposing to placer on a new range of taxes to pay for social services .

  30. 这部分主要运用统计回归的方法实证分析税收与服务经济的各项指标,这是全文的核心部分。

    This part mainly uses the statistical regression method the empirical analysis of tax and service economic indicators , which is the core part of .