
shuì wù kuài jì
  • tax accounting
  1. 构建我国税务会计范式与模式探讨

    Discussion about Constructing our Tax Accounting 's Example Type and Model

  2. 我国税务会计的基本理论研究及其体系构建

    Discussion on Basic Theories of Tax Accounting and Its System Construction

  3. 本部分介绍了税务会计模式的基本理论。

    There is an introduction of fundamental theory in this section .

  4. 美、日、法三国税务会计比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Tax Accounting in U.S.A , Japan and France

  5. 论财务会计与税务会计分离的必然性

    Discussion on Inevitability of the Separation of Financial Accounting from Tax Accounting

  6. 现阶段在我国建立税务会计是极其必要的。

    This aticle first mentioned about the necessity of constructing taxation accounting .

  7. 财务会计与税务会计确认计量比较研究

    Comparative Research on Recognization and Measurement of Financial Accounting and Tax Accounting

  8. 论企业单独设立税务会计的必要性

    On the Necessity of Setup Independent Tax Accounting in Enterprises

  9. 对企业税务会计要素的若干思考

    Comments on the Study of the Elements of Tax Accounting

  10. 税务会计在税务筹划的基础性作用体现在税务会计为税务筹划提供涉税信息、准确的税务会计核算是税务筹划的必备条件、税务会计反映税务筹划的成果。

    The fundamental roles of tax accounting in tax planning are obvious .

  11. 财务会计与税务会计分离理论扩展研究企业纳税会计与财务会计的比较分析

    Research of Theory Extension of Separation between Financial Accounting and Tax Accounting

  12. 税务会计调整核算初探

    The Discussion of the Adjustment of Checking and Calculation in Tax Accounting

  13. 浅析我国税务会计体系的发展

    A Brief Analysis on the Development of China 's Taxation Accounting System

  14. 第三章:我国税务会计理论体系的构建。

    Part three : Construction of tax accounting system .

  15. 税务会计是在一定的历史条件下产生的。

    Tax accounting produces under the certain historical condition .

  16. 税务会计计量属性及其与财务会计计量属性的比较

    Measurement Attributes of Tax Accounting and Comparison with Measurement Attributes of Financial Accounting

  17. 税务会计与财务会计分离前后的交易费用探析

    Analysis for the transaction cost of the separating tax accounting from financial accounting

  18. 论税务会计的核算基础及其改进

    On the Accounting Basis and Improvement of Tax Accounting

  19. 一旦通过资格考试,她打算当一名税务会计。

    She plans to practise as a tax accountant once she has qualified .

  20. 浅谈我国应设立企业税务会计

    Talking about Establishing Enterprise 's Tax Accounting in China

  21. 论现代企业制度下财务会计与税务会计的分离

    Talking about the Abruption of Financial Accounting Tax Accounting in Modern Enterprise System

  22. 新环境下税务会计课程教学的重新审视

    Re-Examining Tax Accounting Teaching Under the New Environment

  23. 我有个税务会计,他帮我处理年度纳税申报表。

    I have a tax accountant who helps me with my annual tax returns .

  24. 关联企业间关联交易之会计法规制研究财税法规与税务会计

    Accounting Rules on Affiliated Companies Group Transactions Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes

  25. 建立税务会计制度的现实意义

    The Significance of Establishing a Tax Accounting System

  26. 税务会计模式设计与选择

    Tax Accounting : mode Design and selecting

  27. 财税法规与税务会计

    Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes

  28. 建立独立税务会计的思考

    On the Establishment of Independent Tax Accounting

  29. 作者从多方面论述了建立税务会计意义及其必要性。

    This paper illustrates the necessity of establishing a tax accounting system from various aspects .

  30. 对基于税务会计独立下的调整核算具有指导意义,具有较强的可操作性;

    Secondly , it can guide state in tax accounting , it is maneuverable strongly ;