
shuì qián lì rùn
  • Profit before tax;pretax profit
  1. 税前利润几乎涨到了原来的12倍。

    Pretax profit surged almost twelvefold .

  2. 但IBM的税前利润只增长了不到1%,这是自多灾多难的2009年之后增长最缓慢的一年。

    But pretax profit at IBM rose by less than 1 per cent – the slowest since the annus horribilis 2009 .

  3. 2004年最终获得税前利润8500万英镑。

    The bottom line for 2004 was a pre-tax profit of £ 85 million .

  4. 该集团的税前利润为1,105万英镑。

    The group made a pre-tax profit of £ 11.05 million .

  5. 这家银行的税前利润为350万英镑。

    The bank made pre-tax profits of £ 3.5 million

  6. 税前利润从84.2万英镑上升到了182万英镑。

    Pre-tax profits rose from £ 842,000 to £ 1.82m

  7. 仓库的税前利润为310万。

    Storehouse made pre-tax profits of 3.1m .

  8. 这将成为一个蓬勃发展的产业,预计税前利润将从去年的5,200万英镑增长到1亿英镑。

    It will be a go-go business with pre-tax profits forecast to climb from £ 52m last year to £ 100m .

  9. 伦敦金融分析家预测,今年税前利润为500亿英镑。

    London analysts forecast pre-tax profits of £ 50 billion this year .

  10. 马来西亚的亚航X自2013年上市以来,只有两次实现了年度税前利润。

    Malaysia 's AirAsia X has made an annual pre-tax profit only twice since it went public in 2013 .

  11. 根据美国的证券法规,所谓重大事宜(materialevent)通常是会涉及一家公司过去3年平均税前利润的5%。

    Under US securities rules , a material event is usually defined as 5 per cent of a company 's average pre-tax earnings for the past three years .

  12. 套用BP在其它地方的利润率,则税前利润可能达到4000万美元,尽管这还没有计入伊拉克较高的成本,尤其是在保安方面。

    Apply company margins obtained elsewhere , and pre-tax profits might reach $ 40m although that is before factoring in higher Iraqi costs , especially security .

  13. 税前利润70%来自亚洲的渣打(StandardChartered)银行,董事会15名成员中有3名来自亚洲。

    Standard Chartered , which derived over 70 per cent of pre-tax profits from Asia , has three nationals from the region out of 15 board members .

  14. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)估计,2006年,国有未上市资产的税前利润较上年同期增长138%,而(利润更丰厚的)上市资产仅增长了13%。

    Credit Suisse calculates that state-owned unlisted assets racked up pre-tax profit growth in 2006 of 138 per cent year-on-year against 13 per cent for the ( more profitable ) listed assets .

  15. 由于国企的税前利润已飙升至GDP的7%以上,只拿出其中一小部分用于社会福利,就能起到重大作用。

    Since pre-tax profits of state enterprises have surged to more than 7 per cent of GDP , channelling just a fraction of these surpluses into public social services would make a big difference .

  16. 上一财年,这家总部在英国的集团实现了26亿英镑税前利润——比2008年塔塔汽车(TataMotors)从福特手中收购这两个英国品牌时支付的代价高出一倍。

    The British-based group made 2.6bn in pre-tax profit in its last financial year - twice what Tata Motors paid Ford to acquire the two UK brands in 2008 .

  17. 零售企业JohnLewis就是一个典范。该公司完全由雇员拥有,向所有员工支付统一的红利。过去十年中,该公司分红及税前利润翻了一番以上,达到3.68亿英镑。

    The model is retailer John Lewis which is entirely employee-owned , pays a flat-rate bonus to all staff and in the past decade has more than doubled its profit before bonuses and tax to £ 368m .

  18. 美国第二大汽车制造商福特汽车(FordMotor)昨日表示,今年的税前利润有可能实现盈亏平衡。目前有迹象显示,福特旨在扭转其不断萎缩的国内业务的全面重组计划正在取得进展。

    Ford Motor , the second largest US carmaker , said it might break even this year on a pre-tax basis amid signs that it is making progress on a radical restructuring regime aimed at turning around its shrinking domestic business .

  19. 英国奢华手袋生产商玛百莉(Mulberry)正日益将目光转向蓬勃发展的亚洲市场。在截至3月份的财年里,该公司税前利润增长了22%。

    Mulberry , the UK-based maker of luxury handbags , is increasingly setting its sights on the booming Asian market , as it lifted pre-tax profit by 22 per cent in the year to March .

  20. 假设低端WindowsRT版本的成本是400美元,那么微软能够以300美元(比最便宜的iPad还便宜很多)的价格销售1000万台,同时牺牲全部4%的税前利润。

    Assuming a $ 400 cost for the lower-end Windows RT version , the company could sell 10m of them at $ 300 ( a big discount over the cheapest iPad ) while sacrificing all of 4 per cent of pre-tax income .

  21. 基准定价机制必须进化,否则就会崩溃,力拓首席执行官艾博年(TomAlbanese)表示。他是在力拓公布上半年税前利润下降55%之际,发表这番言论的。

    The benchmark has to evolve or it will break , Tom Albanese , Rio Tinto chief executive , said as the miner reported a 55 per cent drop in pre-tax profits in the half-year to June 30 .

  22. WPP报告称,去年税前利润增加近五分之一,至10亿英镑,在广告业首屈一指,营收增长7%,至100亿英镑。

    WPP reported that pre-tax profits rose by almost a fifth last year to £ 1bn , a first in the advertising sector , on revenues that rose 7 per cent to £ 10bn .

  23. 俄铝已经确定了一个较宽的价格区间9.10港元到12.50港元(合1.17美元到1.61美元),代表其企业价值(EV)达到今年税前利润估值的10到14倍。

    The Russian company has set a broad price range for its shares , which will be set at HK $ 9.10 to HK $ 12.50 ( $ 1.17 to $ 1.61 ), representing an enterprise value of 10 to 14 times this year 's projected pre-tax profits .

  24. 日本烟草首席执行官HiroshiKimura表示,该公司可能在英国和俄罗斯等最主要的海外市场实现10亿美元乃至更高的税前利润。即便在纳入加拉赫旗下品牌之后,这也是一种大幅度增长。

    Hiroshi Kimura , chief executive of the world 's third-biggest cigarette maker , said JT could generate pre-tax profits of $ 1bn or more in top overseas markets such as the UK and Russia , a significant increase even after the addition of Gallaher 's brands .

  25. 该公司2007年的税前利润为12亿元人民币。

    It reported a pre-tax profit of RMB 1.2bn for 2007 .

  26. 这家集团获得150万美元的税前利润。

    The group made a pre-tax profit of $ 1.5 million .

  27. 此前分析师预计,今年上半年马莎百货的税前利润约为4.44亿英镑。

    Analysts had expected first-half pre-tax profit of about 444m .

  28. 总体上,该集团税前利润增长47%,达到2.5亿美元。

    Overall , group pre-tax profit rose 47 per cent to $ 250m .

  29. adj.扣除税捐前的例句与用法:所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。

    The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit .

  30. 为预防万一,应留出部分税前利润。

    A proportion of the pre tax profit is set aside for contingency .