
xiāo shòu lì rùn
  • Sales profit;profit on sales
  1. 如果Facebook保持2011年的销售利润率27%,到2023年它的销售额将需要达到610亿美元。

    If Facebook maintains its 2011 margin on sales of 27 % , its sales would need to reach $ 61 billion by 2023 .

  2. 其次,通过分析各行业资产负债率与行业销售利润率、行业销售收入之间的Pearson相关关系,检验行业生命周期与融资决策行为的关系。

    Secondly , it test the relation of industry lifecycle and financing decision-making by using Pearson correlativity method .

  3. 奥迪(Audi)上半年营业利润率为12%,而梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的销售利润率为11%。

    Audi posted a first-half operating margin of 12 per cent while Mercedes-Benz cars achieved an 11 per cent return on sales .

  4. 故净资产收益率、销售利润率的变化同CPI、M1的变化相关性也变得较权益乘数、资产负债率差。

    So , compared with the rights multiple and the property liabilities rate , the relativity between the change of rate of earning , the sale profit , and the change of the CPI and the M_1 becomes less .

  5. ·销售利润与时间地域的关系。

    · The relationship between profit and time or region .

  6. 房地产开发项目销售利润及其水平探析

    Research on Sales Profit and Its Level of Developing Project

  7. 所有的分析者都会很高兴看到一个较高的销售利润率。

    All analysts are willing to see the rate higher .

  8. 利用联合概率法预测产品销售利润

    The Union Probability Method in Forecasting Product Sales Profit

  9. ·销售利润与客户类型的关系;

    · The relationship between profit and customer type ;

  10. 产品销售利润分析的经济数学模型

    Economical Mathematical Models for Analysing Sales Profit of Products

  11. 但由于各项成本的增加,公司销售利润率开始出现下滑。

    However , the profit of sales is dropping due to increasing costs .

  12. 生意竞争的势头越来越激烈,销售利润已经下滑。

    Business has tended to become more competitive and profit margins have been reduced .

  13. 产品单位成本对销售利润的影响

    Study on How the Product Unit Cost Influences the Product Sales Profit In Industrial Enterprises

  14. 年销售利润增加720万元。

    So the profits on sales increase by 7 200 000 RMB $ per year .

  15. 据统计,在过去的一年中,新车销售利润率明显下降。

    The status shows that the profit of new car sales declined obviously in last year .

  16. 油站很难找到作为汽油销售利润率低。

    Petrol stations are hard to find as the profit margin in selling petrol is low .

  17. 中国汽车工业发展到今天,整车的销售利润日渐淡薄,服务已经成为整车厂的新的利润增长点。

    Sales profit of complete car is reducing , service has become new profit increasing point .

  18. 存在从集中到绩效的因果关系,企业能通过获取更多的市场份额从而提高销售利润率。

    There is causality relation from concentration to profitability , more market shares can bring enterprises more profitability .

  19. 通过对几种常用产品销售利润预测方法的分析。

    According to analyzing the methods of forecasting the sales profit of some kinds of products in cmmon use .

  20. 汽车销售利润空间的缩小,使得企业对降低零部件物流成本高度重视。

    Car sales profit margins shrink , making the enterprises attach great importance to reduce the cost of parts logistics .

  21. 汽车制造商已经看到,功能丰富的信息娱乐系统有助于提高销售利润、增强安全性能。

    Car makers have seen how full-featured infotainment systems help sell their cars at higher margins and improve safety ratings .

  22. 在她任职期间,公司的主要指标均大幅提升,包括公司收入、利润、销售利润率,以及员工的士气等;于此同时,公司各方面的损耗也显著下降。

    Key measures revenues , profits , margins , morale went up , while attrition went down during her tenure .

  23. 企业用工少、销售利润高,生产管理严谨、系统有序,开发节能高效设备等。

    Less labor , higher sales profits , strict and systematic production management , developing energy saving and high efficient equipments etc.

  24. 结果对不同的距离,可以采用不同的冷藏设备,以最低的运输成本,达到销售利润最大化。

    Results For different distance , can adopt different refrigeration equipment , to the lowest transportation cost , achieve sales profit maximization .

  25. 如何提高顾客的购买率,提高顾客对网店的忠诚度,是网店提高销售利润的主要途径。

    The main method to increase sales and profits of online stores is to improve the customer purchase rate and customer loyalty .

  26. 盈利能力指标涵盖资产利润率、销售利润率和权益净利率三个指标。

    The profitability indicators cover the sales profit margin , return on assets and interests in net profit margin of three indicators .

  27. 通过上述公式,我们能够看到总资产报酬率与销售利润率和资产周转率之间的关系。

    Through the aforementioned formula , we can see the relationship of return on assets to return on net sales and assets turnover .

  28. 较高的销售利润率意味着公司能够赚取更多的利润,并相应地反映了较好的盈利能力。

    The higher rate of return on net sales means that the corporation can earn more profit , and correspondingly reflects well profitability .

  29. 反映资本使用效率的两个指标,即净资产收益率和平均销售利润率,都不同程度的得到改善;

    Net capital profit rate and average profit rate , the two indexes of capital utilization , have been improved to some degree .

  30. 由于规模的扩张并未促进销售利润率和市场份额的增长,这也部分解释了现阶段乳制品企业的大肆扩张而绩效下降的事实。

    Besides , scale spread does not advance performance and market share . That explains partly that dairy industry exist scale spread performance decline .