
yù qī lì rùn
  • anticipated profit;expected profit
  1. APS的很多理论和模型对企业带来的预期利润将不可估量。

    Plenty of theories and models of APS are at its growth stage , it will be inestimable that APS bring to the enterprises the anticipated profit .

  2. 该公司预期利润下降说明全球经济滑坡已开始影响到电信行业。

    The anticipated profit hit suggests the global economic slowdown is starting to bite in the telecoms industry .

  3. 而Felda在IPO中定下的估值水平和同行大致相当,约为其明年预期利润的14倍。这样的定价水平给股价未来的上涨留有一定空间。

    Felda 's IPO priced it in line with peers at about 14 times next year 's estimated profits .

  4. 另一组数据是市盈率。根据未来一年预期利润计算,苹果的市盈率不到13倍,Facebook市盈率在30倍左右。

    The other data point is the price / earnings ratio : Apple is trading at less than 13 times next year 's estimated earnings , while Facebook is at around 30 times .

  5. 大股东提高了预期利润,并且他们所占股份越多,则提高越大。

    The expected profits increase with more shares held by large shareholders .

  6. 预期利润率与民间投资行为分析

    Expected Pr of it Margin and Analysis of Private Investment

  7. 考虑预期利润目标的发电商多交易市场发电量分配策略

    Generation Capacity Allocation Model for Generation Companies Considering the Expected Profit Goals

  8. 工程公司通常把预期利润作为投标决策的依据。

    Expecting profit is usually employed by engineering corporations to make bidding decision .

  9. 在同一时间,但预期利润也非常高。

    At the same time , the expected profits can also be very high .

  10. 因此,企业的预期利润率下降。

    Therefore , the expected profit margin decline .

  11. 所以请写信给琼斯,要求从那份合同中得到我们预期利润的10%。

    So write to Jones please , demanding ten per cent of our expected profit from that contract .

  12. 他当时表示,如果通用电气没有实现预期利润,他将掏枪干掉他。

    He said he would get a gun out and shoot him if GE did not hit profit forecasts .

  13. 决定股票价格的因素是上市公司的预期利润和预期市场利率水平。

    Factors deciding stock price are the expected profits of listed companies and expected level of market interest rates .

  14. 为了能报出合适的价格,你预先就得对成本和预期利润心中有数。

    In order to quote properly , you need to know its cost and the target profit well in advance .

  15. 股东利益遭受的损害实际上是预期利润的损失,损失与滥用权利的行为之间具有因果性。

    The interests of shareholders actually harm suffered loss of anticipated profits , with causality between loss and abuse of rights .

  16. 项目的可行与否又是怎样通过会计语言反映的,能否如你所愿带来预期利润?

    How the feasibility of an item is reflected in accounting language ? Can it bring you prospective profit as you expect ?

  17. 请在单价上降低四美元,这样就可缩小我方与预期利润率的差距。

    Could you please reduce your unit price by US $ 4 so that the gap with our profit margin would be narrowed ?

  18. 如何在获取预期利润的同时又将风险有效地控制在预定的范围内,一直成为企业必须不断解决的课题。

    How to achieve a balance between the anticipated profit rate and its tolerable risk becomes the task to be solved by the enterprises .

  19. 具备一套先进可行的生产计划与调度管理系统,是制造企业实现经营目标,获取预期利润的重要保证和措施。

    Have a reasonable advanced production management system , is manufacturing enterprises to achieve operational objectives , and an important guarantee for the acquisition of expected profits .

  20. 相比之下,谷歌相对于2012年预期利润的市盈率为15倍,而苹果的市盈率只有12倍,低于市场平均水平。

    By contrast , Google ( GOOG ) trades at 15 times anticipated 2012 earnings while Apple ( AAPL ) trades at a below-market 12 times earnings .

  21. 通过比较不同假设条件下供水企业进行节水灌溉设施技术创新的预期利润,得出了不同情形下的纳什均衡。

    By comparing expect profits of water supply companies from innovation of water saving irrigation facilities under different hypothesis , Nash equilibriums under different situation are analyzed .

  22. 在集中型供应链中,这两种承诺机制有可能有效的,但是在分散型供应链中就很难实现模型的预期利润。

    Centralized supply chain , these two commitments mechanism that might be effective , but difficult to achieve in a decentralized supply chain model of the expected profit .

  23. 当创新为一个经济系统服务时,它成为实现预期利润的投入,它必须合理化以满足其经济职责。

    When it works for an economic system , creativity becomes an input for achieving the desired profit and it must be rationalized to fulfill its economical duties .

  24. 只关注个人预期利润、隐瞒债务、甚至犯罪往往比道德行为更具有吸引力。

    It is often more appealing to concentrate on one 's own presumed profits , to hide debts , and to adapt to criminal behavior than to act ethically .

  25. 而另一方面,研究表明媒体对良好的环保表现,比如清洁技术投资的报道可以提高企业的预期利润率和股票价值。

    On the other hand , research shows that media accounts of good environmental performance , such as investments in cleaner technology , can enhance a firm 's expected profitability and stock value .

  26. 然而,现实中决策者不仅关注期望利润的最大化,而且更关注预期利润实现的可能性以及面临的各种风险。

    However , decision-maker in reality not only concerns about the maximization of the expected profits , but also concerns about the possibility of realization of expected profits , as well as the various risks faced .

  27. 就赔偿数额的确定上,首先要考虑权利人的利润损失,包括销量下降、成本增加造成的直接损失和许可合同无法履行的预期利润损失。

    The loss of profits of the copyright holder should be firstly satisfied . Losses of profits include the direct loss for sale declines and increased costs and expected loss of profits for that licensing contract can not be performed .

  28. 通过建立关于基于工艺创新的对称企业R&D联盟形成的博弈模型,分析了不同状态下成员企业的最优预期利润,并结合博弈分析图分析了联盟形成与否的结果。

    This paper analyzes optimal anticipative profit of enterprise in different state through establishing game model of formation of symmetrical enterprise R & D alliance based on technics innovation , and analyzes the income of formation of alliance or not by game analysis figure .

  29. 软件项目投标具有很高的风险性,很多软件企业在赢得投标合同之后仍然难以获得预期利润,实施风险规避是降低软件项目风险、提高投标商效益的必要手段。

    Software project bidding is high-risk the world over , and many IT companies often do not achieve their expected profits , even when they win their bids . Risk avoidance is necessary to reduce risk of software project bidding and improve bidders ' benefit .

  30. 房地产定价的目标是根据价格组合的总和,设定可以实现预期利润率的价格水平,预期利润率不与价格上涨成正比。

    The aim of real estate price_setting is , on the basis of the sum total of price combination , to fix a price level at which the anticipated profits can be assured so that the anticipated profits and the price increase are not in direct proportion .