
  • 网络Budget Control Act
  1. 我们确实认为,预算控制法(BudgetControlAct)是一个颇具实质意义的承诺,惠誉常驻伦敦的戴维赖利(DavidRiley)说。

    We do think the Budget Control Act was a pretty substantive commitment , said David Riley of Fitch Ratings in London .

  2. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .