
  • 网络Predictive Maintenance;pdm
  1. 石油化工设备预测性维修规划技术

    Planning technique for predictive maintenance of petrochemical equipment

  2. 研究结果可为服役在氢环境中的装置预测性维修提供参考。

    The simulated results provide a reference for the predictive maintenance of the steel equipments serving in the hydrogen environment .

  3. 应用TPM管理模式开展设备预测性维修

    Developing Forecasted Maintenance for Equipment by Applying TPM Management Tool

  4. 建筑企业设备维修费用的探讨预测性设备维修

    The discussion on the cost of the equipment maintenance under modern enterprise system

  5. 该系统的使用将进一步保障驼峰编组站设备的安全可靠运行,提高现代化管理水平,实现预测性状态维修。

    The system further guarantees the safety and reliability of yard humps , increases the level of modern scientific management , and makes predicts for condition-based maintenance .

  6. 其中的剩余寿命预测有助于实现基于状态的预测性维修.方法药膜法。

    The prediction of residual life helps the realization of condition-based predictive maintenance strategy .