
  • 网络Prevention cost;Cost of prevention
  1. 但是这样的前期预防成本是必要的,在遇到争议纠纷时,可以通过律师辩驳不构成侵权,以及提出对方知识产权无效的理由等。

    However , such preliminary prevention cost is necessary , which can help constitute no infringement through lawyer 's argument , and provide reasons for invalidation of the other 's intellectual property in case of disputes .

  2. 首先,通过对国内外质量成本研究现状和质量成本模型的分析,对项目质量成本进行了界定,将项目质量成本划分为项目预防成本、项目鉴定成本和项目故障成本。

    Firstly , through the analysis of nowadays ' research on quality cost and its model , this paper has given out a definition of project quality , and divided it into project prevention cost , project identification cost and project failure cost .

  3. 联合国称预防成本要低于修复成本。

    It says preventing harm costs less than fixing it .

  4. 管理人员必须在支出和效率、预防成本和维修成本之间谋求平衡。

    Managers have to strike a balance between expenditure and efficiency and between the cost of anticipation and that of repair .

  5. 我们应转变传统观念,力求在犯罪预防成本最小化的基础上进行有效率的预防。

    We must change our traditional idea , trying hard to implement efficient crime prevention on the basis of minimum criminal social cost .

  6. 法官在今后的案件审判中,需要考量个人成本与社会成本之间的关系,综合考量预防成本、责任保险对风险的分散、诉讼成本、以及社会效率。

    The judge will have to take into account the relationship between personal cost and social cost in future trials , considering the precaution cost , the diversification of risk by liability insurance , litigation cost and social efficiency in general .

  7. 基于失效风险的建筑物预防维修成本模型优化

    The optimization of cost model for building preventive maintenance based on failure risk

  8. 运用会计学的核算方法对灾害的损失和预防救助成本进行计量。

    We use the accounting method to calculate the disaster loss and the cost of disaster relief .

  9. 在供应商的质量预防投入成本和销售商的质量评价投入成本均为不可观测的信息的情况下,供应商和销售商都可能会发生签约后的道德风险问题。

    When the supplier 's costs which are invested in products ' quality prevention and seller 's costs which are invested in products ' quality appraisal both are unobservable information , the supplier and seller may incur moral hazard after contracting .

  10. 预防和控制成本(生产成本、公共支出)

    Prevention or control costs ( production costs ; public expenditure )

  11. [结论]应用WHO国民收入法评价指标可较好地对甲肝疫苗预防接种进行成本-效益分析,结果证明其经济效益显著。

    The results proved that its economic benefit was marked .

  12. 成人乙型肝炎疫苗预防接种的成本-效益分析

    Health-Economics Study of Hepatitis B Vaccination in Adults

  13. 云南省元江流域现行疟疾预防措施的成本效果分析

    Cost-effectiveness Analysis of the Current Measures for Malaria Prevention in Yuanjiang Valley , Yunnan Province

  14. 预防保健科室成本消耗较高,达32%。

    The cost of health protection department is the highest which is up to 32 % .

  15. 社区基本预防服务的成本测算

    Costing of Community Basic Preventive Services

  16. 这些数据证实了之前的研究,在预防吸烟的成本-收益分析中起着关键作用。

    These figures confirm previous studies , and are of key importance in the cost-benefit analysis of smoking-prevention policies .

  17. 目的:探索我国疾病预防控制服务成本核算方法。

    Objective : In order to probe into the methods of disease control and prevention service cost accounting in China .

  18. 该模型综合考虑了修复性维修成本、预防性维修成本和生产损失成本。

    In this model , the costs of repairing maintenance , preventive maintenance , and loss on production are taken into account .

  19. 冠心病基础保健中护理主导二级预防门诊的成本效益:一项随机对照研究的随访

    Cost effectiveness of nurse led secondary prevention clinics for coronary heart disease in primary care : Follow up of a randomised controlled trial

  20. 在需求规范中及早预防缺陷的成本要比在部署到生产环境或外部客户时再解决代码错误的成本低很多。

    A defect prevented in a requirements specification is many times cheaper to address than a bug in code that is deployed in production or to external customers .

  21. 与气候变化否定者的说法相反,听任气温升幅大幅高于2摄氏度的潜在经济成本和人类代价,要远远超出采取预防行动的成本。

    Pace the climate change deniers , the prospective costs , economic and human , of allowing temperatures to rise by much above 2 degrees far outweigh those of preventative action .

  22. 煤层注水预防冲击地压成本低、操作简单、适应性强,一直是预防冲击地压的首选措施,但过去缺乏相应的研究,以至迄今仍停留在试验水平上。

    The water injection in coal seam to prevent rockburst has lower costing , simper operation and better availability , which is always the first selected measure . However , there is not a relative research result and it stops at test level .

  23. 目的对怀柔区实施调节水氟浓度预防龋齿项目进行成本效益分析。

    Objective To conduct the cost-effective analysis of water fluoridation program .

  24. 社区基本预防服务界定及其成本测算研究的技术方法

    Study Methods for Identification and Costing of Basic Community Preventive Services

  25. 5种常用抗感染药预防手术感染的成本效果分析

    Cost effect analysis of 5 antimicrobial agents for preventing post operation infections

  26. 以社区为基础的慢性病预防与控制的成本效益与成本-效用分析

    Community-base analysis of cost-benefit and cost-utility of prevention programs on chroinc disease

  27. 发展中国家多药物方案预防心血管疾病的成本效益分析

    Cardiovascular disease prevention with a multidrug regimen in the developing world : a cost-effectiveness analysis

  28. 犯罪对社会造成的损失和危害巨大,但预防犯罪发生的成本同样巨大。

    Crimes can cause great damages to the society and the prevention of crimes also costs largely .

  29. 从出现腹泻征状开始,许多死亡可以通过口服补液盐加以预防,而平均成本仅0.07美元。

    Many of the deaths from diarrhoea could be prevented by using oral rehydration salts , which cost just US $ 0.07 on average .

  30. 而竞争性动态是企业建立战略联盟的一个重要因素,强(弱)势企业的联盟战略需要根据竞争者联盟行为所带来的可预防损失与联盟成本的比较做出相机性战略选择。

    Moreover , competitive dynamic is a crucial factor of firm strategic alliance formation , so ( dis ) advantaged firm needs to make contingent strategic option according to the comparison of defended loss by competitor ′ s alliance activities with alliance cost .