
  • 网络budget policy;Budgetary Policy
  1. 为什么白宫在税收和预算政策问题上束手无策呢?

    Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy ?

  2. 基于交易成本分析的预算政策制定过程研究

    Budget Policy Formulation Process Research : A Transaction Cost Analysis

  3. 其中一人表示,发行欧元债券将要求更加坚决的预算政策一体化。

    Eurobonds would require a much more determined integration of budgetary policy , one said .

  4. 此外,由于预算政策失于稳妥,导致国家财政预算陷入困境。

    Elsewhere , state budgets are in distress as a result of insufficiently conservative budget policies .

  5. 政府在利率的问题上骑虎难下,在预算政策上很可能陷入同样的境地。

    The government is in a corner on interest rates and the same could well happen on fiscal policy .

  6. 它需要一个共同的财政预算政策、一个银行业联盟和一个更加公平的经济竞技场。

    It needs a common fiscal budget policy , a banking union and a more level economic playing field .

  7. 应对纯粹的本国需求将让全球在很大程度上走向其所需的预算政策。

    Attending to strictly national demands would get the world most of the way to the budget policies it needs .

  8. 要让短期刺激政策达到预定目的,白宫必须认真商议一下长期预算政策。

    To get its way on short-term stimulus , the white house needs to talk seriously about long-term budget policy .

  9. 在财政方面,由于中国近年来一直奉行保守的预算政策,现在则是因此受益的时候了。

    On the fiscal front , China could reap the benefit of the conservative budget policy it has been running in recent years .

  10. 这可能是一个长期项目,但你不能既发行欧元债券,又各自实行经济和预算政策。

    It could be a long-term project , but you cannot have eurobonds and at the same time national economic and budgetary policies .

  11. 但是,围绕财政紧缩展开的激烈的理论经济学辩论,可能会夸大实际规划的预算政策的经济影响。

    But the heat generated by the theoretical economic debate on fiscal austerity can exaggerate the economic significance of the budgetary policies actually planned .

  12. 而且埃博拉非亚补充道,推迟强行分段减支(美国政府实行的强制削减政府预算政策&译注),消除了波音公司国防业务所面临的一个严重威胁,让它躲过了一劫。

    And , Aboulafia adds , it dodged a bullet as the deferral of sequestration has eliminated a serious threat to its defense business .

  13. 美国以身作则,在辩论其预算政策时似乎是在谈论一个封闭的经济,坚决忽视削减长期赤字的必要性。

    The US , leading by example , debates its budget policies as though it were a closed economy , steadfastly ignoring the need for long-term deficit reduction .

  14. 但最近几个月,华盛顿的此类呼声日益高涨,一些人表示,由此引发的财政及预算政策辩论是数十年来最激烈的一次。

    But such calls for action have multiplied in Washington in recent months , igniting what some say is the fiercest debate over fiscal and budgetary policy in decades .

  15. 但就稳定职能来说,财政支出政策明显地要好于财政收入政策,综合预算政策基本上与稳定职能保持一致。

    In view of Stabilizing function , the policy of expenditure should be better than the policy of revenues , the comprehensive budget policy keeps unanimity with stabilizing function basically .

  16. 旅游业财政政策工具包括:预算政策、政府投资政策、政府采购政策、转移支付政策、税收政策和国债政策。

    Budgetary policies , government investment policies , government purchase policies , transfer payments policies , tax policies and treasury policies are the instruments of fiscal policies in tourism industry .

  17. 美联储官员表示,美国经济正在以温和的速度扩张,但是他们表示,国会和白宫制定的预算政策限制了经济增长。

    Fed . officials said the U.S. economy is expanding at a moderate pace , but suggested the budget policies forged by the Congress and White House are restraining economic growth .

  18. 很多分析师最近下调了美国下半年经济增长预期,原因包括旱灾、油价上涨及美国预算政策的不确定性。

    Many analysts have recently lowered their forecasts for economic growth in the second half of the year for reasons including the drought , higher oil prices and uncertainty about U.S. budget policies .

  19. 最大的一个变化莫过于欧盟预算政策的变革。在上世纪九十年代中期几年的工夫,这一变革就使得荷兰从欧盟预算的一大净收益者变成了按人头算最大的贡献者。

    The biggest was a switch in the EU budget , which within a few years in the mid-1990s turned the Netherlands from a substantial net beneficiary into the biggest net contributor per head .

  20. 不过,刚刚达成的协议并未让美国预算政策走上一条可以持续的道路:尽管议员们苦思冥想、捶胸顿足,但财政调整的力度有限,且得不到任何保证。

    The deal fails to put US budget policy on a sustainable path , however : despite all the tearing of hair and beating of breasts , the fiscal adjustment is modest and by no means guaranteed .

  21. 如果特里谢的构想得以实现,将意味着欧盟朝国家预算政策一体化迈出了重要的一步这种想法远远超出德国、法国和英国等大多数欧盟成员国目前的共识。

    His ideas , if implemented , would represent a huge step towards much closer integration of national budgetary policies thinking that goes well beyond the current consensus in most Member States , including Germany , France and the UK .

  22. 财税政策是国家鼓励节能经济政策的重要方面,本文主要从税收政策、政府预算政策、政府采购政策等方面提出相应的思路和对策建议。

    The fiscal and taxation policy is an important part of state economic incentive policies for energy conservation . In the article , we advance our specific recommendations in the aspects of taxation policy , governmental budget policy , government procurement policy and etc.

  23. 简述了医院财务分析的内容、指标体系和分析方法,指出加强财务分析,可以有效地促进医院预算政策的执行、进一步完善内部控制制度、提高资金的使用效率。

    This paper introduces the contents , index system and analysis method of hospital 's financial analysis , and points out that strengthening the financial analysis could promote effectively the implementation of hospital 's budget policy , perfect the internal control system and improve the efficiency of the fund utilization .

  24. 罗伯特格林斯坦是美国预算与政策选择中心(centeronbudgetandpolicypriorities)创办人兼执行董事。

    Robert Greenstein is the founder and executive director of the center on budget and policy priorities .

  25. 非党派智库预算和政策优先事项中心(CenteronBudgetandPolicyPriorities)的首席经济学家查德•斯通表示,这种担忧不恰当。

    Chad stone , chief economist at the non-partisan center on budget and policy priorities , says the fears are misplaced .

  26. 但预算和政策优先中心(centreonbudgetandpolicypriorities)罗卜特格林斯坦反对说(向商业保险的)出逃将会因政府(保险)覆盖更多儿童而逐渐停止。

    But Robert Greenstein , of thecentre on budget and policy priorities , argues thatcrowding out is bound to occur as the government tries to cover more children .

  27. 比如,无党派机构预算与政策重点中心(CenterforBudgetandPolicyPriorities)在2015年发表的一份报告显示,2014至2015学年,各州在每个学生身上的平均支出比2007至2008学年降低了20%。

    According to a 2015 report by the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities , for example , state spending per student averaged about 20 percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year .

  28. 美国科学促进会(AmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience)研发预算及政策项目主管KeiKoizumi表示,此次调查的结果“喜忧参半”。

    Kei Koizumi , the director of the R & D budget and policy programme at the American Association for the Advancement of Science , called the survey 's findings " mixed . "

  29. 年度平衡预算的政策是一种刻板的束缚。

    The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket .

  30. 财政预算支出政策是加大政府环保投入的重要政策保障。

    Fiscal expenditure policy is an important policy support to increase government investment in environmental protection .