
  • 网络security investment;Safe Investing;security capital
  1. 因而,针对信息系统的安全投资进行决策分析尤显重要。

    Therefore , decision-making analysis regarding the security investment in information system is especially important .

  2. 如何确定安全投资水平是当今企业和学术界面临的重点和难点问题。

    How to determine the appropriate level of information security investment has become one of the critical decisions faced by the enterprise and academic circles .

  3. 应用层次分析法(AHP)原理,提出了分配煤矿安全投资的一种新方法,并结合实例,获得分配煤矿安全投资的合理比例。

    On the principle of AHP , the paper puts forward a new method of distributing in vestment in coal mine safety . Then it gives an example to show the rational proportion of safety investment .

  4. 我们不会建议银行股票作为安全投资。

    We do not recommend bank shares as a safe investment .

  5. 这些担忧还体现在安全投资转移上。

    Those worries have been manifested in a flight to quality .

  6. 安全投资项目技术经济指标的研究

    Study on the technical and economic index of safety invests project

  7. 安全投资决策将更加科学和准确。

    The security invest decision-making will be more scientific and accurate .

  8. 基于灰色系统关联分析的施工企业安全投资研究

    Safety investment of construction enterprises based on gray system relevancy analysis

  9. 而且,通过算例简要说明了组织信息安全投资额度的博弈分析。

    The example illustrates the investment quantity game analysis . 3 .

  10. 在一个逐渐扩大的都市里,地产是一种安全投资。

    Land in a growing city is a secure investment .

  11. 而购房被认为是安全投资,从而产生了持久的吸引力。

    That makes the perceived security of buying property a constant attraction .

  12. 企业生产安全投资决策理论探讨

    Exploration on the theories of the production security invest decision-making in enterprises

  13. 灰色关联分析在安全投资方案选择中的探讨

    Discussions on Gray Relation Analysis in the Selection of Safety Investment Method

  14. 安全投资模型及收益分析探讨

    A Discussion on the Safe Investment Model and Income Analysis

  15. 华尔街安全投资五项措施。

    Five steps to make Wall Street safer for investors .

  16. 安全投资技术经济分析的研究

    Study on the Technical and Economic Analysis for Safety Investment

  17. 企业安全投资背后的利益博弈探讨

    The Analysis of the Benefit Game on the Safety Investment

  18. 针对瓦斯事故的安全投资效益评估方法研究

    New method for assessing safety investment benefits due to mining gas accidents

  19. 不同行业企业间安全投资水平差距较大。

    There are gaps in safety inputs among enterprises of different industries .

  20. 安全投资决策分析方法

    A Method to Analyse Investment Strategy of Safety in Production

  21. 效用理论在信息安全投资优化中的应用

    Application of Utility Theory in Investment Optimizing of Information Security

  22. 煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析

    Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises

  23. 企业安全投资行为的经济研究

    Investigating Enterprises ' Safety Investment Behaviors in Economic Method

  24. 铁路工程造价安全投资问题探讨

    Exploration of investment in safety of railway engineering cost

  25. 国有煤矿企业安全投资技术分析

    Technical analysis on safe investment in state-owned coal enterprises

  26. 安全投资优化分配方法证明及应用

    Optimum Allocation Method of Safety Investment and Its Application

  27. 企业安全投资会计的披露问题。

    The question of disclosure of enterprise safety investment .

  28. 最优安全投资与效益的探讨

    An Approach to Optimal Safety Investment and its Benefit

  29. 用层次分析法进行煤矿安全投资决策

    Making decision of investment in aspect of mine safety on basis of AHP

  30. 中小企业安全投资状况的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Status of Safety Investment in Medium and Small-scale Enterprises