
  • 网络safe city;Safer City
  1. 关于构建安全城市中创新问题的若干思考

    On Some Innovation Issues in Building " Safe City "

  2. 上海以0.712分名列第二大最安全城市,其次是南京,得分0.666分。

    Shanghai ranked second in the safe city poll with 0.712 points , followed by Nanjing with 0.666 points .

  3. 建设安全城市的空间环境调控策略探讨

    Discussions on Strategies of Spatial Environment Control for the Safety City

  4. 创建全国最安全城市的思考

    A Reflection on ″ Building the Most Secure City of the Country ″

  5. 今年该调查首次发布了最安全城市榜单。

    This year , the survey included for the first time a list of the safest cities .

  6. 《要点》提出今年将在长沙县、望城县建立食品作坊试点园区,通过树立典范,把长沙建成全国食品安全城市。

    This move aims to make Changsha a national food safety city in three to five years through setting up models .

  7. 位于荒凉的高山附近的平原上的这两个城市简直有天壤之别。得克萨斯的埃尔帕索位列美国第二大最安全城市。但是就在边境另外一边的则是世界上最危险的城市——墨西哥的华雷斯。

    But it sits just across the border from one of the most dangerous cities in the world - Juarez , Mexico .

  8. 这座城市以世界级购物中心、热闹的夜生活和美妙的餐厅而闻名。同时,香港还享有安全城市的美誉。

    It 's a city famous for world-class shopping , buzzing nightlife and fabulous restaurants - It also has a reputation for safety .

  9. 安全城市作为社会性城市的内涵之一,其意义日益重大,建设安全城市成为各个城市共同的诉求,它将有利于和谐社会发展目标的实现。

    As one of the social cities , the construction of the safety cities is the goal of all cities , it is benefiting the arrival of social development goals .

  10. 包括传统城市、艺术品城市、效率城市、花园城市、安全城市、资讯城市和虚拟城市的理念。

    Included are notions about the Traditional City , the City as a Work of Art , the Efficient City , the Garden City , the Secure City , the Information City , and the Virtual City .

  11. 介绍“安全城市”的不同定义,防抗治安性犯罪、恐怖袭击、战争空袭等城市防卫和城市防灾研究状况,以及研究发展动态,尤其是城市防卫和防灾的整合规划研究;

    On the one hand , the authors introduced the present studies , including different concepts of " safer city " , research on urban defense aimed at crime / terrorist attack / war and urban disaster prevention .

  12. 卢森堡在最安全城市榜单中居首,其后是瑞士的伯尔尼、芬兰的赫尔辛基和瑞士的苏黎世。

    At the bottom of the221-strong list , for the second year in a row , was Baghdad , in Iraq , which had the lowest standard of living and was ranked the least safe city by the Mercer survey .

  13. 第五章在分析现行城市管理制度及其存在问题的基础上,对安全城市设计策略的运作和决策管理提出合理化建议。最后,在结语部分,对全文内容作了纵向和横向的总结与分析。

    The fifth chapter is in the analysis of the urban management system and its existing problems , on the basis of urban design strategy of safe operation and management decision-making rationalization proposals . Finally , in the text of the content of the longitudinal and transverse summarized and analyzed .

  14. 我们都希望住在比较安全的城市里。

    We all want to live in safer cities .

  15. 艾帕索是全美最安全的城市之一。

    El Paso is one of the safest cities in america .

  16. 香港是全球最安全的城市之一;

    Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world .

  17. 安全是城市轨道交通运营的生命线,是永恒的主题,是企业赖以生存与发展的基石。

    Safety is the lifeline of urban rail transit and eternal theme .

  18. 还有一些城市要配置无线公共安全和城市服务应用。

    There are municipalities with wireless public safety and city service applications .

  19. 最近罪案比率显示雪梨不是太安全之城市。

    Recent crime rates have shown Sydney is not a very safe city .

  20. 高效、集约、安全的城市一体化交通

    Effectiveness and convenience & integrated city safe transportations

  21. 在生命安全和城市风貌保护之间的抉择

    Choice between the Safety of Human Life and the Conservation of Urban Flavorful Appearance

  22. 基于生态安全的城市生命线系统评价与优化

    Assessment Framework and Optimization of Urban Lifeline System Towards Ecological Security Construction in China

  23. 基于水安全的城市发展策略

    Developing Strategy of City for Water Safety

  24. 菲尼克斯是个安全的城市。

    Phoenix is a safe city .

  25. 当前发展形势下,城市安全与城市灾害的矛盾已空前激化。

    In current development situations , the conflict of urban safety and urban disasters has intensified .

  26. 奥运安全与城市安全

    Olympic Games Safety And Urban Safety

  27. 他们脚踏实地,建设更安全的城市,帮助儿童受教育,为农村社区提供医疗护理。

    They literally build safer cities , help children get an education , provide health care in rural communities .

  28. 数据表明,位于纽约州首府奥尔巴尼郊区的柯隆尼是最安全的城市。

    The safest city , statistically speaking , was seen as Colonie , N.Y. , a suburb of Albany .

  29. 班戈大学成立于1884年,位于英国北威尔士。班戈依山傍海,景色壮美,是英国最为安全的城市之一。

    Founded in1884 , Bangor University is one of the oldest and most prestigious degree awarding bodies in the UK .

  30. 发言人强调,治安方面,香港仍然是世界上其中一个最安全的城市。

    On law and order , the spokesman stressed that Hong Kong remained one of the safest cities in the world .