
  • 网络Sales team management;Sales Force Management
  1. 阿斯利康中国销售队伍管理分析

    AstraZeneca China Sales Force Management Analysis

  2. 销售队伍管理中防范道德风险的激励模型

    The Stimulation Model on Guarding Moral Hazard For Sales Team Management

  3. 本章主要针对澳航青岛分公司销售队伍管理中存在的问题进行研究。

    This part mostly research the problems on sales team management .

  4. 本文旨通过对阿斯利康销售队伍管理思路及模式的分析研究,探索外资制药企业在销售队伍的目标和战略、组织结构、薪酬设计、招聘、培训、监督、激励、绩效评估等方面的最佳模式。

    The purpose of this article is how to build the most appropriate sales force model regarding goal and strategy , organization structure , salary , recruitment , training , control , motivation , performance assessment in foreign investment pharmaceutical enterprise in China according to AstraZeneca management model .

  5. 房地产企业销售队伍的管理

    The Management of Sales Team in Real Estate Enterprise

  6. 销售队伍的组织与管理

    The Organizations and Managements of Sales People

  7. 此次招聘进来的200名员工将直接进入印孚瑟斯的销售队伍,负责客户管理,并为印孚瑟斯集团提供的所有种类的服务招徕业务。

    The 200 hires will go directly into the Infosys sales force which is responsible for managing clients and bringing in business for the group 's entire range of services .

  8. 在此背景下,保险公司应该主动适应监管,调整策略,加强销售队伍的建设和管理,依法合规经营。

    In this circumstance , insurance companies should subject to the regulations proactively , adjust saling strategy , reinforce the building and management of sales team , market compliantly with the laws and administration .

  9. 为了激励销售人员工作的积极性,加强销售队伍的管理给酒店创造更好的经济效益。

    In order to bestir the positivity of the salesmen and strengthen the sales team to get more revenue , now we are going to study out the sales task , incentive and punishment program .

  10. 销售队伍通常占外资制药公司80%以上员工,销售业务和市场占有率的持续增长是各大药厂的生存之本,销售队伍的管理成为公司正常运营的核心。

    Sales force team is 80 % of total headcount . The continuing increasing of sales business and market share is the most important factor of the enterprise , and sales force management is also the core of company operation .