
  • 网络team efficiency
  1. 这是成问题的,因为成熟的构建管理对整个团队效率是至关重要的。

    This is problematic because proficient build management is crucial to overall team efficiency .

  2. 本文认为,授权型领导作为领导行为的一项重要特征,常常被视为影响企业团队效率的重要因素,进而对企业团队绩效产生重大的影响。

    This paper argues that the authorization of leadership as an important characteristic of leadership behavior , is often regarded as an important factor to affect team efficiency , and thus have a significant impact on corporate team performance .

  3. 这些观察可以立即被应用到下一次的迭代中以提高质量和团队效率。

    These observations can be immediately applied within the next iteration to improve quality and team performance .

  4. 但我该怎么做才能保持工作水准和团队效率呢?

    But how do I do that , and still keep our standards and our productivity up ?

  5. 主动和积极地帮助伤害团队效率的障碍。

    Be prompt and proactive in helping remove impediments that are harming Teams ' ability to be effective .

  6. 通过启用有效的度量和控制,并且促进良好的沟通,它还帮助减轻风险并提高团队效率。

    It also helps to mitigate risk and improve team effectiveness by enabling effective measurement and control and promoting good communication .

  7. 给出了团队效率最大化的期望效用函数,并采用有约束非线性规划求解方法,探讨了团队自主权、报酬差距与团队效率的关系。

    Based on managerial power approach , managerial discretion is introduced into the study of top management pay gaps decisive mechanism and its effect on firm performance .

  8. 自动化还可让成员将精力集中在需要人类智慧的问题上,而不用分心进行自动化后通常能更快更有效地运行的任务,从而提高了团队效率。

    Automation also increases team productivity by letting members focus on issues that require human intelligence rather than tasks that usually run faster and more efficiently when they are automated .

  9. 在回顾经典团队效率模型的基础上,通过修正相关假定,将技术异质性、成本异质性引入研发团队效率模型。

    This paper conceptualizes R D team heterogeneity , and reviews the classical team efficiency model , based on which the paper introduces skill heterogeneity and cost function heterogeneity into R D team efficiency model .

  10. 第一阶段是理论分析阶段,运用委托代理理论和博弈论分别对知识共享在团队效率方面的重要作用和作用机理进行了分析,达到了预期效果。

    The first stage is the theoretical analysis , using principal - agent theory and game theory respectively , knowledge-sharing in the efficiency of the team and the important role of the mechanism are analyzed , and achieves the desired goal .

  11. 这就是Jazz平台的用武之地,将重点从个人工作效率转移到团队工作效率。

    This is where the Jazz Platform comes in , shifting the focus from the productivity of the individual , to the productivity of the team .

  12. 因此,当我们讨论软件QA团队的效率时,我们真正的意思是我们希望团队能很快找出更严重的缺陷。

    So , when we talk about efficiency for a software QA team , what we really mean is that we want the team to be able to find more serious bugs sooner .

  13. 如果您打算了解现在您的QA团队哪里效率低,那么您将必须重视使团队有效的实践。

    If you 're going to understand where your QA team may be inefficient today , you 're going to have to take a critical look at the practices that the team has used to thus far become effective .

  14. 研究是对学校标准化管理模式的探索与实践,推动了流程管理在高校管理中的应用和发展,全面提升EMBA市场竞争力和EMBA团队工作效率有一定的实际意义。

    Research is a standardized management mode of school to promote exploration and practice , the process management in university management application and development , comprehensively promotes . It has great meaning to promote the marketing competitive of EMBA program .

  15. 以晨光化工研究所为例,介绍如何应用EPM使化工研究的工作流程标准化,推动CMM的实施,提高团队运作效率,增强信息共享和协调功能,最终提高化工企业的研发能力和研发效益。

    Chenguang Chemical Research Institute is illustrated to explain how to use EMP to standardize working flow of chemical research , promote implementation of CMM , improve efficiency of team cooperation and enhance sharing and harmonious function of information , resulting in increased RD capacity and benefits of chemical enterprises .

  16. 之所以说在软件世界中自组织团队的效率更高,主要在于以下几个方面

    Self-organizing teams can be highly effective in the software world in many ways

  17. 基于可靠最佳实践的灵活管理资料库增加了团队的效率和生产能力

    Flexible out-of-the-box usage model based on proven best practices increases team productivity and efficiency

  18. 竞争情报软件能提高竞争情报团队的效率。

    Competitive intelligence software can assist the competitive intelligence team to be more effective .

  19. 将格式转换复杂性与业务流逻辑分开,从而增强开发团队工作效率。

    Separates format transformation complexity from business flow logic , thus increasing development team efficiency .

  20. 贝丝:你认为周末旅游能提高团队的效率吗?

    Beth : Do you think that the weekend away made the team more productive ?

  21. 销售团队的效率提高,新客户越来越多,产品也越来越成熟。

    Sales teams get more efficient as more customers are added and the product matures .

  22. 协作功能,提高团队工作效率

    Collaboration capabilities increase team productivity

  23. 多文化团队的效率

    Effectiveness in multicultural Teams

  24. 对缺陷进行跟踪和控制已经成为提高软件开发团队工作效率的重要手段之一。

    Defect tracking and control is one of most important way to improve efficiency of software development team .

  25. 许多推广者都同意这一点,并认为实现这个目标对任何一个敏捷团队的效率都很重要。

    Many coaches would agree that achieving this goal is paramount for an agile team to be effective .

  26. 想想开发人员会多频繁且多有信心地检入他们的代码&从而进一步提高了整个团队的效率。

    Think of how much more frequently and confidently developers could check in their code & thus further enhancing overall team efficiency .

  27. 我相信以后我们可以在这几个方面努力改进的话,一定能让我们的团队更有效率。

    I can see several things that I could do differently in the future to contribute to a more effective team effort .

  28. 这些表现包括周末加班完成项目,或设计方案提高团队工作效率。

    Such efforts include working the weekend to wrap up a project or devising a solution that makes a team more efficient .

  29. 竞争加剧必然会导致产品设计周期缩短,因此任何有助于提高工程团队生产效率的措施都是非常有价值的。

    As product-design cycles become shorter due to increased competition , any action that can help increase the productivity of the engineering team is valuable .

  30. 在迭代的方法中,质量管理人员集中于产品和过程的有用性,从整体上支持团队的效率。

    In an iterative approach , quality managers focus on the usefulness of products and processes , supporting the effectiveness of the team as a whole .