
  • 网络team effectiveness
  1. 在多Agent模型中集成因果推理,对团队有效性进行建模与模拟,并开发了基于Repast的集成模拟系统。

    Causal reasoning is integrated into the multi-agent model and employed in modeling and simulation of team effectiveness . The simulation model is developed into an integrated simulation system based on Repast .

  2. 团队有效性的第一个因素是技能和个性的多样性。

    The first factor in team effectiveness is the diversity of skills and personalities .

  3. 项目团队有效性模型的构建涉及影响项目团队有效性的内部要素、外部要素和团队有效性的评价标准。

    Project team effectiveness modeling involves internal , external factors and criteria of team effectiveness .

  4. 关于文化多元性对团队有效性影响的定性研究

    Managing the Double-edged Multicultural Group-A Qualitative Study of Cultural Diversity 's Impact on Team Effectiveness

  5. 而团队有效性的研究也聚集在组织行为学、应用心理学等领域。

    The research on team effectiveness focuses on the field of organizational behavior and applied psychology .

  6. 不同组织气氛对知识工作团队有效性的影响研究&基于实证视角的分析

    The Impact of Different Organization Atmosphere over Knowledge Job Team Validity Studies & Based on Demonstration Analysis

  7. 这就造成以复杂产品系统研发团队有效性为主题的研究相对空白。

    The theme of the effectiveness of R & D team in CoPS is much less studied .

  8. 高科技组织中组织氛围对团队有效性的影响机制研究

    A Study on Effects of Organizational Climate on Team 's Effectiveness : The Mediating Role of Group Efficacy

  9. 对项目团队有效性模型的分析包括对输入阶段、过程阶段、输出阶段和团队外部环境的分析。

    An analysis on it entails analyses on input stage , process stage , output stage and team external environment .

  10. 之后引入了团队有效性和团队绩效理论对翻译团队进行有效性分析,形成有效性因素模型。

    Team effectiveness and team performance were also introduced to analyze the effectiveness of translation groups and the model of their affecting factors .

  11. 领导是团队有效性的重要预测因素,领导者的特质和风格在很大程度上影响团队决策过程及结果。

    Leadership is a highly significant predictor of team effectiveness , the traits and styles of leaders will largely effect the process and result of team decision making .

  12. 所以,本文扩展了现有团队有效性的概念外延,将组织有效性纳入到复杂产品系统研发团队有效性的概念范畴中。

    This paper extends the concept extension of team effectiveness , and organizational effectiveness is incorporated into the concept of effectiveness of R & D team in CoPS .

  13. 经过验证与确认的模拟系统被用来分析任务规模和成员关系波动对团队有效性及任务分配策略的影响。

    After verification and validation , the system is used for analysis of the impact of task size and member relationship fluctuation on team effectiveness and task allocation strategies .

  14. 组织气氛对团队有效性影响机制的实证分析通过艺术手段重新创造出情绪气氛等。

    Study on Effects of Organizational Climate on Team 's Effectiveness : The Mediating Role of Group Efficacy recreate an idea , mood , atmosphere , etc. as by artistic means .

  15. 本研究使心理授权理论更易于提高高校科技创新团队的有效性。

    This study provide the more specific psychological empowerment effectiveness measures for ShanXi higher school science and technology innovation team .

  16. 在一个项目或多个项目里重用测试工件能够极大地提高测试团队的有效性。

    Reusing test artifacts within a project , or across projects , can greatly improve the efficiency of a testing team .

  17. 由于复杂产品系统的研发任务具有多技术系统、多层次集成的特点,所以其研发团队的有效性也具有不同于常规简单产品研发团队的特点。

    Because the characteristics of CoPS R D are multi-technology system and multi-level integration , the R D team effectiveness has different characteristics from the conventional simple product R D team .

  18. 最后,本文在检验修正研发团队组织有效性模型和运行有效性模型的基础上,构建形成了复杂产品系统的研发团队有效性整合模型。

    Lastly , this paper test and correct the models of organizational effectiveness and operational effectiveness of R D team , and integrate to form the model of effectiveness of R D team in CoPS further .

  19. 大型企业还应结合薪酬之外的其他激励因素来提高对团队激励的有效性。

    Large-size enterprises should combine some other inspiring factor with compensation system to enhance the validity of inspiration .

  20. 伴随着技术日新月异的革新,怎样才能提高研发团队的团队有效性已经成为构建和维持装备制造业核心竞争力的关键所在。

    Along with the rapid technological innovation , how to improve the R & D team effectiveness has become the key to build and maintain core competitiveness of the equipment manufacturing industry .

  21. 个人层面上感知有效性会明显促进团队层面上感知有效性的提高。

    The perceived KM effectiveness at individual level is found to enhance the perceived KM effectiveness at group level .

  22. 在团队中领导行为有效性研究部分,主要从领导者创建团队,激励团队成员,如何处理团队冲突,如何进行团队精神建设等几个方面进行阐述分析,并重点分析了教练式领导者的领导特征及方式。

    The following is expatiated from team establishment , member stimulation , how to deal with the conflict and team spirit infrastructure , analyzes the characteristics and methods of coaching leaders in detail .

  23. 团队作业特征是团队有效性模型中的重要输入变量,是团队绩效差异的贡献因素。

    As one important input variable in the team effectiveness model , team task characteristics were the contributions of difference of team performance .

  24. 基于知识工作团队的领导信任与团队有效性研究

    An Empirical Study About Trust in Leader and Knowledge-based Work Team Effectiveness

  25. 共享心智模型在团队运行过程变量和团队有效性之间起到中介作用。

    Shared mental model mediated the relationship between team process variables and team effectiveness .

  26. 团队共享心智模式对团队有效性的影响机制研究

    Effects of team shared mental model on the team effectiveness in high-tech organizations : The mediating role of knowledge sharing behavior

  27. 最后,分析了虚拟软件团队沟通的特点以及提高团队沟通有效性的途径。

    Finally , analyzes the characteristics of communication and the effectiveness of communication channels in virtual software teams .

  28. 摘要:本研究采用2×3混合实验设计探讨了团队反思、团队运作次数对共享心智模型、团队有效性的影响作用。

    This study examines the effect of team reflexivity on shared mental models and team effectiveness .

  29. 笔者认为有效的团队领导风格需要反映情境因素,团队领导风格的有效性与团队成员成熟度与团队任务结构等环境因素相关。

    The author concludes that effective team leader must reflect the circumstance factors such as the team member maturity and the task structure .

  30. 以及决定领导职能相对重要性的团队特征与作业特征,最后探讨了团队领导对团队有效性的作用及机制,并指出将来研究的方向。

    And the mechanisms underlining leadership and team effectiveness . Finally the authors indicated some promising field that the research would be conducted .