
  • 网络Team Effectiveness;Team Efficiency;team efficacy
  1. 团队效能可以划分为团队绩效与组织绩效。

    Team effectiveness included two factors team performance and organization performance .

  2. 高新技术企业科研团队效能与创造力研究

    Scientific Research Team Effectiveness and Creativity of High Technology Enterprise

  3. 第二章综述了项目团队效能成熟度研究的相关理论。

    Chapter two summarizes theories relevant with the research of PTEM .

  4. 群体绩效和团队效能研究的新进展

    New Advances of Research on Group Performance and Team Effectiveness

  5. 构建了变革型领导行为影响团队效能的理论框架。

    Constructed the theoretical framework of transformational leadership behaviors affect team performance .

  6. 普通高校体育教学部门团队效能的思考

    Thinking about Physical Education Department 's Team Effectiveness of Colleges

  7. 组织公民行为对知识团队效能的影响机理研究

    The Research of Organizational Citizenship Behavior 's Influence on Knowledge Team Effectiveness

  8. 共享心智模型对团队效能的影响&以团队过程为中介变量

    The Effect of Team Mental Models on Team Process and Team Effectiveness

  9. 以往的研究大多取得了理论或实践方面的重要研究成果,但是对于项目团队效能成熟度研究还比较薄弱。

    Most of previous researches have acquired some important results theoretically or practically .

  10. 人际关系对团队效能及个人效能的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Interpersonal Relationship on Team Effectiveness and Self Effectiveness

  11. 团队效能量表同样具有良好的结构效度,可以分为任务绩效和周边绩效两个维度。

    The team effectiveness questionnaire could be divided into task performance and contextual performance .

  12. 研发团队效能管理

    The management of R & D team effectiveness

  13. 影响团队效能的因素,是有关团队研究的重点和热点。

    Influencing factors of team performance are the focus and hottest in the team research .

  14. 结果表明:两类共享心理模型与团队效能间存在显著正相关;

    Results demonstrated that two kind of shared mental model were positively related to team effectiveness ;

  15. 变革型领导行为的四个维度与团队效能都具有显著的积极关系。

    The four dimensions of transformational leadership behavior and team performance have a significant positive relationship .

  16. 组织支持感与团队效能及其子维度周边绩效、任务绩效之间存在显著正相关。

    Perceived organizational support is positively correlate to team effectiveness its sub-dimension contextual performance and task performance .

  17. 同时,社会交换在工作交换对团队效能的预测中起完全中介作用。

    Meanwhile , the social exchange plays a fully mediating role in economic exchange 's prediction on team performance ;

  18. 项目团队效能成熟度水平的每一级提升都是由相应的成熟度等级所包含的相对独立的关键流程为支撑的。

    All advancements of the level of PTEM are supported by comparatively independent advancements of processes covered within the corresponding maturity grades .

  19. 通过以上的研究结论,本文对大型装备制造行业的管理者们提出了一些建议,使他们在管理实践中能有效的提高团队效能,也提出了研究的局限性以及未来的研究方向。

    Finally , according to the above conclusions , this paper put forward practical recommendations on improving team performance of the equipment manufacturing industry .

  20. 通过对实证数据的计算和分析,评估出实证项目团队效能成熟度的等级水平。

    Through calculation and analysis of the positive data , the dissertation evaluates the level and grade of effectiveness maturity of a certain positive project team .

  21. 项目团队效能的提升需要所有团队成员的共同努力与学习,高水平的团队学习能够提高项目团队的整体搭配能力。

    Improvement of effectiveness of project team needs the joint efforts and learning of all team members and high-level project team learning can improve the alignment of the team .

  22. 提升团队效能成为当今学者研究热点。

    Team cooperation has become the first choice of organizational work to promote team effectiveness , and how to promote team effectiveness has become a hot spot of current academics .

  23. 通过回归方程的分析可以看出,对团队效能有直接影响的是成员之间的信任和成员对领导者的信任。

    It can be found through the analysis of regression equations , to impact directly team effectiveness is trust between team members and trust of team members to team leaders .

  24. 而大致来说,周边绩效的工作奉献和人际促进均与团队效能呈显著正相关,且都对团队效能有显著的正向影响。

    Generally , both the job dedication dimension and the interpersonal facilitation dimension of contextual performance are significantly correlated with team effectiveness , and both of them have positive impact on the team effectiveness .

  25. 相关的实证研究发现前瞻性人格对个体工作结果、职业生涯结果、团队效能、领导效能、新进人员适应性以及创业等后果变量均具有一定的影响。

    Studies have indicated that proactive personality is related to a host of outcome variables , including individual work-related outcomes , career outcomes , team effectiveness , leadership effectiveness , newcomer adjustment , and entrepreneurship .

  26. 本文提出的项目团队效能的过程分析方法及项目团队效能评估体系,为项目团队建设工作乃至项目管理工作提供了一个新思路。

    The process analysis of project team effectiveness method and the evaluation system of project team effectiveness proposed in this article presents a new idea for the construction of project team and further project management .

  27. 进一步由学术团队效能的相关性分析发现,学术团队的领导风格、团队氛围、团队规范、任务性质、工作目标均为影响团队效能的重要因素。

    We find that the leading style , the team atmosphere , the criterion , the quality of the task and the aim of the work are the important factors that affect the efficiency of team .

  28. EPC项目高层管理团队运作效能管理研究,属于高层管理团队(Topmanagementteam,TMT)研究的前沿问题,目前,不论在理论上和实践上都处于不成熟阶段。

    The research about the operation potency of top management team in EPC project belongs to the front question of the top management team ( Top management team , TMT ) studies , which is at the mature stage in theory or practice .

  29. 虚拟团队学习效能:一个研究框架

    Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning : A Research Framework

  30. 高层管理团队运作效能对组织绩效有重要影响。

    The operation potency of top management team has the important influence to the organization achievements .