
  • 网络team cohesiveness;team cohesion;group cohesion
  1. 基于群体AHP方法的销售团队凝聚力分析

    Analysis of sales team cohesion based on group AHP

  2. 开发人员(Developers)关注更好的软件开发技能,动机,公司文化,创造性,职业发展,授权和团队凝聚力。

    Developers want results around better software development skills , motivation , company culture , creativity , professional development , empowerment , and team cohesion .

  3. 诸如ERP项目组考核不深入、实施激励的手段匮乏、项目团队凝聚力不强、团队成员缺少成就感、角色分配不当等等。

    Such as the ERP project group inspects not thoroughly , implements the drive the method to be deficient , the project team cohesive force not strong , the team members lack the sense of achievement , the role assignment not to work as and so on .

  4. 其次,通过上文的研究,建立高校高水平篮球团队凝聚力评价指标体,并以CUBA高校篮球队为对象,使用因子分析方法对8支CUBA高校篮球队进行了实证研究。

    Second , through the description above , the evaluation index of high standard basketball team cohesion is built , using the university basketball team as the object , the factor analysis as the method , make an empirical study to the CUBA college basketball team .

  5. 它将有益于培养团队凝聚力,大幅提高工作效率。

    The potential upside in team cohesion and productivity is enormous .

  6. 他们的研究主要集中在影响团队凝聚力的因素上。

    Their study focused on the impact of team cohesion factors .

  7. 教练员领导行为与运动团队凝聚力关系的模型构建

    Coaches Leadership Behaviors and the Relationship between Sport Team Cohesion Model

  8. 这是团队凝聚力练习啥的吧?

    This is some kind of team morale-building exercise , right ?

  9. 论科研团队凝聚力的结构

    Study on the structure of research group 's cohesion system

  10. 团队凝聚力与运动表现没有显著正相关。

    Team cohesion and athletic performance is not significantly correlated . 4 .

  11. 体育团队凝聚力多维综合评价体系的研究

    Research on Multi-dimensional Comprehensive Evaluation System of Sports Team Cohesion

  12. 如何提高篮球运动队的团队凝聚力

    How to Enhance the Cohesive Force of the Basketball Team

  13. 军事单位团队凝聚力的理论研究及应用

    Theories and Applications of Group Cohesion Research in Military Units

  14. 层次分析法在体育团队凝聚力影响因素评价中的应用

    Application for Analytic Hierarchy Process Method in Sports Team Cohesion Influencing Factor Appraisal

  15. 他表示,一起看足球赛能增强团队凝聚力和激发员工的积极性。

    Watching soccer together encourages team cohesion and staff motivation , he argued .

  16. 军事单位团队凝聚力是与作战效能紧密相关的因素。

    Group cohesion of military unit is of great relevance to combat effectiveness .

  17. 团队凝聚力与绩效系统定性模拟研究

    Qualitative simulation of team agglomeration and performance system based on process knowledge database

  18. 团队凝聚力的培养。

    Cultivation of cohesion in the teacher community .

  19. 我国优秀少年甲组男子篮球运动员团队凝聚力研究

    The Study on Excellent Teenager In Group A Man Basketball Athlete Team 's Cohesion

  20. 分析结果显示,领导风格与团队凝聚力存在相关关系。

    The results show that the style of leadership and team cohesion correlation exists .

  21. 基于心理契约的高层管理团队凝聚力问题研究

    Research on the Cohesion of Top Management Teams : From the Perspective of Psychological Contract Theory

  22. 要很成熟而且有坚强的意志才能做到这一点,但这对于加强团队凝聚力却大有裨益。

    It takes a mature and strong will , but it 's a great way to build a team .

  23. 领导风格的两个维度与团队凝聚力的三个维度部分存在着显著的积极关系。

    The two-dimensional style of leadership and team cohesion of the three dimensions there are some significant positive relationship .

  24. 通过路径分析,提出目标认同、团队凝聚力(行为一致性)、组织财务绩效(收入增长率)三个变量的整合性路径分析模型。

    The article builds a model with three dims including object-accepted , coherence and financing performance by conformity path analysis .

  25. 高团队凝聚力组的啦啦操队员在运动表现上显著优于中团队凝聚力组。

    High Cheerleading team cohesion group members in the sports performance was significantly better than the team cohesion group . 3 .

  26. 随着运动员的职业化和社会化程度的加强,只靠思想教育来培养体育团队凝聚力是远远不够的。

    Along with the strengthening of the professionalization and socialization of athletes , it is insufficient to cultivate STC through thought education .

  27. 体育团队凝聚力的增强是一个自觉的形成过程,受诸多因素的制约与影响。

    Strengthening the cohesion of a sports team is a conscious process , which is restricted and influenced by many factors of administration .

  28. 结果表明:体育团队凝聚力的培养应从环境因素、个人因素、团队因素和领导因素入手。

    The result shows that the cultivation of ST cohesion should focus on the surroundings , individuals , teams , and leaders as well .

  29. 由于体育团队凝聚力既是一个结构整体也是一个开放系统,所以它的影响因素既有队内的也有队外的。

    STC is a macrocosm as well as an opening system so the influencing factors on it exist inside and outside the team simultaneously .

  30. 这项活动原本是想激发团队凝聚力方面的热情,但任何热情都被一种更强烈的感情压过了:那就是失败感。

    Any warmth that this was meant to generate in terms of team bonding was submerged by a much more powerful feeling : failure .