
  • Teamwork;Team Awareness;sense of community
  1. Jazz技术提供了团队意识,允许团队清楚地看到谁在场以及他们在做什么。

    Jazz technology provides team awareness , allowing team members to see who is present and what they are working on .

  2. 篮球比赛对大学生团队意识的影响刍议

    The Influence of Basketball Games on the College Students ' Team Awareness

  3. 我认为他丝毫没有团队意识。

    I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork .

  4. 能独立学习工作,有团队意识,具备较好的沟通、协调能力;4、CET-4,能适应经常出差;

    Good ability in learning , communication and team spirit . 4 , CET-4 , adapt to frequent business trips .

  5. 责任心强,具有良好的沟通能力和团队意识;

    Strong responsibilities , good communication skill and team work ;

  6. 努力工作,遵纪守法,态度积极和良好的团队意识。

    Hard working , discipline , positive working attitude and a team player .

  7. 那样做的目的是为了增强团队意识。

    The object of the exercise was to build a sense of teamwork .

  8. 他们以自己的团队意识和努力工作为豪。

    The do themselves proud with their sense of community and hard work .

  9. 此次训练的目的是增强团队意识和开发个人潜能。

    The purpose of the training was to strengthen team consciousness and develop personal potential .

  10. 游戏目的:加深公司产品印象,锻炼团队意识。

    The game target : Intensive the impression of company and experience the team spirit .

  11. 培养一种团队意识。

    Foster a sense of community .

  12. 有较强的团队意识及适应能力、热爱本职工作,有事业心和责任感;

    Good team spirit and adaptability , great enthusiasm to your job , enterprising and responsible ;

  13. 强化大学生团队意识、竞争意识和创新意识的培养;

    Consolidating the cultivation of the university students ' sense of team consciousness , competition and innovation ;

  14. 现代竞技体育运动的角逐离不开团队意识的支撑,竞技体操项目也概莫能外。

    Any modern competitive sport cannot leave the supports of consciousness of team , including competitive gymnastics .

  15. 绩效工资将考核指标尽量量化,并强化团队意识与协作精神;

    Achievement salary is meant to quantize the assessment targets and strengthen team awareness and cooperation spirit ;

  16. 具有良好的合作精神和团队意识,有独立思考并解决问题的能力。

    Have great cooperative spirit and sense of team-work , have the ability of independently thinking and solving problem .

  17. 团队意识强,工作经验丰富,责任心强,善于交际,上进心强,工作热情,忠诚。

    Good team player , good experience , strong responsibility , good negotiation skill , ambition , enthusiam and loyalty .

  18. 为人诚恳,擅长沟通,有良好的人际关系,有较强的团队意识。

    The humanness is sincere , be good at communication , having the good social interaction , having the stronger team consciousness .

  19. 我毫不怀疑,他很有能力,但他独断专行和缺乏团队意识的问题必须得到解决,不是吗?

    I have no doubt he is a skilled worker but his cocksure demeanour and lack of team awareness must surely be addressed ?

  20. 职业意识主要包括职业目标意识、专业意识、责任意识、团队意识、规则意识、竞争意识和自我创新意识。

    Occupational consciousness can be mainly divided by consciousness of occupation target , major , responsibility , teamwork , rule , competition and innovation .

  21. 杰夫和他的管理团队意识到,年轻的品牌是可以继续扩张,来满足书籍以大量消费者为中心的经验。

    Jeff and his management team realized the young brand were still appliable enough to be expanded to meet great customer-central experiences beyond books .

  22. 踢足球不仅能使我们强壮,而且还能培养我们公平竞争和团队意识。

    Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit .

  23. 组织下的每一名成员都充分展示出了独特个性、领导能力、家庭观念和团队意识,为此我向他们表示感谢。

    And I 'd like to thank everybody in this organization for what they do best , which is character , leadership , family and teamwork .

  24. 三月烟花下扬州,在这个美好的季节里,上海海神诺富特大酒店组织员工游览了扬州著名的景点,此类的活动不但提高了员工的团队意识,也增进了员工之间的感情。

    Spring outings for staff of Novotel Shanghai Atlantis and here the first batch of employees went to Yangzhou for a2 days break to build teamwork and camaraderie .

  25. 从读书起就一直担任学生干部,具有较好的组织协调能力和交际能力,同时具有有良好的团队意识及亲和力。

    Since from reading has been a student cadres , and has a good organization , coordination and communication skills , and have good team consciousness and affinity .

  26. 他建议,与其千斤重担一人挑,不如使团队意识到:客户开发和产品开发是并行的。

    He suggested that instead of having a single neck on the line , the teams should have a concept of customer development and product development in parallel .

  27. 我们关注细节,强化团队意识,使学生从学生阶段就向职业人迈进。

    We pay attention to the detail , the strengthened team realize , cause the student to make great strides forward from the student stage to the professional person .

  28. 其特点是既有街舞的个性新潮和帅气潇洒、又不乏啦啦队的热情奔放和强烈的团队意识。

    Its characteristic is both the individual trendy and handsome street smart , there is no lack of again the cheerleading of passionate and strong sense of team work .

  29. 从环境适应、生理、心理、竞争意识、团队意识、智力等七个方面论述定向运动对大学生的影响。

    The effect of orienteering pedestrianism activity on the university students was discussed as to their environmental adaptation , body and mind , competitive consciousness , team consciousness and intelligence .

  30. 他们还说,应聘者要活泼,具有探究精神和有效的沟通技巧,既能独立工作,又有团队意识。

    They also say the person should have a lively and enquiring mind , effective communication skills and the ability to work individually or as a part of the team .