
  • 网络Team Marketing
  1. 本文通过理论研究和案例分析,详细阐述了团队营销模式在企业客户销售活动中的运用,明确了团队营销模式构建所应当关注的重点。

    This thesis analysed the significance of team marketing model in company customer marketing , and clarified the key points in constructing the teamwork marketing model .

  2. 随着营业部内外部环境的复杂变化,营销团队营销理念需适时更新、产品竞争力需进一步加强、客户关系也需更更好的开发和维护。

    With the complex changes of internal and external environment of the sales , marketing team marketing idea should be timely update , product competitiveness will be strengthened and customer relations also need to be better development and maintenance .

  3. 同时针对此类景区的特殊爱好者,应当充分利用网络营销的模式进行论坛、社区的宣传,吸引非正式组织的群体定期群体前来游览。(3)加强团队营销以吸引具有无可奈何动机的游客。

    Meanwhile for such special scenic lovers , scenic spots should make full use of network marketing mode such as forum , community advocacy , attract informal group to visit regularly . ( 3 ) Strengthen the team marketing to attract tourists with " passive Revisited " motivation .

  4. 如何才能让POLO脱颖而出,也一直是上海大众营销团队在营销策略上所要达成的重要目标之一。

    So how to make it distinguished from others is always one of the main goals Volkswagen marketing team try to achieve .

  5. 我们在澳大利亚有一个很大的团队做营销宣传。

    There was a large Australian contingent at our sales promotion .

  6. 团队化营销:银行业务营销的又一利器

    Team Marketing : A Useful Tool for Marketing Banking Services

  7. 其他团队负责营销和项目开发。

    Others handle marketing and future projects .

  8. 着重点就是品牌统一及持续性,力求发展属于自己的节目、主持人、品牌形象,建设优秀的节目团队及营销团队,树立自己的品牌。

    The focus is unity and continuity of the brand , and striving to develop their own programs , the host , brand image , building good team and marketing team program , and establishing their own brands .

  9. 文章最后针对如何实施与保障这些策略,对公司打造卓有成效的销售团队与营销策略相适应的企业文化进行了研究。

    Finally , in order to carry out and ensure these strategies , the article sets studies on " how to build outstanding sales team " and " how to build a corporate culture which adapt to these strategies " .

  10. 该公司创始人爱德华•沙利文表示,为目标公司每一个“有影响力”的团队单独准备营销材料,通过这种方式,公司成为了迪斯尼(Disney)和英格索兰公司(Ingersoll-Rand)的合作伙伴。

    Founder Edward Sullivan ( right ) says that once his company created separate marketing materials for each group of " influencers " in prospective firms , it won deals from Disney and Ingersoll-Rand .

  11. 定期更新正在处理该公司的管理团队,产品营销和产品战略团队。

    With regular updates being handled by the company executive team , product marketing , and product strategy teams .

  12. 文物复仿领域是创意产业、授权产业、渠道产业,我们渴望创意团队及拥有营销渠道、管理经验和授权资源的企业和个人共襄盛举。

    Companies and individuals experienced in the R & D , marketing and management of cultural relic replicas and imitations are welcomed to join the project .

  13. 在制定了适应新市场格局的营销策略的基础上,提出了树立营销新观念、完善销售机构及销售团队管理的营销策略实施建议。

    In formulated adapted in the new market pattern marketing strategy foundation , proposed set up the marketing new idea , to consummate the sales organization and the sales team management marketing strategy implementation suggestion .

  14. 因此,本文将运用营销团队建设和营销管理等方面的理论知识,分析目前三泰电子公司广州分公司在营销团队方面存在的问题,并制定相应的营销团队建设解决方案。

    Therefore , this paper will employ the theoretical knowledge of the marketing team building and marketing management , analyze the problems about the marketing team faced by Santai Electronics Company Guangzhou Branch , and put forward the corresponding solutions .

  15. 他还表示,如果有联合创始人,就能规避掉CBInsights图表中一些靠后的问题,比如团队不和谐,营销不力,以及团队人员不合适等。

    The existence of a co-founder helps avoid many of the reasons cited at the bottom of the CB Insights chart , he says , including disharmony , poor marketing , and the wrong team .

  16. 你老板希望和你讨论你的团队如何参与拟定营销文案?

    Your boss wants to discuss your group'scontributions to some marketing documents ?

  17. 企业团队建设中,营销团队的建设是至关重要的一环。

    Among all the team buildings , the marketing team building is the most important one .

  18. 但是,任何的方式的业务拓展,都是基于一个良好的营销团队以及优秀的营销策略。

    However , any form of business expansion , is based on a good marketing team and an excellent marketing strategy .

  19. 女:嗯,我与营销团队讨论新的营销策略计划时,我觉得他们的想法缺乏想象力和创造力。

    Woman : Well , when I discussed with the marketing team their plans for a new marketing strategy , I felt their ideas lacked imagination and creativity .

  20. 同时打造出一支高素质、高效率的营销团队,全面整合营销策略,营造良好的竞争秩序,努力打造品牌效应以获取持续竞争优势。

    It is also advised to obtain sustainable competitive advantage by building up a high quality and efficient marketing team , integrating marketing strategies , creating a good competition order and striving to create brands .

  21. 而电销专员团队作为保险电话营销业务的一线力量,其职业素养、业务水平以及个人潜能的发挥都对企业的经济效益、市场任务以及长短期发展战略的实现产生着重要影响。

    And electricity sales specialist team as a line of the insurance business telephone marketing force , its professional quality , professional level and personal potential play to the enterprise economic benefit and market tasks and has a important influence on short-and long-term development strategy implementation .

  22. 从目前企业营销部门管理的实际需要和现状出发,认识营销团队建设的必要性,强调团队激励在营销团队精神树立中的重要性,同时提出了团队激励在营销部门管理中的运用方式和方法。

    According to the actual need and current situation of the marketing management , the author emphasizes the importance of team encouragement in building marketing team . Besides , the paper also provides the application methods of team encouragement for marketing department .