
  • team building;Team construction;Team Development
  1. 部门经理也会打破壁垒,鼓励团队建设。

    Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building .

  2. 同时就如何进行有效的项目管理进行了详细论述,并对涉及到CRM建设的其他方面的一些课题,如:文化、流程与员工团队建设等,简单进行了阐述。

    At the same time , the paper elaborates on making effective management of the project . And others simple study about CRM : CRM cultural construction , business process improving and team building .

  3. 而大多数情况下,重组就意味着更加重视团队建设。

    And for the most part , restructuring meant putting more emphasis on teams .

  4. 团队建设的技巧很稀缺。

    Teambuilding skills are in short supply .

  5. 中医学习型PBL教师团队建设的思考与实践

    Construction of Learning Teacher Team for Problem-Based Learning in Chinese Medicine

  6. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  7. 为支持SOA设立一个组织结构,具体涉及到文化、技能、培训、团队建设、组织架构、决策、奖励机制、协作及治理等方面。

    Create an organizational structure to support SOA including culture , skills , training , teaming , organization structure , decision making , reward systems , collaboration and governance .

  8. 后者包括MBTI在组织发展与团队建设中的应用,在职业辅导、师生互动、家庭治疗等领域的应用。

    Application in organization development and team analysis , application in career guidance , teaching-learning style study and family therapy .

  9. XXS公司项目管理中团队建设研究

    A Research on Team Building of Project Management in XXS Corporation

  10. 我们从Tuckman的团队建设模型(“-ormingmodel”)中已经知道,事件或状况可能导致团队被打回之前的状态(比如:新的团队成员或经济状况不稳)。

    What we 've learned from the Tuckman " - orming model " suggests that events or situations can cause teams to thrash back through previous states ( for example : new team members or economic instability ) .

  11. 主要从科研经费来源、管理体制、职能部门、科研团队建设方面分析科研经费管理的情况;再次,对HK大学科研经费管理存在的问题及其成因进行分析。

    From the main research funding sources , management system , the function department , research team construction aspects of scientific research management , Once again , to HK university scientific research outlays management problems and the causes were analyzed .

  12. 针对上述问题,论文详细阐述了完善故障KPI考核和团队建设的具体措施,并进一步描述各项指标的提升情况验证这些措施的实施效果。

    To solve the problems above , this paper elaborated some concrete measures to perfect malfunction KPI assessment and team-building , further described the improvement situation of each index point to verify the effect of these measures .

  13. 长期以来发展了诸如WBS、CPM、挣值法等一些技术方法,对于人力资源管理、组织结构、项目文化、团队建设等方面的研究略有不足。

    The " technical " side such as WBS , CPM , earned-value method has been developed , while it pay less attention to the " people " side such HRM , organization , project culture , team building .

  14. 最后,本文就理论、现状以及实证分析的结果,总结出了目前我国KIBS企业国际化活动与高管团队建设中所存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , according to the results of the preceding analysis , the paper summarizes problems existing in the internationalization and TMT building of Chinese KIBS enterprises , and then put forward some corresponding countermeasures .

  15. 近年来,JOD公司为了适应市场经济下的残酷竞争形势,一直在寻求着适合自己的团队建设之路。

    In recent years , JOD has been seeking a suitable way of team building in order to adjust to the fierce competition of market economy .

  16. 特别是DHC软将公司的欧美部门在公司一直是个问题最大的部门,相信对其的研究对其他公司的跨文化管理的项目团队建设也是有参考价值的。

    Especially the EU & US department for DHC software company has always been a biggest problem in the company , I believe the study will also have the reference value to other companies cross culture management project team construction .

  17. 笔者在组织部分对JH公司的组织构架、成员以及团队建设进行了研究;在策划部分提出了JH公司中合理的项目评价程序、评价内容的定量分析方法。

    In " organizing " I have studied the framework , members and team building of organization of JH Company , have put forward JH reasonable project appraise procedure in plan , appraise the content quantitative analytical method of the Company partly to plan .

  18. 优秀的分析、计划、组织和团队建设能力;

    Excellent analytical , planning , organizing and team building skills ;

  19. 高校优秀教学团队建设与管理问题研究

    On the construction and administration of superior teaching teams in university

  20. 加强团队建设发扬团队精神

    Carrying forward the Regiment Spirit and Strengthening the Group Uniting Force

  21. 我科实施科研型团队建设的实践与成效

    The practice and effect of the construction of research-oriented nursing team

  22. 加强教学团队建设与全面提高教学质量

    Strengthening the teaching team building and improving the teaching quality comprehensively

  23. 中等职业学校专业创新团队建设与评价研究

    Building and Appraisal of Curriculum Innovator Team in Secondary Vocational Schools

  24. 团队建设更为重要,而且会对社会做出贡献。

    Team-building is more important and making a contribution to society .

  25. 对民办院校体育部门和谐团队建设的探讨

    Study on Construction of Sports Sector Harmonious Team in Private Colleges

  26. 重视联合攻关的团队建设。

    And ⑤ team building for joint tackling of key problems .

  27. 从教师专业发展角度看教学团队建设

    Construction of Teaching Teams from Perspective of Teacher 's Professional Development

  28. 加强学术梯队和科研团队建设是学科建设的重要措施之一。

    Constructing the science group is one of the important measures .

  29. 21.学生们为什么接受团队建设训练?

    Quesiton 21 . Why do students do the team-building exercises ?

  30. 高职院校公共英语教学团队建设思考

    Thinking of Building the Teaching Team for Non-English Majors in Vocational Colleges