
tuán duì jīnɡ shen
  • team spirit;esprit de corps
团队精神 [tuán duì jīng shén]
  • [collectivism] 集体中相互团结合作的精神,相当于集体主义精神

  1. 在英国的奥运代表团中有一种强烈的团队精神。

    There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad

  2. 昂扬永不言败的团队精神。

    Team spirit : high-spirited and never give up .

  3. 招聘广告总是说招募“具有团队精神的人”。

    Recruitment advertisements routinely call for " team players " .

  4. 我们需要团队精神!

    We need the spirit of teamwork !

  5. 王牌特工队中,团队精神至关重要。

    Teamwork is paramount3 here at Kingsman .

  6. 狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏、积极进取、强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说

    Wolf totem is a novel about wolves intrepidity , initiation , strong sense of kindred and group spirit . 《

  7. 善于沟通协调,具有团队精神,熟悉ISO9000体系。

    Good communication skills , with team spirit , familiar with ISO9000 system .

  8. 新的CEO就任,对每一个部门进行裁员,希望将新的企业文化建立在团队精神和水平关系之上。

    A new CEO is downsizing every department and wants to create a new corporate culture based on teamwork and horizontal relationships .

  9. 文章认为自行设计实验教学是PBL教学的发展形式,它以问题为中心、以学生为主体,旨在培养自主学习能力、团队精神、创新能力;

    Self-designing experiments instruction is the developmental form of PBL problem-oriented , student-centered , aiming to cultivate self-directing learning ability , team spirit and creativity .

  10. 我认为,只要有明智的CEO鼎力支持,用确凿的实例证明,令人难以置信的天真问题并不一定代表软弱、愚蠢,也不代表缺乏团队精神,建立这种提问的文化就不会很难。

    Achieving such a questioning culture would be easy , I thought , if enlightened CEOs stood behind it , demonstrating by confident example that incredibly Na ï ve questions are not necessarily a sign of weakness , stupidity , or lack of team spirit .

  11. 正确理解团队精神有效实施团队管理

    Correct Understanding of Team Spirit and Effective Implementation of Team Management

  12. 有团队精神,良好的人际沟通能力,愿意出差。

    Team player , strong interpersonal skills and willing to travel .

  13. 急诊护理管理中团队精神的培养

    Training of Teamwork Spirit in the Management of Emergency Nursing Care

  14. 如何培养团队精神已成为社会热点。

    And cultivation of team spirit has become a social focus .

  15. 理工科大学生团队精神的塑造

    The construction of team spirit for students of science and technology

  16. 环源集团将以倍效应的团队精神去面对未来。

    Huanyuan Group will face the future with unprecedented team spirit .

  17. 具有团队精神及有效沟通之能力。

    To acquire capability of the team spirit and effective communication .

  18. 具有良好的敬业精神和团队精神。

    Has the good professional spirit and the team spirit .

  19. 论如何提高医院护理队伍的团队精神

    Discussion on how to strengthen team spirits of nursing staff in hospital

  20. 因此,对于团队精神的研究日益引起人们的广泛关注和高度重视。

    Therefore , people pay more attention on the study of teamwork .

  21. 教练们喜爱它,因为他是个富有团队精神的球员。

    Coaches love him because he is a team player .

  22. 发挥团结凝聚、统一协调、奋力拼博,能打硬仗的团队精神。

    To keep up the spirit of team unity and hard work .

  23. 具有较强的组织协调和沟通能力,富于团队精神;

    Good at interpersonal skills and communication , good team work player ;

  24. 巴鲁克教授提出了另一个观察结论:讲粗口可以有助于促进员工的团队精神。

    The professor made another observation : swearing can help workers bond .

  25. 我可以轻松的在同事之间建立起团队精神。

    I can easily build team spirit among my coworkers .

  26. 所说的正确方式包括团队精神和忍耐。

    The " right way " includes teamwork and forbearance .

  27. 团队精神是冷锋在“战狼”部队学到的第一课。

    The first lesson the Wolf Warriors teaches Leng is team spirit .

  28. 培养协作和团队精神是拓展训练的主要目标。

    Cultivating collaboration and teamwork is the main objective of developing training .

  29. 作为回报,他们将增强团队精神和开放的沟通。

    And in turn , they will enhance team spirit and open communication .

  30. 没人抱怨说缺乏隐私,这是打造团队精神的好方法。

    No one complained about not having privacy . It built team spirit .