
  • 网络Team Integration;Integrated Teaming;Conformity
  1. 财务经理带领团队整合账单、制作财务报告和现金流量表,并预测利润。

    Along with their teams , they coordinate accounting and produce financial reports , cash-flow statements and profit projections .

  2. 互联网企业在并购后整合中主要面临战略整合风险、文化整合风险、团队整合风险、业务整合风险、技术整合风险和顾客整合风险。

    These risks which are Chinese internet enterprises faced include strategic integration risks , cultural integration risks , team integration risks , business integration risks , technology integration risks and customer integration risks .

  3. 企业高层团队整合是影响企业发展的关键因素,企业高层成员之间的内耗与冲突已经成为我国企业快速成长与可持续发展的制约瓶颈。

    The integration of senior team is one of the key factors influencing business development . The frictions and conflicts among senior team members have been a bottleneck for enterprise 's sustainable development .

  4. 在所有的并购后整合活动中,针对并购双方员工的团队整合过程被认为能有力预测并购后企业绩效以及员工对并购活动的接受度和满意感。

    Among all the post-acquisition integration activities , team integration involving employees coming from both sides was found to be the single most important predictor of post-acquisition performance along with employees ' acceptance and satisfaction of acquisition in itself .

  5. 高管团队行为整合的构念和测量:基于行为的视角

    The Construction and Measurement of Top Management Team Behavioral Integration

  6. 情绪智力对高管团队行为整合有显著影响。

    Emotional Intelligence has significant influence on TMT behavioral integration .

  7. 民营企业高层团队和谐整合模式研究

    A Study of Harmonious Mechanism on the Integration of Non-State-Owned Enterprise Senior Team

  8. 企业高层团队和谐整合的概念、制约因素及其内容研究

    On Concept , Hindrances and Contents of the Harmony Integration of Enterprise Senior Team

  9. 我还建议他们整合开发和测试团队,整合开发和测试活动。

    I also suggested they integrate their development and testing teams and their development and testing activities .

  10. 企业高层团队和谐整合是保证企业健康快速发展的重要条件。

    The harmony integration of enterprise senior team is one of the key factors influencing business development .

  11. 我国对于高管团队行为整合的研究尚处于起步和跟随阶段。

    Researches on Top Management team behavioral integration in the context of China are still in the initial stage .

  12. IT团队需要整合并调整银行的操作环境,因为他们与更现代化的公司进行竞争的能力有一定的风险。

    The IT team needed to consolidate and restructure the bank 's operating environment , because their ability to compete with more modernized companies was in jeopardy .

  13. 提出了学校团队学习整合理论模型,即学校制度整合模型、心智偏爱整合模型和学校文化整合模型;

    Finally , It puts forward the conformity theory model of school team learning , namely the conformity models of school regulation , thinker preference and school culture .

  14. 其中,推动力来自有效的组织管理;压力来自比赛的竞争力;拉力来自于团队的整合效能;支撑力来自于科学技术的发展。

    Driven comes from effective organization management ; pressure comes from competition ; tension comes from the integration efficacy of the team ; supporting comes from the development of science and technology . 7 .

  15. 本研究主要围绕解决以上两个问题展开,通过构建一个理论模型验证不同类型的影响因素对知识整合过程不同阶段具有不同的影响,以及团队知识整合不同阶段对不同团队绩效的不同影响。

    This study will mainly settle this two questions . Through constructing a theory model , this study verifies the impact of different factors to different phases of knowledge integration , as well as the influence of different phases of knowledge integration to team performance .

  16. 本研究则在高层梯队理论的框架下,探讨了我国企业的高管团队行为整合(包括开放沟通、团队合作和决策参与三个维度)对于组织绩效的影响。

    In this study , we explore the impact of the top management team behavioral integration of Chinese firms ( including three dimensions : communication openness , team cooperation and participation in decision-making ) on organizational performance under the framework of the upper echelon theory .

  17. 例如,团队可创建整合到Wikipedia之中的用户案例工具。

    For example , the team created a tool for user stories that was incorporated into the Wiki .

  18. 高新技术企业虚拟R&D团队的知识整合机制研究

    Research on Knowledge - Conformity Mechanisms of Virtual R & D Teams of High-tech Enterprises

  19. 当一开始团队将更改整合到他们的工作方式中去时,一般都会引起生产效率的下降。

    Any change initially causes a drop in productivity while the team integrates it into their way of working .

  20. 我们希冀通过此次团队调整,整合并优化公司资源,一如既往为您提供专业的服务及可信赖、高质量的产品。

    We expect this integration optimizes our organization resources therefore we can continuously provide you professional service and reliable high quality products .

  21. 您的团队将通过整合医学、营养、理疗、心理和精神等多方面治疗与癌症斗争。

    Your team will fight your cancer on many fronts , through an integrated combination of medical , nutritional , physical , psychological and spiritual therapies .

  22. 研究生创新团队可以以整合构建、支持服务、考核评估、激励引导为原则,构建研究生创新团队培育体系。

    Graduate innovative team can cultivate graduate students innovation team system with the principle of " integrated construction , support services , assessment evaluation , incentive and guide " .

  23. 同时打造出一支高素质、高效率的营销团队,全面整合营销策略,营造良好的竞争秩序,努力打造品牌效应以获取持续竞争优势。

    It is also advised to obtain sustainable competitive advantage by building up a high quality and efficient marketing team , integrating marketing strategies , creating a good competition order and striving to create brands .

  24. 物质层面建设是指科研团队科研资源的整合、自主创新以及科研环境的建设。

    Material construction means the optimal integration of research resources and the building of a benign research environment .

  25. 但是,团队中的知识整合并非总是很有效,特别是现在普遍使用的、信息技术支持的团队。

    However , knowledge integration is not always effective in teams , especially in digital-enabled teams which are commonly used .

  26. 也是充分发挥唐格视界团队与资源的整合,为客户提供整合化系统服务的过程。

    It also an overall integration interfaces the Tanger Eyeshot team with resources providing the integrated system service for the customer .

  27. 学校工作中,团队合作、资源整合的时代也必将到来。

    In the school work , the time of competition catch-up has gone , the time of teamwork is bound to arrival .

  28. 通过讨论后,团队意识到在整合问题上花费了大量的时间,如果这个问题得以解决,他们就有更多的时间去改善代码的质量了。

    Through the discussion the team realize that they 're spending a lot of time dealing with integration problems and that if this is fixed they could spend the time improving the quality of the code .

  29. 基于交互记忆系统的协作行为能够为团队成员克服知识整合过程中的障碍,实现知识边界的跨越;而知识边界的跨越能够有效地提升项目绩效水平。

    For the members of vendor , the collaborative behavior based on TMS can overcome the barriers in the process of knowledge integration , and achieve knowledge boundaries spanning ; on the other hand , knowledge boundaries spanning can promote outsourcing project performance .

  30. 团队环境、组合能力与团队知识整合关系研究

    Research on the Relationships among Team Environment , Combination Capability and Knowledge Integration in Team