
  • 网络gross profit margin;gross margin;gross profit percentage;gross profit ratio
  1. 上市公司的盈利能力指标分析,对比分析销售毛利率、每股收益和净资产收益率指标;

    The third is the index analysis which compares gross profits , earnings per share and rate of return .

  2. 我国上市公司未预期应收账款与未来销售收入、毛利率负相关,未预期应收账款增加传递出公司未来销售收入的负面消息,符合盈余质量说。

    Unpredicted accounts receivable that transmits the bad news of firm performance is negatively related to future sales and profit margins , which conform to the earnings quality explanation .

  3. 公司目前主要采用直接销售方式,注重大客户关系维护,产品销售毛利率较为稳定。

    Currently , the Company adopts the direct sale , attaches importance to keeping good relationship with big clients , and maintains a comparatively steady gross profit rate for product sale .

  4. 就全球而言,销售最强劲的依然是外衣和手袋。卡特赖特预计,高端商品的强劲销售将使得全年毛利率增长150个基点,可能还会更高一点。

    Globally , outerwear and handbags remain the big sellers , with Ms Cartwright anticipating that strong sales of higher-ticket items will cause full-year gross profit margins to increase by 150 basis points , or maybe a tad higher .