
  • 网络Roi;return on investment;IRR;ROIC;Rol
  1. 他还谈及了SOA的成本和投资回报率(ROI)。

    He also talks about the cost and ROI of SOA .

  2. 任何把美国国家安全和主权看作高于IBM的投资回报率的人都应该要求参议院调查IBM的这一举动

    Everyone that values the national security , national sovereignty of the United States more than a ROI on an IBM investment should write to their representatives in Washington and demand a senate investigation as to this move by IBM .

  3. 对CRM项目投资回报率的探讨

    Probe into Return on Investment of CRM Project

  4. 面对这一切,人们不免想探个究竟:对于许多公司而言,如果只将目标客户定位于使用谷歌(Google)搜索引擎的人群,是否投资回报率反而会更高?

    It all makes one wonder if many companies might be better off just targeting customers searching Google ( GOOG ) .

  5. 另一个相关度量是投资回报率(ROI),这应该随着利用率的增加而增加。

    Another related measure is return on investment ( ROI ), which should increase as utilization increases .

  6. 传统的IT需要通过提前计算好投资回报率(ROI)的分析来决定投资和部署什么。

    Traditional IT requires upfront return on investment ( ROI ) analysis to decide what to invest in and deploy .

  7. 取得正的投资回报率(ROE)很重要,尽管这并非唯一考量。

    Positive return on investment ( ROI ) is important , though not the only consideration .

  8. 估算社交媒体投资回报率的问题素来让CMO(首席营销官)们感到棘手。

    CMOS have long labored to measure return-on-investment from social media .

  9. 因此,如何在风险分担的基础上确保回购基价调整的准确性以及合理的投资回报率是BT项目顺利进行的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to ensure the accuracy of the buyback base price on risk-sharing basis and a reasonable return on investment is the key to success of BT project issues .

  10. 允许渐进式实现和资产迁移&这将支持开发这种体系结构的一个最关键的方面:获得更大的投资回报率(ROI)的能力。

    Allow for incremental implementations and migration of assets-this will enable one of the most critical aspects of developing the architecture : the ability to produce incremental ROI .

  11. 如果期望经济上的回报,那么理解工作本身的成本对于获得很好的投资回报率(ROI)是很关键的。

    If that benefit is expected to be financial then understanding the cost of that work is essential to deriving any meaningful return on investment ( ROI ) .

  12. 在2008届毕业生中进行的MBA课程投资回报率排名调查中,布斯商学院名列第二位,仅次于斯坦福大学商学院。

    When grads from the class of 2008 were surveyed for a return-on-investment ranking of MBA programs , Booth turned up second , behind only Stanford University 's Graduate School of Business .

  13. WebSphereeXtremeScale带来的业务结果包括通过更加有效的资源利用和扩展性实现更快地响应客户、更低的总拥有成本(TCO),以及更高的投资回报率(ROI)。

    The business results include faster response to your customers , lower total cost of ownership ( TCO ), and improved return on investment ( ROI ) by more effective resource utilization and scalability .

  14. 排序和选择项目的过程应该根据组织的财政目标,比如收益率、投资回报率(ROI),预算成本以及税收增长。

    The process for prioritizing and selecting projects should go beyond financial objectives , such as profitability , return on investment ( ROI ), budgeted costs , and revenue growth .

  15. 开发它们之后,其他人可以进行组织、存储并使用,从而加速MDD,并确保更好的投资回报率。

    After they are developed , they can be organized , stored and used by others to accelerate MDD and to ensure better returns on investments .

  16. 风险对特许权期的影响主要是通过对于不同风险因素的分担,影响投资回报率大小的确定,合理投资回报率问题也一直是BOT项目中的难题。

    The effect of risk to concession period is to share different risk factors and affect the fix of investment return rate ; reasonable investment return rate is always a difficulty in BOT project .

  17. 本部分主要归纳总结了国内外学者在BT回购基本概念及回购总价影响因素、回购基价理论、回购投资回报率等方面的研究成果。

    This section summarizes the major domestic and foreign scholars in the basic concepts of BT repurchase pricing and repo total factors , repurchase price theory , repurchase ROI and other aspects of research results .

  18. 一个重要的因素有助于解释这一转变:从2005年左右开始,攻读mba学位的投资回报率以工资增长衡量就开始大幅下降,尤其是在美国。

    One important factor helps explain this shift : from around 2005 onwards , the return on investment from studying an MBA , measured in terms of salary increase , fell considerably , especially in the US .

  19. Brown表示,现在他的客户计划将公寓出租,估计每年的投资回报率在3%,这样做同时兼顾了家庭和理财计划,可谓一举两得。

    For now , Mr. Brown says his client plans to rent out the unit and estimates she will earn a 3 % return on her investment each year . ' Family and financial planning all mix into one , ' Mr. Brown says .

  20. 二是BT项目回购基价调整因素按承担主体不同分为三类。三是运用单因素套利模型预测BT项目投资回报率更为合理。

    Second , the BT project repo base price adjustment factors assume different subjects divided into three categories . Third , the use of single-factor arbitrage model BT is more reasonable in rate of return on investment prediction .

  21. 在欧洲联盟(欧盟),重点放在孤儿疾病,因为它是一种很有前途的,新兴市场,而且还能提供保证投资回报率(ROI)。

    In the European Union ( EU ), the emphasis is on orphan diseases , as it is a promising , emergent market that offers the prospect of assured return on investment ( ROI ) .

  22. 并且分析了CWM元模型作为一个基于模型的元数据集成体系结构的基础设施在降低元数据集成的成本、提高投资回报率等方面的重要贡献。

    We also analyzed CWM 's contribute to reducing the cost of metadata integration and improving the rate of return on investment as a model-based infrastructure of metadata integration .

  23. 皮克提的主要观点是,发达国家贫富不均加剧主要是由富人的财富积累导致的,这受资本的投资回报率要长期高于GDP增长率所驱动。

    Piketty 's main assertion is that the leading driver of increased inequality in the developed world is the accumulation of wealth by those who are already wealthy , driven by a rate of return on capital that consistently exceeds the rate of GDP growth .

  24. 根据msci新兴市场指数,过去10年,中国是增长最快的新兴经济体,但其投资回报率在26个国家中仅名列第24位。

    China is the fastest-growing emerging economy over the past 10 years , but ranks only 24th out of 26 for investment returns , according to the MSCI EM index .

  25. 金融学教授布莱德·巴伯(BradBarber)和特伦斯·奥丁(TerranceOdean)发现,女人的年投资回报率(经风险因素调整后)比男人平均高于约一个百分点。

    Finance professors Brad Barber and Terrance Odean have found that women 's risk-adjusted returns beat those of men by an average of about one percentage point annually .

  26. •运营商在做出是否销售iPhone的决定时,考虑的不是时尚或狂热粉丝这些因素,而是确凿的经济现实&每用户平均收入(ARPU)、客户流失、网络费用、折旧、投资回报率等。

    • the decisions operators make on whether to carry the iPhone are driven not by fashion or fanboyism , but by hard economic realities : ARPU , churn , network costs , depreciation , ROI , etc.

  27. 因此,在BPM2.0中自动化和管理事务交互允许您将节约的时间花在构建支持和启用隐含交互的解决方案上,而最终会产生更高的投资回报率(ROI)。

    Thus , automating and managing transactional interactions in BPM 2.0 lets you spend that saved time focusing on building solutions that support and enable tacit interactions , which might ultimately have an even greater return on investment ( ROI ) .

  28. 在传统的投资回报率价格规制条件下,为获得更多的绝对利润,垄断企业会采取使用更多的资本投资代替其他要素投资的策略性行为,从而导致资本投资过剩,即A-J效应。

    In the traditional price regulation conditions , for the more absolute profits , monopoly enterprises will use more capital invest to alternative investment of other elements for the more absolute profits , leading to excessive capital investment , which means A-J effect .

  29. 为解决发电侧市场最高限价的设置问题,以美国的投资回报率法(ROR)、英国的零售价格指数法(RPI-X)和利润上限法为基础,提出了动态价格上限设置模型。

    To overcome the difficulty in designing price cap for regulation of electricity market , a novel model , dynamic price capping model , was proposed based on British RPI ( retail price index ), American ROR ( rate of return ) and PCM ( profit capping model ) .

  30. 机遇1:提高营销宣传活动的投资回报率

    Opportunity 1 : enhancing the return on investment of marketing campaigns