
  • 网络investment;to invest;invested funds
  1. 支持继续在载人飞行器上投入资金的人指出,现有的无人飞信器依赖于双向卫星通讯系统。

    Advocates of continuing investment in manned aircraft point out that current drones depend on two-way satellite communications .

  2. 但这些钻井新技术新装备在推广应用中存在着瓶颈问题,主要原因是对新技术和新装备在由科技成果向生产力转化过程中投入资金不足,其次是缺少现代化管理。

    But there are choke points in the application and popularization of these new techniques owing to insufficient investment for transformation of technical achievements to productivity and lack of modernized management .

  3. 他说他不适宜就政府进一步投入资金的承诺发表评论。

    He says that it is not his place to comment on government commitment to further funds

  4. 总统的经济刺激计划正在投入资金进行研究,以比较各种疗法的效果。

    The president 's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work .

  5. 当投资者投入资金建造一座核电站时,他们希望在核电站的计划寿命内赚回这笔钱,而核电站的寿命通常为40到60年。

    When investors put up money to build , say , a nuclear power plant , they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant , which is typically between 40 and 60 years .

  6. 并且坚持投入资金而这些正是他1997年回归苹果买下NeXT科技之后屡试不爽的制胜奇招

    and standing by his investment , something he would do again and again after his return to Apple in 1997 , after buying NeXT Technology .

  7. 为了获取更高预算,制作人们打起了Netflix的主意,当时它刚刚开始投入资金,打造自己的原创剧集。

    Seeking a bigger budget , producers took the idea to Netflix , which had recently started pouring resources into its own original series .

  8. 包括:STS教育研究投入资金不足;儒家传统文化的束缚;学校和社会片面追求升学价值偏向。

    Include : STS education and research into lack of funds ; Confucian tradition and cultural constraints ; schools and social value of one-sided pursuit of further bias .

  9. 近年来我国对环保的投入资金呈逐年增长的趋势,但占GDP的比例仍非常低,没有达到能有效改善环境的比例。

    In recent years , the environmental protection investment of our country is increasing year by year , But the proportion of GDP is still very low , has not reach the proportion of effectively improving the environment .

  10. 英国财政部宣布,中国新疆华凌工贸集团(HualingIndustryandTradeGroup)已同意投入资金“启动曼彻斯特、利兹和谢菲尔德的3个大型房地产项目,项目总价值为12亿英镑”。

    The Treasury announced that a group based in Xinjiang , the Hualing Industry and Trade Group , had agreed to invest money " to unlock three major property projects in Manchester , Leeds and Sheffield with a gross value of 1.2bn . "

  11. 我们通过设定不同类型的反应者(responder)以及对发送者(sender)所投入资金的不同投资回报机制,在信任博弈中引入了利他情形和风险情形。

    We introduce risky situations and altruistic situation by setting of different types of responders as well as the mechanism about investment return of money sending by senders in the traditional Trust / Investment Game .

  12. ColinChartres说,只有超级作物并不够&到2030年地球将缺乏粮食,除非我们投入资金以避免巨大的世界水危机。

    Super crops won 't be enough & the planet will run short of food by2030 unless we invest to avoid an imminent world water crisis , says Colin Chartres .

  13. 法官雷斯特米勒(ForrestMiller)表示,该农场地产的任何买家,预期都会投入资金,实现全部生产潜力。由于缺乏投资,该农场目前状况不佳。

    Justice Forrest Miller said any purchaser of the farming estate , which was in poor condition after being starved of investment , could be reasonably expected to spend money on bringing production up to its full potential .

  14. 然而只有贴现回报资金流动率(DCFROR)专门指出方案在投入资金以后的回报效益。

    Only discounted cash-flow rate of return ( DCFROR ), however , indicates specifically how much return the project will give on the invested dollars .

  15. 这已促使耐克投入资金开发了一些商业潜力不大的产品,比如它为马术队新开发的带有模铸可拆卸塑料马刺的ippeas马靴,其设计者是一位通常为乔丹品牌工作的美国设计师。

    This has required Nike to spend money on developing products of limited commercial potential , such as its new " ippeas " riding boot with molded and detachable plastic spurs developed for the Equestrian Team by a US designer who normally works on the " urban " Jordan Brand .

  16. 利用风险集中原理,合理使用安全投入资金;

    Employing principle of risk concentration to arrange invested funds for safety rationally ;

  17. 出资;资助英国政府未能给综合交通系统的建设投入资金

    the British government 's failure to invest in an integrated transport system .

  18. 政府对电子政务越来越重视,投入资金也逐年增加。

    Government paid more attention to E-government , and increased the investment year by year .

  19. 中国为了确保自己有能力对所受一次打击进行还击,已在投入资金。

    China has been spending money to ensure that it could answer a first strike .

  20. 随着中信资源投入资金对其进行升级改造,这个油田的产量预计将大大增加。

    Production is expected to increase sharply as the company invests in upgrades . Goldman 's Mr.

  21. 是的,但只要政府给我们投入资金,我们就会立即继续下去。

    Yes , but we shall proceed as soon as the Grubstart gives us the added funds .

  22. 这两个国家都在以沙特并不喜欢的方式向中东投入资金。

    Both countries are spending money in the Middle East in ways the kingdom does not like .

  23. 四年来,芝罘区共为全市动漫产业投入资金近一个亿元人民币。

    Four years , the city 's animation industry Zhifu total investment of nearly one billion yuan .

  24. 卡瓦诺表示:如果交易有价值,银行将继续投入资金。

    If the deals make sense , the banks will continue to put money in , says Mr Kavanaugh .

  25. 根据员工在公司中的级别,每轮可投入资金设定一个上限。

    There was a maximum amount you could put into each round based on your level in the firm .

  26. 在流行病或其他卫生突发事件的准备措施上投入资金具有相当大的意义。

    Investing now in promoting measures to prepare for a pandemic or other health emergency will have considerable value .

  27. 但政府投入资金的严重不足,严重制约了整个信息化基础设施的完善,影响了农业信息化建设的进程。

    However , deficiencies in investment funds seriously constrained the perfect of information technology infrastructure and agricultural information construction process .

  28. 目的调查卫生整改投入资金数,探讨改善工厂食堂卫生状况的成本效果。

    Objective To investigate the hygiene complete change inputing funds and study improving factory dining room hygiene condition 's cost effect .

  29. 这些经济体系已奉行开放商品和资本市场的基本原则,因此欢迎西方金融机构投入资金。

    These countries who have become converts to the basic philosophy of open markets for goods and capitals welcomed these funding .

  30. 风险投资者不但向企业投入资金,还帮助管理企业,帮助企业价值增值。

    Venture capitalists not only invest in the business , but also help manage the business , help companies add value .