
  • 网络Projective Research
  1. 大鼠心内神经元至颈上神经节的分支投射研究

    A study of projection from the intrinsic cardiac neurons to the superior cervical ganglia in the rat

  2. 基于三维建模的猫内侧膝状体与听皮层的投射研究

    Research on the Projections of Medial Geniculate Body and Auditory Cortex in Cat Based on Three-dimensional Reconstruction

  3. 大鼠展神经核向对侧动眼神经核的内直肌亚核的纤维投射研究

    Study on afferent projections from the abducens nucleus to the contralateral medial rectus subnucleus of the oculomotor nucleus in the rat

  4. 应用斜投射法研究画法几何中图解问题

    Solving graphic problems in descriptive geometry by using oblique projection method

  5. 家兔小脑中央核向脊髓直接投射的研究

    Direct spinal projections from the cerebellar nuclei in the rabbit

  6. 多维平行投射方向研究的一项应用

    An Application of Research of Multi-dimensional Parallel Projective Derection

  7. 家兔大脑、小脑和顶盖向脊髓直接投射的研究

    Direct Spinal Projections from the Cerebrum , Cerebellum and Tectum in the Rabbit

  8. 家兔顶盖脊髓束在脊髓内节段投射的研究

    Tectospinal Projections to the Spinal Cord in the Rabbit

  9. 家兔锥体束在脊髓内投射的研究

    The Investigation of the Pyramidal Tract in the Spinal Cord of the Rabbit

  10. 反潜鱼雷、声纳浮标投射模型研究

    Model Researching of Anti-submarine Torpedo 、 Sonobuoy Launch

  11. 脑桥呼吸调整中枢向中缝大核下行投射的研究

    Studies on the descending projections from the pontine pneumotaxic region to the nucleus raphe magnus in cats

  12. 运用成就动机问卷和投射测验研究了大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧。

    This research used a questionnaire of achievement motivation and projective technique to examine university students ' achievement motivation and fear of success .

  13. 我们的研究扩展了投射的研究范围:从小句复合体中一种逻辑语义关系发展到表达人际意义,并把它与人际意义中的情态结合起来。

    We expand the study of projection from one of the logic-semantic relationship of clause complex to interpersonal meaning , and connect it with modality .

  14. 大鼠内侧杏仁核的性双形性和向内侧视前区直接投射的研究

    Sex dimorphism in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and a study on the direct projections from the rat medial amygdaloid nucleus to the medial preoptic area

  15. 大鼠扣带回&丘脑腹侧基底核投射的HRP研究

    HRP Labeling Study on Anterior Cingulate Cortex & Ventrobasal Nucleus of the Thalamus Projection of the Rat

  16. 家禽动眼神经副交感核和Cajal中介核至脊髓的直接投射&HRP法研究

    Direct Projections to the Spinal Cord from Avian EW Nuclei and Cajal Interstitial Nuclei Using HRP

  17. 家兔EdingerWestphal核至脊髓的投射HRP法研究

    The projection from Edinger - Westphal nucleus to the spinal cord in the rabbit & hrp method

  18. 下丘脑向小脑的直接投射&WGA-HRP法研究

    Hypothalamo - cerebellar projections in the rat : WGA - HRP study

  19. 英语小句复合体投射系统之研究

    A Systemic Study of Projection in English Clause Complexes

  20. 大白鼠皮质下非听性结构向下丘的投射&WGA-HRP法研究

    The non-auditorial afferents of the inferior colliculus in the rat & wga-hrp method

  21. 基于红外仿真的动态场景投射方式优化研究

    Projection Study Optimizing study of Dynamic IR Scene Projector Technology Based on IR Simulation

  22. 机器人轨迹规划算法及其在虚拟环境下的投射式实现研究

    Study on Trajectory Planning Algorithms for Robots and Their Projective Implementations under Virtual Environment

  23. 大鼠脊髓至外侧网状核的纤维投射&WGA-HRP法研究

    Spinal Projections to Lateral Reticular Nucleus in Rat

  24. 大鼠缰核的传入投射&WGA-HRP法研究

    The afferent projections of the habenular nuclei in the rat & a WGA-HRP study

  25. 大鼠下丘脑室旁核至脊髓室管膜的纤维投射&HRP法研究

    The efferent projections from PVN to ependyma of the spinal cord in the rat

  26. 大鼠额叶皮质至顶盖的投射&WGA-HRP法研究

    The projection from frontal cortex to tectum in the rat & a WGA-HRP study

  27. 猫中缝核向嗅球的投射&HRP法研究

    Projections from the raphe nuclei to the olfactory bulb in the cat & hrp method

  28. 大鼠上丘的连合投射&HRP法研究

    The commissural projection of the superior colliculus in the rat & a horseradish peroxidase study

  29. 猫扣带回皮质至丘脑中央外侧核的局部定位投射&HRP法研究

    Topographical projection of cingulate cortex to the central lateral nucleus of thalamus in the cat

  30. 隐喻投射的批评性研究

    A Critical Research on Metaphorical Mappings