
  • 网络credit capital
  1. 推动财政投资信用资金市场化配置所必须解决的问题

    Problems in market allocation of financial investment and credit capital

  2. 证券公司应当委托第三方存管银行为客户开立实名信用资金账户。

    A securities company shall entrust a third-party depository bank to open a real-name credit capital account for the customer .

  3. 票据市场是货币市场的组成部分之一,它在货币市场乃至整个金融市场中占有十分重要的地位,因为票据不仅具有汇兑、支付和结算的功能,而且具有信用和资金融通的功能。

    MARKET Note Market is one part of Money Market .

  4. 在此基础上形成了自己的模式,资金来源主要是政府资金或国内、国际组织项目资金,信用社资金,资本来源较少。

    Sources of funding are mainly government funding , domestic , international organizations funds , credit unions funds . Sources of funds are less .

  5. 首先要完善对中小企业的金融支持体系。设立江西省中小企业信用担保资金,切实解决中小企业贷款难、融资难、企业注册资本不足以及担保等问题;

    Establish " credit guarantee fund for medium and small enterprises in jiangxi ", solving the medium and small enterprises ' problems such as the difficulty in loan , in financing and the inadequate registered capital .

  6. (软件)开支就像信用枯竭造成资金流通显著放缓一样撞上了南墙

    Spending hits a wall as credit dries up and money velocity slows dramatically

  7. 出口信用与发展资金

    Export Credits and Development Financing

  8. 该协议还包括向中小型私人产业开放信用额度提供资金。

    The agreement also included opening up a credit line to finance small and medium-sized companies in the private sector .

  9. 一些人认为,通过碳排放信用获得的资金,可以用来提供迫切需要的激励(机制),让农民们转向可持续发展的方式。

    Some suggest that financing supplied through carbon credits might provide such farmers with much-needed incentives to switch to sustainable methods .

  10. 发行国债是政府为满足其职能需要以信用原则筹措资金和调节经济的一种财政政策手段。

    Issuing national debt is a kind of fiscal policy means raising funds and regulating economic to meet the demands of its function with credit principles .

  11. 四个来源中无论是财政资金,还是准财政资金的捐赠资金,以及利用政府信用的银行资金都是事后筹集的,其数量有限,完全由政府来买单。

    The financial resources , donated funds , and the bank funds for government credit are raised , and their number is limited entirely by the government .

  12. 在此基础上还要注意理清历年积累资产的产权,明晰信用社自有资金的产权关系,实施金股设置政策,解决历史包袱等一系列问题。

    Furthermore , on the foundation of this link we must pay attention to quantifying accumulated property right , carrying out golden share policy , solving questions left over by history and so on .

  13. 融资租赁作为现代租赁业的重要标志,与现代租赁的其他形式相比,其承租人不仅可以通过租赁获得设备的使用权,而且可以把租赁信用作为融通资金的手段。

    Financial leading is the important symbol of modern leasing . Compared with other forms , its lessee can not only own the using right of certain equipment but also make it means for financing funds .

  14. 阐述当前国家对农村经济发展的宏观政策,农村产业结构的调整对农村信用社信贷资金的需求状况,引发出农村信用社资金供给不足问题。

    It explains the current national macro policy on rural economic development and the requirements of rural industry structure adjustment on the credit asset of Rural Credit Unions , and thus the sufficient money supply of Rural Credit Unions .

  15. 出口信用保险扶持发展资金管理办法

    Administration Measures of Funds for Developing and Supporting Credit Insurance on Export

  16. 其次,它有利于维系商业伙伴之间持久稳定的信用关系,加速资金和物资的融通。

    Secondly , it greatly enhances the permanent and standing relationship between businessmen .

  17. 人们把信用卡用作周转资金的一种来源,靠信用卡度日。

    People use credit cards as a source of working capital . They fund everyday living on their cards .

  18. 将企业信用链分解成资金信用链、物资信用链和品牌信用链三个分支链分别进行风险元传递的理论研究。

    And then enterprise credit chain is broken down into capital credit chain , supplies credit chain and sales credit chain .

  19. 认真做好农村信用社改革试点资金支持工作,是深化农村信用社改革总体要求的重要组成部分。

    Completes the Rural credit cooperative pilot reform financial support work earnestly , is deepens the Rural credit cooperative to reform the overall request the important component .

  20. 但高信用评级、募集资金、对外收购,如此往复的循环只有在投资者相信利丰具备获得高信用评级的资质时才是良性的。

    But that circle high rating , raise funds , buy , repeat can remain virtuous only so long as investors believe the company justifies its rating .

  21. 东北老工业基地面临信用环境不佳,资金效益低下,金融系统自我调节能力差等金融问题。

    Currently there are some financial problems in northeast old industrial bases , such as unfavorable credit environment , low fund-using ratio , less self-regulation abilities in banking system , etc.

  22. 加上农村信用社作为农村资金供给的主力军其自身机制的不完善性,使得农村金融供给与需求的矛盾日益体现。

    As main force in providing rural funds , the mechanism of Rural Credit Union itself was unperfected . Imbalance between supply and demand of rural finance increasingly became obviously .

  23. 良好的信用是企业获取资金的前提,中小企业融资困难的根本原因是信用缺失。

    Good credit is the basic condition for enterprises obtaining money . The principal cause of the difficulties in accumulating money for the small and medium enterprises is the lack of credit .

  24. 信用合作社出现短期资金困难的,可以通过货币市场调剂解决;农村信用合作社也可以由其开户的农业银行给予短期资金支持。

    If a credit cooperative has any short-term funds difficulty , it may solve the problem through the adjustment of currency market ; a rural credit cooperative may be given the short-term funds support by its opening agricultural bank .

  25. 银行优先为国债项目提供配套贷款,支持有市场、有效益、有信用企业的流动资金和技术改造贷款需要。

    While giving top priority to providing supplementary loans for Treasury-bond projects , banks also provided working capital and loans in support of technological transformation by credit-worthy enterprises that are profitable and have a ready market for their products .

  26. 通过分析,发现存在法律主体地位问题、数据安全问题、信用监管问题、资金沉淀问题、消费者保护问题、非法交易问题、法律责任问题。

    Through analysis , found the problems of the status of legal , data security issues , the regulation of credit , precipitation of funds , consumer protection issues , the issue of illegal trade , the issue of legal responsibility .

  27. 我国中小企业信用担保公司本来资金来源渠道就比较窄,再加上直接面对高风险和高代偿率的挑战,这将导致担保公司对中小企业融资的帮助变弱。

    Especially SME credit guarantee companies have sources of funding channels are more narrow in our country , plus they always directly face the challenge of high risk and high rate of compensation , this would weaken the guarantee companies help small and medium enterprises financing .

  28. 如何防范和控制由于赊销而致的信用风险,提高资金的周转率和应收账款的回收率,降低风险管理成本,已成为许多企业亟待解决的问题。

    How to take precautions against and control credit risks that produce because of " selling on credit ", raise turnover rate and recovery rate of the account receivable , reduce the cost of risk management , has already become problems urgently to be solved of a lot of enterprises .

  29. 信用交易中的应付款项产生了商业信用资金,而商业信用资金的现金折扣通常以机会成本的形式出现。

    Acount payable in business on credit brings credit capital , while cash discount for acount payable has the form of opportunity cost generally .

  30. 银行是一种以营利为目的的信用机构,而上市公司则依靠信用获取资金,因此二者之间是典型的信用关系,讲求诚实信用最大化原则。

    They benefit each other on the basis of financing relationship . Banks are credit institutions that exist to be profitable while listed companies obtain capital by credit . There is a typical credit relationship between them where the principle of honesty and credit maximization is observed .