
  • 网络Sales Quotations
  1. 基于BOM的销售报价系统的研制与开发

    Researching System of Selling Quoted Price Based on BOM

  2. 有效控制物流成本,就是在为企业创造利润,在产品销售报价时,物流费用的报价甚至成为卖方获取利润的重要手段之一。

    Efficient logistics cost control is creating profit for enterprises .

  3. 一个可能的信心把戏关注,从过去的经验中产生,是基于对酒的销售报价,以客户的钱,但从未提供的酒。

    Concerns about a possible confidence trick , arising from past experience , are based on offers of the wine for sale , taking customers'money but never delivering the wine .

  4. 以目标为导向,能独立开展工作专业经验和技能:3年以上电机销售及报价支持经验。

    Professional experiences and skills : Three ( 3 ) plus years of experience in sales and quotation support motors and generators .

  5. 自从公布了减价销售以来,报价之多令他们应接不暇。

    Since announcing the sale , they 've been besieged with offers .

  6. 必升能任何其他的报价发出形式仅作为一般信息供参考用,不是销售用正式报价或发盘。

    Other Fisnar publications are maintained as sources of general information and are not quotations or offers to sell .

  7. 他告诉我一旦我说完销售目的和报价后就不要说话了,接下来第一个说话的人就输了。

    He told me that once I got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices , that the first person to talk will lose .

  8. 谷歌还可以不经由任何中介,直接通过你的手机与你联系,向你销售保险或者报价购买你的个人数据,提出一个你最可能接受的价格点。

    And , in having unmediated access to you via your phone , Google can also sell you insurance or make you an offer for your personal data on the go , using a price point that you are most likely to accept .

  9. 为了成功的销售,你们的报价必须具有竞争力。

    In order to sell successfully there , your goods will have to be competitive in price as well .

  10. 如果客户不接受报价,则销售经理负责明确报价被拒绝的理由。

    When a quotation is considered unacceptable by the client , the Sales manager will endeavour to establish the reasons why the bid was unacceptable .