
  • 网络sales rebates
  1. 法国调查人员目前正在调查销售中收取回扣的指控。这些回扣从理论上讲是用于资助法国前总理巴拉杜尔的总统竞选活动。

    French investigators are now probing allegations of kickbacks in the sales that theoretically helped finance the presidential campaign of France 's former prime minister Eduard Balladur .

  2. 扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、运费、包装费

    " without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts , rebates , returns , commissions , indirect taxes , insurance premiums , freights , packing expenses , transportation charges "

  3. 制药厂被迫缴纳数十亿美元,他们被处罚的理由是未经批准销售药物,为扩大销售支付回扣,或者二者兼而有之,有的公司对支付患者医药费用的全民医疗保险项目进行欺瞒。

    Billions have been wrung out of drugmakers . The firms have been charged with marketing drugs for unapproved uses , paying illegal kickbacks to raise sales , or both , cheating the public-health programmes that foot the bill .