
  • 网络corporate profit;Business profit;Profits
  1. 但作为GDP组成部分的企业利润会随着时间变化而波动这取决于劳资之间的谈判力。

    But corporate profits as a proportion of GDP fluctuate over time , depending on the bargaining power of capital versus labour .

  2. 这是受到创纪录利润率的驱动:在美国,企业利润占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重目前处于历史最高点(不过如果不算金融企业,就没有这么明显)。

    This is driven by record margins ; in the US , corporate profits as a proportion of gross domestic product are at their highest ever ( although this effect diminishes if financial companies are excluded ) .

  3. 英国的FDI、贸易与企业利润

    FDI , Trade , and Plant-Level Price-Cost Margins in the UK

  4. 企业利润的触底反弹并不能归因于销售增长,因为gdp增长依旧乏力。

    The V-shaped recovery cannot be attributed to sales : GDP growth has been tepid .

  5. 但是由于企业利润的课税制度和破产惩罚的客观存在,MM理论并不完美。

    However , because the tax system and the bankruptcy punishment objectively exist , MM theory is not perfect .

  6. 企业利润Vs.公共利益传统能源公司的新能源

    Profits Vs Public Interest : New Energy of Traditional Energy Companies

  7. 相关的比较分析表明:CRM系统是网上书店提升客户满意度和忠诚度,增加企业利润和竞争力的关键所在。

    The result of comparison and analyses shows that CRM systems are the key that can improve the satisfactions and loyalties of customer , and in-crease profits and competition abilities of corporations .

  8. 总税收对GDP的增长弹性约为1.1,工商业增加值、企业利润和劳动者报酬等的增长不同程度地促进相关税收增长;

    The growth elasticity of total tax revenue to GDP is 1.1 , and growths in value-added of industrial and commercial enterprises , profits of enterprises and returns to employee have boosted , in different degrees , increases in relevant taxes .

  9. 外商投资企业利润分配若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems about Profit Allocation of Foreign Invested Enterprises

  10. 这些问题严重阻碍了企业利润的增长和进一步发展。

    These problems prevent the enterprise from increasing profits and further development .

  11. 客户忠诚度和企业利润的相关性研究

    Study on the relativity between customers loyalty and enterprises profits

  12. 企业利润结构的特征与质量分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Profit Structure and Quality

  13. 关于企业利润新源泉&物流信息化的探讨

    New profits source of enterprises & Discussion on information-based drive of logistics

  14. 陕北石油秩序油田企业利润的敏感性分析

    Analysis on the Profit Sensitivity of Oil Field Enterprises

  15. 纳税筹划在企业利润分配中的应用研究

    Tax Planning in Profit Distribution of the Enterprises

  16. 提出提高企业利润份额需从内部挖掘利润潜力,在外部开拓新的利润源两方面入手。

    Developing both of internal and external potential is useful to increase profit share .

  17. 高科技企业利润提成激励模式研究

    Research on Profit-related Bonus for Hightech Firms

  18. 企业利润管理行为探新

    Innovation of Profit Management Behavior of Enterprises

  19. 价格下跌已经对企业利润率造成损害了吗?

    This price drop has hurt margins ?

  20. 研究产品环保功能,形成企业利润的新增长点

    Studying the Functions of Product on Environmental Protection , New Point of Businesses Profits will Form

  21. 它的会员费收入为23亿美元,约占企业利润的75%。

    Membership fees brought in $ 2.3 billion & equal to about 75 % of its profit .

  22. 正确理解和认识企业利润

    Correctly understanding enterprise profit

  23. 企业利润税形式是大量经济组织以自然人性质存在为前提;

    Enterprise profit tax system is predicated on that the majority of operating organizations are the natural persons ;

  24. 加强采购管理、降低采购成本,已成为提高企业利润的又一个重要源泉。

    To strengthen procurement management and reduce procurement costs is considered to be another way to improve profit .

  25. 企业利润受到压缩的同时实际利率又居高不下,这迫使企业不得不削减工资涨幅。

    The combination of profit squeeze and high real interest rates is forcing firms to cut back wage gains .

  26. 与此同时,企业利润可能依然疲弱,从而使股市无法维持住回升势头。

    In the meantime , corporate profits could remain weak , keeping the stock market from sustaining a rally .

  27. 库克表示,真正的问题是将企业利润汇回美国国内需要缴纳巨额税款。

    Mr Cook said the real problem was with the high US taxes applied to repatriation of corporate profits .

  28. 高的平台边际效用损失将会激化双寡头之间的价格竞争,并将消费者剩余强制转化为企业利润。

    High losses of platform marginal utility could stoke the prices competition , and will force consumer surplus into enterprise profits .

  29. 为了保持企业利润的持续增长,企业就必须通过提高品牌管理的效率来实现。

    In order to maintain sustained growth in corporate profits , companies must strive to raise the efficiency of brand management .

  30. 具有更大影响力、渗透里和竞争力的大品牌,是企业利润最大化和国家竞争力的载体。

    Big brands with much influencing force , infiltration and competition are carriers of national competitive power and maximization of business profit .