
  • 网络business cooperation;COOPERATION;enterprise collaboration
  1. 未来产业内的并购整合以及产业链上企业合作将增多。

    Integration of future mergers within the industry and the industrial chain business cooperation will increase .

  2. 邻近区域旅游企业合作的博弈分析&以张家界和凤凰为例

    Game Analysis of Tourism Business Cooperation in the Near District & Take Zhangjiajie and Fenghuang as Example

  3. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系是下阶段金砖经济合作的一个重要抓手。要敢于先行先试,将企业合作同新工业革命伙伴关系结合起来,争取在创新、数字经济、绿色经济等领域拿出更多亮眼成果,助力五国经济实现高质量发展。

    The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage , the business sector results in such areas as innovation , digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies .

  4. 虚拟企业合作伙伴投资MIS博弈分析及期权评价

    Virtual Enterprise Partners Investing MIS Game Analysis and Option Evaluation

  5. 迄今我们已确认的最引人注目的的使用案例之一就是使用Web服务在企业合作伙伴间提供供应链集成。

    One of the most compelling use cases we have identified thus far is that of providing supply chain integration between business partners using web services .

  6. 信息电子产业企业合作RD动机新探&对产品兼容性和互通性的追逐

    Study from a New Angle on Motives for Cooperative RD in Information and Electronic Industry

  7. 传统的PKI构造方式不具有动态性,因而不能满足动态联盟中企业合作中的安全需求。

    The lack of dynamic property in traditional conformation of PKI can not fulfill the security requirements in virtual enterprises .

  8. 最后,与成长型企业合作或建立伙伴关系例如皇家飞利浦电子(royalphilipselectronics)与东软成立了合资公司,以加速获得市场准入,并提高技术与制造能力。

    Last , collaborate or partner with growth companies - such as Royal Philips Electronics , which formed a joint venture with Neusoft to gain accelerated market access and technical and manufacturing capabilities .

  9. 文中首先构建了虚拟企业合作伙伴选择评价指标体系,在该体系的基础上,构建了BP神经网络评价模型,并通过MATLAB神经网络工具对其进行模拟计算。

    Firstly , it sets up an index system of selecting partners in Virtual Enterprise , and then designs the BP neural network model according to the index system , and it uses the Neural Network Toolbox ( NNT ) based on MATLAB to make network compute .

  10. 并在此基础上充分应用信息技术成果,将数据仓库技术与决策支持理论相结合,进一步构建了面向虚拟企业合作伙伴选择的决策支持系统(VEPS系统)。

    And in this foundation , making full use of information technologies and combining with policy-making support theory , this paper proposed an intelligent decision support system of VE partner selection .

  11. 波兰克拉科夫矿冶大学与采矿企业合作,对抗压强度超过80MPa的矿岩的非爆破特殊开采技术进行了研究。

    In collaboration with the mining industry , the Cracow University of Mining and Metallurgy of Poland has studied unconventional non-blasting mining technologies for rocks with a strength exceeding 80 MPa .

  12. 然后对供应链中企业合作利益分配的各种方法模型进行研究。

    The various methods and models of profit sharing are discussed .

  13. 因此,企业合作博弈中的联盟收益具有模糊性和不确定性。

    So the cooperation income of enterprise is fuzzy and uncertain .

  14. 生态工业园区企业合作过程中交易成本问题研究

    Research on the Transaction Costs of Firms during Cooperation in EIP

  15. 企业合作创新战略模式选择的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Cooperative Innovation Choice of Strategic Modes on Firms

  16. 高校和企业合作培养人才研究

    A Study on Cultivating Talent in University by Cooperating with Enterprise

  17. 美国大学、政府和企业合作的角色定位、特征与不足分析

    Roles , Features and Shortcomings of University-Government-Enterprise Cooperation in the United States

  18. 集群企业合作隐性契约的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Implicit Contract about Unit Cooperation within Cluster

  19. 基于R&D溢出的企业合作研发行为分析

    Research on R D Investment Based on R D Spillovers

  20. 虚拟企业合作伙伴评价体系及模糊综合评价

    Evaluation System of Virtual Enterprise Partnership & Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  21. 农户与加工企业合作主要是为了减少不确定性。

    Fanners cooperate with processing enterprise in order to reduce the uncertainties .

  22. 旅游企业合作营销的风险及规避

    The Risks and Evasion of Tourism Enterprises ' Cooperative Marketing

  23. 企业合作网络结构及其特性分析

    Analysis of Inter-Firm Collaborative Networks : Structure and the Properties

  24. 大学与企业合作学习的运行模式

    Mode of Movement on University - industry Collaboration Learning

  25. 首届海峡两岸中小企业合作论坛

    The 1st Across-Straits Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperation Forum

  26. 高校图书馆与企业合作的探索

    Probe into the Cooperation between University Library and Enterprise

  27. 寻找企业合作伙伴进行投资,因此您可以筹集更多的钱。

    Look for corporate partners to invest so you can raise more money .

  28. 企业合作中的谈判与博弈

    The Negotiation and Game in Enterprises ' Cooperation

  29. 分析了企业合作阻力系数的研究现状及企业合作阻力系数的影响因素,认为企业综合收益与综合成本是合作阻力系数的2个因素。

    The research status and influencing factors of the cooperation resistance coefficient were analyzed .

  30. 供应链管理强调企业合作、信息共享和整个供应链的优化。

    SCM emphasizes enterprises collaboration , information sharing and the whole supply chain optimization .