
  • 网络corporate identity
  1. 同时要加强员工对企业目标的认同感,让员工感觉到自己所做的工作是值得的,这样才能激发职工的热情。

    At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity , so that employees feel their work is worth it , so as to arouse the enthusiasm of employees .

  2. 对新进员工的培训从最开始的零,到现在的系统培训,企业注重对新进员工技能培训同时也加强他们对企业认同感、责任感和忠诚度的培养。

    From the beginning of the new employees training to the whole training system , enterprises not only focus on skills training but also enhance the identity , responsibility and loyalty of new employees .

  3. CIS(企业形象塑造)作为企业识别系统,可使企业经营理念与精神文化传达给服务者和服务对象,并促使其对企业产生一致的认同感与价值观。品牌成长中的企业CI变更研究

    In 1980s , the corporation identity system ( CIS ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . The Research of Corporation Identity in the Growth of Brand