
  1. 参与激励,增强员工归属感;

    Participation drove that strengthens the staff sense of belonging ;

  2. 企业文化是以企业管理哲学和企业精神为核心,凝聚企业员工归属感、积极性和创造性的人本管理理论。

    The corporate culture takes the philosophy of business administration and spirit of enterprise as the core , which represents the ' human-oriented ' theory for coagulating the identity , activity and creativity of the personnel .

  3. 要培养员工的归属感,最好的方式是动用流动资金,对员工付出的时间和努力给予奖励。

    And the best way to make employees feel like owners is through liquidity , where the time and effort of all employees is financially rewarded .

  4. 要提高员工的归属感,激发创造力,除了应追求以人为本的理念以外,还必须对跨国公司所对应的国家的国情和条例进行大胆的创新。

    To strengthen employees ' sense of belonging , to stimulate their creativity , regulations of the countries where these multinational companies belong to must also be bold and innovative , based upon people-oriented principles .

  5. 通过众多专家学者研究可知,公司只有坚持以人为本的管理理念,创造舒适的工作环境,积极开展企业文化建设,增强员工的企业归属感,提高员工满意度,才能降低员工流失率。

    According to many study of scholars , Only by adhering to text management idea , creating a comfortable working environment , carrying out the building of enterprise culture actively , enhancing employee sense of ownership of enterprise and improving employee satisfaction can reduce companies ' staff turnover rate .

  6. 参赛除了是以行动支持环保外,亦是员工增进感情和归属感的机会。

    Besides supporting environmental protection , joining the event provided a chance for HKO staff to enhance their sense of belonging and have fun together .

  7. 并将物质激励与精神激励相结合,以物质激励为核心,注意精神激励。有效激发员工的工作热情,增强了员工的归属感和责任感,吸引和稳定了公司的优秀员工。

    Material incentives combined with the spirit of the incentive stimulated the enthusiasm of the staff . Attracting and retaining outstanding staff of the company .

  8. 企业要想吸引并留住人才,就必须提高员工的满意度,培养员工对企业的归属感,增强员工对企业的向心力,进而提升员工对企业的忠诚度。

    If enterprise wants to attract and retain the persons with ability , the problem must be solved firstly is increasing employees satisfaction , accordingly fosters employees ' identity and adscription to enterprise , strengthen the centripetal force of employee for enterprise continuously .

  9. 因此,要想吸引和留住人才,就必须提高员工的工作满意度,培养员工对企业的归属感。

    So we must figure out in order to increase the degree of job satisfaction of staff we can attract and retain the talents .