
  1. 错误的说法:吉姆,如你所知,员工旷工是一个公认的持续存在的问题,而且这一问题对我们公司和我们所处行业的其它公司都有难以承受的财务影响等等。

    WRONG : Jim , As you know , employee absenteeism is generally recognized as an ongoing problem with a steep financial impact , both in our company and in other companies in our industries .

  2. 目前,该企业的客户群、体生产率和利润率都有着明显的好转,而员工的旷工情况明显减少。

    The company is now experiencing a major upturn in it 's customer base , general productivity and profitability and a reduction in staff absenteeism .

  3. 在CareerBuild(某职场招聘网站)的年度调查中,有29%的员工承认今年曾经旷工过,而众多请假理由中生病是最常用的一个。

    In CareerBuilder 's annual survey , 29 percent of workers admitted to playing hooky this year , their top reasons is calling in sick .