
qǐ yè ɡuǎn lǐ
  • enterprise management;business management
  1. 他只不过是能说会道,其实,他根本就不懂什么是企业管理的基本原理。

    He just has the gift of gab , and in fact , knows nothing about the basic principles of business management .

  2. 基于Web的油田项目工程造价与分析管理信息系统的开发,可以有效规范企业管理行为,规范油田项目主体的经营行为。

    Business management can effectively regulate behavior , and regulate the operation of the main oil field behavior .

  3. 他丝毫不懂企业管理。

    He has no idea how to run a business .

  4. 总经理应有企业管理经验。

    The Chief Executive should be experienced in business administration .

  5. 他们采取措施使高级文职人员的工资和企业管理干部的工资相等。

    They have taken measures to equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives .

  6. 欧洲企业管理研究院的一名教授赫尔·葛瑞格森说:“通常正是像乔布斯这样可以从多种经历中有所借鉴的人才能经常产生突破性的想法和见解。”

    " It 's often people like Steve Jobs who can draw from a deep reservoir of diverse experiences that often generate breakthrough ideas and insights , " says Hal Gregersen , a professor at the European Institute of Business Administration .

  7. 企业管理学位

    a degree in business studies

  8. 最后,提出了MM电信企业管理创新新思路。

    Finally , MM telecommunications enterprise management innovation of new ideas .

  9. CIMS与企业管理

    CIMS and Business Management

  10. CIM哲理与现代企业管理模式

    CIM philosophy and contemporary business management model

  11. STS思想应用于建筑经济与企业管理教学实践探索

    Mix the ideology of STS with the study and practice of the course of architectonic economy and enterprise management

  12. 并进一步指出,在TPM的推行工作中企业管理者的理解与支持是关键因素。

    Furthermore , it pointed out that the understanding and support of managers are key factors in implementing TPM in enterprises .

  13. 加强全面预算管理提高企业管理水平

    Enhancing the overall budget management to increase the enterprise management level

  14. 企业管理信息系统的构建技术及应用

    A Method of the Construction and Application of Management Information System

  15. 现代企业管理思想演变的系统视角

    A Systematic Perspective of the Evolution of Modern Business Management Thought

  16. 加强和完善内部控制是企业管理中的一项重要工作。

    Strengthening internal control is a key job in business management .

  17. 利用信息技术建立有效的企业管理网络

    Utilizing the Information Technology to Set up the Effective Business Administration Network

  18. 加强企业管理,必须以财务管理为中心。

    Strengthening business management must take the financial management as the heart .

  19. 市场经济环境下我国制造企业管理探讨

    Investigation of the Chinese Manufacturing Enterprise Management in the Market Economy Environment

  20. 建立科学考核机制提高企业管理水平

    Establishing Scientific Examination Mechanism to Raise Enterprise Management Level

  21. 但是,什么是跨国企业管理系统?

    But , what is transnational enterprise management system ?

  22. 人力资本理论与中国金融企业管理

    On Manpower Capital Theory and Chinese Financial Industry Management

  23. 用于执行服务器和企业管理任务。

    Used to perform server and enterprise administration tasks .

  24. 我国民营科技企业管理水平的现状;

    The present situation of management level of that ;

  25. 企业管理人员应付方式与心理健康

    Coping Ways and Mental Health State of Enterprise Managers

  26. 知识管理&企业管理的重大革命

    Knowledge management & the important revolution in enterprise management

  27. 企业管理水平进一步提高;

    Enterprise management level has been further improved ;

  28. 企业管理机制与计算机集成制造系统

    Business Management Mechanism and Computer Intergrated Manufacturing System

  29. 论企业管理模式与企业管理现代化

    On Enterprise Management Model and Enterprise Management Modernization

  30. 加强企业管理,提高汽车维修质量

    Strengthen enterprise administration and promote auto repair quality