
  1. 基于CA的企业战略选择的演化博弈分析

    Evolution Game Analysis on Business-Strategy Based on Cellular Automata

  2. 本文建立企业战略选择演化博弈的CA模型,在CA的状态转换规则中运用进化算法。

    The cellular automaton model of evolution game on business - strategy choice is set up and evolution algorithm is used in the state conversion rule of cellular automaton .

  3. SWOT量化模型应用于企业战略选择中将定性方法和定量方法相结合,克服了传统SWOT分析法仅进行定性分析的缺点。

    SWOT quantification model is used in enterprise strategic choice which combines qualitative method and quantitative methods , and then overcame the traditional SWOT shortcomings only studying qualitative analysis .

  4. 基于循环经济的中小企业战略选择

    Strategic Choices of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Based on Circular Economy

  5. 市场退出战略是企业战略选择的重要内容。

    Market withdrawal strategy is an important content in enterprise strategy selectivity .

  6. 产业结构调整中的企业战略选择

    The Choice of Enterprise Strategy in Industrial Structure Adjustment

  7. 企业战略选择对企业成长发展具有决定性的意义。

    Enterprise strategy choice plays an significant role in process of enterprise development .

  8. 未来的企业战略选择

    On the Enterprise Strategy at Home for Future

  9. 基于元胞自动机模型的企业战略选择研究

    Selection of Enterprise Strategy Based on Cellular Automata

  10. 烟台市加工贸易企业战略选择的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Strategic Choice of the Processing Trade Enterprises in Yantai City

  11. 创业企业战略选择及成长模式研究

    Research of New Venture Strategies and Growth Patterns

  12. 不确定环境下的企业战略选择

    Enterprise Strategy Selection under Uncertain Environment

  13. 基于实物期权的科技型中小企业战略选择与柔性决策研究

    Research on the Strategic Choice and Flexibility Decision of Small and Medium-sized Technological Enterprises Based on Real Option

  14. 因此,管理者的社会联结关系会对企业战略选择和企业绩效产生影响。

    As a result , managers ' social ties are believed to affect firms ' strategic choices and performance .

  15. 其次分析了不同类型成本优势对出口企业战略选择的影响;

    Secondly , this paper explored the effect of different types of cost advantage on the strategic choice of the export firm .

  16. 从实践的角度诠释企业战略选择必须处理好的五种关系;

    2 > Explicating five relationships which should be well dealt with before determining an enterprise strategy policy by way of practice ;

  17. 例如必须重视国家产业政策对企业战略选择的影响,重视战略评估与控制以及慎重对待企业海外市场多元化发展的战略选择等。

    The company must attach importance to country policy , and strategy estimate and control , and careful to the oversea development in future .

  18. 梳理了公司治理结构的理论分析框架,分析了公司治理结构对大型集团企业战略选择的影响,基于两种治理模式的基本特征,指出两种模式下的公司治理结构对战略选择的影响。

    Hackled the theories framework , analyzed the influence of governance on their strategy choice for national enterprises on the basis of two governance patterns .

  19. 现代管理中一套能够全面、科学地评价企业战略选择的定量化模型对企业的生存和发展有着十分重要的意义。

    In modern management , it is of vital importance for an enterprise to have a quantitative model that can make all-direction and scientific evaluation of its strategic decisions .

  20. 论文最后就市场结构的三个主要方面对物流企业战略选择以及上海物流业未来的发展提出自己的意见和建议。

    Finally , I put forward my own comments and suggestions on strategic choice for the logistics enterprises and the future development of logistics industry of Shanghai from the three main aspect of market structure .

  21. 组织适应的有效性取决于企业战略选择、技术选择和组织方式选择的内在一致性,单纯某一层面的改变并不能有效解决组织适应问题。

    The adaptation effectiveness of the organization depends on the internal consistency of chooses for strategies , technology and organizational ways . Only simple changes in one level can not effectively solve the adaptability of the organization .

  22. 旅游企业战略选择与战略实施是现代企业研究的重大理论命题,也是旅游企业战略管理亟待解决的现实问题。

    Strategy choice & strategy implementation of tourist enterprises is one of major theoretical topics for the study of modern enterprises , as well as a practical problem needed prompt solution for tourist enterprises ' strategy management .

  23. 因此,企业战略选择决不仅仅是纯理性的逻辑推演结果,而是以一定的价值观为基础的理想追求和使命驱动。

    Therefore , the choice of business strategy is not only a logic inference of pure rationality , but also is a pursuit in " ideal " and a motive of " mission " based on certain value .

  24. 结合前人的研究归纳总结了进行差异化、持续专注、贴近客户、控制成本、建立壁垒、不囿于地域、保持适度规模等七种专家型企业战略选择,以及这些战略存在的风险。

    And it summarizes seven specialists ' strategies which is making different , sustained concentration , closing to customer , controlling the cost ,, founding the rampart , breaching zone , maintaining appropriate size , in addition the risks of these strategies .

  25. 从两个角度来研究社会复杂系统的模拟:第一,元胞自动机在企业战略选择中的模拟与分析;第二,元胞自动机对个人行为取向的模拟与分析。

    The simulation of the complex social system is carried out from two perspectives : first , simulation and analysis of Cellular Automata in the choice of enterprise strategy ; second , simulation and analysis of Cellular Automata in the orientation of individual behaviors .

  26. 最后,从企业战略选择、企业文化建设、完善组织结构、有效运用信息系统以及强化监督、优化评价系统等角度提出应如何建设以提升企业价值为目标的内部控制体系。

    Finally , put forward how to construct the internal control system which based on improving enterprise value , from the enterprise strategy , enterprise culture construction , improve the organizational structure , effective use of information system and strengthening supervision and optimization evaluation system .

  27. OEM生产企业质量战略选择和实施研究

    Study on Choose and Implement for Quality Strategy in OEM Enterprise

  28. SWOT分析模型在乌鲁木齐邮政物流企业发展战略选择中的应用

    Application of SWOT Analysis Model to the Development Strategic Selection of Post Logistics Enterprises in Urumqi

  29. 经济危机条件下物流企业的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of Logistics Enterprises in the Condition of Economic Crisis

  30. 基于博弈论的企业并购战略选择模型研究

    Study on Strategic Choice Model of Mergers and Acquisitions Game Theory-based