
  1. 文章认为企业的薪酬机制应该与企业的经营战略相匹配,在不同的经营战略下应实施不同的薪酬机制。

    Enterprise 's compensation mechanism should match its marketing strategy .

  2. 论企业薪酬机制与经营战略的匹配

    Matching of enterprise compensation mechanism and marketing strategy

  3. 构建适应现代商业银行运营要求的收入分配制度,使薪酬战略与经营战略相匹配,是国有商业银行股份制改造、加快内部经营机制转换的重要内容。

    Designing an income distribution system which fits for a modern commercial bank and aligning the compensation strategy with its business strategy , for a state-owned bank , is an important task in the process of the reconstruction of its ownership and the transition of its inner operation system .