
  • 网络973 program;Program 973
  1. 本文依托国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(编号:2005CB724205),针对目前城市交通现状结合机动车和行人各自的交通特性,提出相应的人行横道合理间距。

    The paper studies vehicle and pedestrian traffic characteristics based on a grant from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China ( 973 Program ) ( No. 2005CB724205 ), propose the relevant reasonable distances .

  2. 973计划资源环境领域数据汇交进展与数据分析

    Data Archiving Progress and Data Types Analysis of National Basic Research Program of China ( 973 Program ) in Resource and Environment Field

  3. 本文的研究任务来源于国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题《坝堤溃决风险分析理论与评估方法》(课题编号:2007CB714107)。

    This work is supported by a grant from the National Basic Research Program of China ( Project No. 2007CB714107 ) .

  4. 本论工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(10802017)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2010CB832704)的资助。

    The current thesis was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 10802017 ) and the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China ( 2010CB832704 ) .

  5. 针对目前这种现状,为了实现可持续发展的战略需要,关于煤矸石的基础研究已被纳入国家973计划&《国家重点基础研究发展规划》项目(编号2001CB610703)之中。

    In order to meet the need of sustainable development strategy , the basic research about coal gangue has already been included in " 973 " plan of country , namely national key basic research development programming project ( serial number : 2001CB610703 ) .

  6. 国家重点实验室计划为基础研究创建了一个稳定平台&在国家重点实验室计划20周年、973计划5周年纪念大会上的发言

    The Program of State Key Laboratory Creates the Stable Platform for Basic Research

  7. 目前,还不清楚共有几个研究机构参与了973计划的中医研究项目。

    It is not yet clear how many institutions the973 Programme 's traditional medicine project will fund .

  8. 总结经验锐意创新开创我国基础研究工作新局面&在国家重点实验室计划20周年、973计划5周年纪念大会上的工作报告

    Summarizing the Experiences and Innovating with Determination to Open the New Prospect of Basic Research in Our Country

  9. 将中医研究纳入973计划,政府就可以支持这一领域的系统研究。

    By including traditional medicine in the973 Programme , the government would support systematic research into its central theories , said Cheng .

  10. 松科一井是为获取白垩系完整的地层资料而在我国松辽盆地布置的环境科学钻探工程,是国家973计划项目的重要组成部分。

    Songliao Scientific Drilling Engineering was started for full data of strata in the Cretaceous , and was an important part of973 Project in China .

  11. 随着核电事业的发展和国家的重大需求,核主泵制造的关键科学问题被列为国家973计划项目。

    Along with the development of nuclear power industry and the major needs of state , " the Key Scientific Problems of Manufacturing Nuclear Main Pump " was classified as the National 973 Plan Project .

  12. 国家973计划项目SI/HCCI原理性样机试验和可视化试验研究中,需要实现缸内直喷的灵活控制,所以,本课题的任务是完成缸内直喷汽油机综合控制试验装置的开发。

    The main task of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive control test device on gasoline direct injection engine to meet the needs of a national 973 projectSI / HCCI prototype test and visualization test .

  13. 我国政府对桥梁的安全状况也非常重视,国家973计划及交通部九五计划等也都对桥梁健康监测系统研究进行了资助。

    Our government also values very much to the bridge 's healthy monitoring . The bridge 's healthy monitoring projects are aided by nation 's 973 plan and the Ministry of Transportation & Communications 's 95 plan etc.

  14. 特别是在机械科学研究院期间,参与了国家973计划数据共享项目和维护科技部管理信息系统,使自己受益最多。

    Especially in Machinery Institute of Science & Technology , I participated in the " data sharing project " of national 973 plan and maintained and improved the management Information System for Ministry of Science and Technology , which benefit me most .

  15. 在2004年立项的973计划项目大规模煤炭直接液化的基础研究中,02课题主要研究煤液化反应产物的热力学性质。

    The second task of the fundamental research project on large-scale direct coal liquefaction , issued in the 973 program " Basic research on large scale direct coal liquefaction " in 2004 , is to study the thermodynamic properties of the liquefaction products .

  16. “973计划’,首席科学家3名,长江学者特聘教授7名,国家级有突出贡献专家1'1名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者7名,国家优秀青年教师基金获得者11名,各类正副高级职称的人员1000余人。

    in-chief of " Project 973 " in China , 7 Professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 11 nationally accredited experts with outstanding contributions , 5 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Scientific Fund , 7 gainers of the Fund of National Excellent Young Teacher , over 1000 full time professors and associate professors .